

Kagami can’t tell exactly what kind of mood she feels, but the more righteous Kamen Riders, the smaller the chance that the insect will run rampant in the city, and the fewer people will suffer because of the insect.

Because I had been in the rain, I wanted to hold an umbrella for others.

He didn’t want anyone to go through the destruction of his family because of the alien worm, and the parting of life and death….

“You have to come on too, Kagami!”

Cheer yourself up.

Together with her companions from the Phantom Squad, Kagami continues to collect the bodily fluids left by the explosion of the alien insects, as well as the cobwebs spit out by the adult spiders, and the green venom spit out by the adult scorpion-free insects.

This is the request of the superiors.

It is said that it is necessary to use the body tissues of the alien worm, develop new weapons specifically against the alien worm, and the experiment is handed over to special personnel, and the task of collecting materials can only be made for their front-line troops to come.

Kagami is very motivated.

If you can’t become a knight….

He also wants to do what he can!

The sun is always after the storm.


The air is very fresh.

Yacha wanted to walk out of the magnificent Gothic church, looked up, and saw the clear blue sky, white clouds, dotted above, and the sun quietly appeared after the wind and rain.

Sprinkle a warm glow.

It’s a superb view.

It’s heartwarming.

But when you are in a good mood, no matter what the scenery, you can’t help but appreciate it and find the beauty hidden in it, and when you are in a bad mood, even the most beautiful scenery is like being in hell.

Yache’s mood is not good.

There seems to be a cloud in the sky called Jia Dou.

Hard to reach!

“Jia Dou, next time I will definitely put you…”


He seemed to have fallen into some kind of reincarnation, and it was difficult to get out.

Natsume drove Xiao Xu back to the restaurant.

The most lively time at noon had passed, there were no customers in the shop, and Takemiya Hiroko was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks on the table, and looked up just in time to see Natsume and Xiaoxu walking in.

“Xiaoxu, Brother Natsume, you are back, how is the wedding?”

She asked with a smile.

Xiao Xu lowered his head when he heard this.

I don’t know what to say.

“What’s wrong?”

Takemiya Hongko noticed Xiao Xu’s low mood.

“The wedding site has been attacked and the wedding has been forced to cancel.”

Natsume said.


“That’s really bad luck, you guys weren’t hurt, right?”

Takemiya bow was a little worried.

“Didn’t… It’s okay. ”

“We’re okay.”

Natsume said.

As for the specific reasons for the failure of the wedding, he did not elaborate and will not be reported.

Basically, it will only spread in a small area.

It is an urban legend and depicts a strong stroke.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Takemiya bow breathed a sigh of relief.

If something happened to Xiao Xu and Natsume because of her request to go to the wedding, she would never forgive herself!



Tiandao prepares dinner in the kitchen, it is a tofu feast, Chinese cold tofu, mapo tofu, crucian carp tofu soup…

Carrying a satchel and a short skirt of her school uniform, Shuhua hummed a song, pushed open the door and walked into the house.

“I’m back.”

She put her schoolbag on the sofa, walked to the dining table, and looked at the dishes that had been prepared on the table, all the colors and aromas were complete, so Shuhua couldn’t help swallowing her saliva, “Brother, today’s dinner is so rich!” ”

“Ha~, it’s ready right away, wash your hands quickly and prepare for dinner.”

“Received, brother!”

Tree flowers bouncing to wash their hands.

Tiandao smiled slightly.

At the dinner table.

Shuhua happily ate the whole tofu feast made by her brother, delicious food, refreshing, swept away the troubles on her body, Shuhua recently felt as if she had gained weight, and originally wanted to eat less at night.

But my brother’s cooking is so delicious!


Only when they are full, do they have the strength to lose weight, and Shuhua comforts herself in her heart.

Tiandao picked up the newspaper and continued to read it.

It was the morning newspaper, and he hadn’t finished reading it.

In the morning, after noticing the newspaper report about the ‘wedding attack’, Tiandao went to the wedding site in the B-4 area, disguised as a priest and waited for the arrival of the alien worm.

Encountering Natsume and Yaga was a complete accident.

Read the newspaper quickly.

In addition to the incidents that have already been resolved, the other reports do not hide the oddities.

“That’s right, brother.”

Shuhua remembered something.

“What’s wrong?”

Tiandao raised his head.

“Tomorrow is the weekend, and Nanako and I made an appointment to go to Kuriyama Park to play tennis together.”

“In this case, do you need me to accompany you?”

“No need, hasn’t my brother already found what he was waiting for? Tomorrow it’s all girls in the class, no problem. ”

“If something happens, call me.”


Shuhua smiled sweetly, she was looking forward to tomorrow.

A villa area in Tokyo.

Natsume house.

After sending Xiao Xu back to the restaurant, he located the coordinates from the dark space, went straight home, and as soon as he got home, he got into the gym and started to exercise, his body was sweating like rain.

This is the result of more than two hours of continuous exercise under high-intensity exercise.

Natsume was shirtless, beads of sweat dripping on his angular muscles.

He stood up and picked up the cloth hanging on the side to wipe his sweat.

“Physical qualities beyond human limits… It’s really enhanced a lot. ”

Natsume sighed.

In the past, such high-intensity training still felt it, but now in addition to sweat, his face is not red and breathless, and he even feels that he can come for another two or three hours.

Rest for a while.

Natsume washed up and rested.

One night without a word.

The next day.

Natsume got up early, and his schedule was stable all the while.

After quickly packing up, he entered the system space to extract the projection.

Today’s projection is: Kamen Rider Dragon’s Teeth.

After defeating it.

In his card box, he added the knight card of the dragon’s tooth, opened the card box, and took out all the knight cards.

In fact, the card box is connected to the Kettle of Klein, and any card can appear according to his wishes.

That’s an infinite container, which can also provide unlimited energy for driving the card box gun mode….

Look at the Knight card.

The corners of Natsume’s mouth raised a slight arc.

This is still not the end.

Compared to the cards of the full knight, it is far from it!


ps: ask for all kinds of data!

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