“Ah! Monsters…”



In the entire church, because of the appearance of alien insects, it became a pot of porridge, and the urban legend that was originally just a conversation after everyone’s tea suddenly appeared in front of him, in addition to panic, he was still panicked.

Heavenly Dao was not affected in any way.

Face away from the worm.

Even the speed of speech did not change at all.

“Grandma once said that Ru can do the way of heaven, and the general manager has everything.”

His words were finished.

The insect caught up with the bride, who was wearing a white wedding dress and could not escape, and wanted to do something to her, so Xiao Xu pulled the corners of Natsume’s clothes.

Kind, she can’t bear to watch other people die.


“Ah, I know.”

Natsume touched Xiao Xu’s head.

Tiandao’s eyes widened.

Natsume this guy dared…

‘Bang! ’

Natsume took out the card box gun, purple-black laser bullet, shot towards the insect, hit the insect’s body in an instant, the insect ate pain, took two steps back, made a ‘quack’ sound, and looked at Natsume angrily.

“Heavenly Dao, protect Xiao Xu.”

Natsume took out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.

“Needless to say, I’ll do it too!”

Tiandao said.

The tone is arrogant.

Natsume shrugged, and when the drive was placed on his waist, a belt automatically extended out, and in his hand, he held a transformation card with a pattern printed on it.

“Wait, that drive…”

Tiandao was stunned.

Knights of the ZECT belong to a completely different series.

Natsume feeds the card into the drive.

Push with both hands.


【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

Black ghosts, gathered in the body.

Seven negatives, dive into the head.

In an instant.

Natsume transformed into the Kamen Rider Dark Emperor Rider, and the card box gun in his hand was also converted into a card box sword by him, swaying in posture, wiping the sword, and walking towards the alien step by step.

“Dark Emperor Ride!”

Tendo watched Natsume transform.

He knows.

Natsume, the knight who had rescued the tree flower from the hands of the alien worm outside Seika Middle School, finally met, and Tendo felt very happy, but when he thought of the worship of the tree flower and Xiao Xu’s trust…

Happy quickly turns into bad.



Outside the church, people who fled in panic encountered monsters again, screaming in fear.

Tiandao raised his eyebrows.

Bring Xiao Xu to the corner of the church.

“Xiaoxu, you stay here, don’t run around.”

He instructed.

“Don’t worry, Natsume-kun… Will protect me. ”

Xiao Xu watched the battle between the Dark Emperor Rider and the Insect and whispered.

Heavenly Dao: …

Damn it!

He wasn’t worried about the alien worm, but about the Natsume guy!

Tiandao felt that he had been hit by an arrow in his heart.

My sister seemed to be leaving herself.

And also.

Xiao Xu’s true identity….

Will it be accepted?

The screams outside the church pulled Tiandao’s thoughts back to reality, and after placing Xiao Xu, Tiandao ran out of the church, and an equally unmolted larvae drove humans with great might.

There were mottled blood stains on the ground, and people were already persecuted by them.

Further afield.

There is also an adult spider and three larvae, which Zect arrived with the Phantom Force and the Kamen Rider Queenbee, are fighting.

Tiandao slowly raised his head.

The insect instrument was summoned by him.

The future was held tightly by him.


Attach the insect meter to the belt.

【Henshin! 】

Mechanical electronic synthesized sound up.

Heavy armor covered the body of Heavenly Dao.


The glass that refracted the colorful light in the church shattered directly, and the larvae fighting with huge carapaces smashed through the windows and flew out upside down, grunting and rolling on the ground several times before stopping.

The Dark Emperor rode a lonely figure and walked out after him.

The larvae that fought with the armor were also punched out at this time.

‘neatly’ fell in the same place.



The insect screamed.

The two brothers and brothers stood up, the temperature continued to rise, the air gradually boiled, and the body of the alien worm continued to turn red because of the heating, successfully molting, and became the evolutionary form of the alien insect


Purple strange body, yellow dotted in different positions.

These are two adult scorpions without whiplash!

After molting.

The two adult worms instantly enter ultra-high-speed motion.

Looked at.

Koto uses ‘cast.off’ to transform from the Kamen form to the Knight form, and Natsume also takes out Faiz’s Kamen Driving and Form Steering Cards, and changes into the Kamen Rider Faiz Acceleration Form.

【Clock.Up! 】

【Start.Up! 】

Two different electronic tones sounded almost at the same time.

Meet in realms invisible to the naked eye.

At this time, the royal bee beat the adult spider worm here.

Three knights, three adults, come together.

“Jia Dou!”

Yacha wanted to speak in a low tone.

Capturing the armor bucket, recycling the belt and the armor insect instrument is the task assigned to him by his superiors!

As for the Dark Emperor Rider, it is not under his control for the time being.

“Oh? Are you really the royal bee. ”

The Heavenly Dao seemed to be clear in his heart.

“This voice, you are…”

Yache was stunned.

Heavenly Dao took his words, “The way of heaven, the commander-in-chief of all people.” ”

“It’s you!”

With these words, Yacha remembered the strange man he met when he bought tofu the other day.

He claims to have the power of the Heavenly Dao.

Jia Dou is actually by my side?

The momentum is faintly tense.

“If you want to fight, I will accept all the insect orders.”

Natsume said.

Dashing flicked his hand.

Accelerated watch countdown: ‘3’.

Jump up.

A series of twelve red electric drills locked all the alien insects, fixed them in place, accelerated Faiz to constantly shuttle through them, and the terrifying power spread in the body of the alien insects.

A wave of beautiful crimson twelve!

Instant explosion.

Natsume exited acceleration mode, and the armor of Faiz on his body turned into a shadow and dispersed, returning to the state of the Dark Emperor Rider.

Three hundred points to hand.

Jia Dou and Imperial Bee, who were also in a state of super high speed, withdrew from super high speed with a confused look.

“Don’t fight?”

Dark, melon-eating masses, emperor riding rubbed the blade of the card box sword and asked.

Heavenly Dao: ……

Yacha: ……

Just a whole mussel.

“This guy is pestering, no interest, Natsume remember to bring Xiaoxu back safely.”

Tiandao shrugged and said.

【Clock.Up! 】

He patted the induction device of his belt.

Enter the super high speed and disappear in an instant.

Yacha didn’t want to catch up.



Not the time to fight.

He commanded the members of the Phantom Squad to clean up the mess, and Natsume also lifted his transformation, took Xiao Xu, and drove out of the church, and today’s wedding ended in a tragic way.

“Is that, Natsume?”

Natsume is the Dark Emperor Rider?

Kagami’s eyes widened.


ps: ask for all kinds of data!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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