The weather is good today.

There was no rainy and rainy day of yesterday morning, nor was it a gray cloudy day, and the sun rose from the horizon early in the morning and shone its own light on this planet and on this earth.

Natsume stood in the courtyard and carved out the space and entered the dark space he carried with him.

A separate world filled with blackness and destruction.

Everything is chaotic.

This dark space, after fusing and binding with Natsume, becomes a small world that belongs to Natsume, and even if Kamen Rider King Sword and Natsume of the Holy Blade World travel through the dark space at the same time, only Natsume himself can enter this unique space.

In short, Natsume can choose to enter his own special dark space, or the dark space connected by the dark sword moon, but Wang Jian cannot.

Natsume still likes this setting.

He sees dark space as his own little world.

Who likes people to hang around when they have nothing to do?

Enter the dark space.

Natsume went alone.

‘Love you walking alone in a dark alley, love the way you don’t kneel…’

Humming hot songs from past lives.

Natsume could feel that his gradual improvement in control of this dark space did not allow him to ‘follow his words’ like a god, creating heaven and earth and creating living beings in the dark space.

His control comes from mastering the coordinates of space and the intuition that feeds back into his head.

Walking into here, he seems to have acquired a special ability, in the dark, can sense where there are alien insects, the dark sword moon can allow people to peek into the future, no matter how it is, will end in destruction.

Controlling the Card Box Sword can transform into a Dark Sword Moon Dark.

But the essence of the actual has not changed.

The connection inside the card box sword will only be the Kettle of Klein.


That kind of direct viewing into the future does not exist!

That ability is not given by the dark sword moon, but this dark space, Natsume also has a hunch, along with his deepening control of the dark space, the ability to sense the appearance of weirdos can be realized without entering the dark space.

To be precise, that kind of flashing ending is somewhat like Ajituo’s special induction of the angel (Unknown), but the number and scope of perception have all expanded.

Natsume hummed a song as he walked while studying the dark space.

If a worm appears, he can also go quickly.

It’s a one-size-fits-all thing.


Heavenly Taoist.

Shuhua carried a tennis racket on her back and ran down the stairs quickly.

“Good morning, brother!”

She wears an off-white sports suit and an empty cap of the same color, and looks energetic.

“It seems that I am looking forward to today’s exercise.”

Tiandao puts exquisite breakfast on the table.

“Yes, this was agreed upon at the beginning of school.”

Shuhua said with a smile.

“Then come and eat.”

Heavenly Dao tapped on Shuhua’s forehead.

“It hurts…”

Covering his forehead, the tree flower, like a little hamster, walked to his place at the table.

“It’s all hard, okay.”

Tiandao rolled his eyes.


Shuhua playfully stuck out her tongue.

Start eating.

Tiandao took a cup of coffee and drank it leisurely.


Kuriyama Park is one of the largest parks in Tokyo with a large area.

There are multiple facilities including a stadium, tennis court, rowing court, etc.

On weekends, many people gather here.

There are both men and women, young and old.

Shuhua took the train and soon came to Kuriyama Park, standing at the entrance of the park and waiting, and after a while, her good friend Nanako Kamiki also hurriedly arrived, and they were dressed similarly.

Full of youthful vitality.

“Nanako, here!”

Shuhua beckoned.

Nanako trotted over, sweating a little, looked at the tree flower and asked, “What about the others?” ”

“I don’t know, it should already be inside.”

“Then let’s go.”


The two held hands and walked together towards the tennis court in the park.

The speed is not slow.

Soon they arrived at the tennis court, where there were already people playing, girls of the same age in the class.

“Shuhua, Nanako, you are here.”

Warm and friendly friends.

“Well, have you arrived?”

Tree flowers look around.

“What about Junko-chan?”

“It doesn’t seem to have come yet…”

“In this case, then let’s wait while we play.”

Shuhua and Nanako began to warm up.

Not for a while.

A girl wearing black-framed glasses appeared, she was carrying a tennis racket, she looked very stiff and mechanical, her eyes, not looking around, just looking at the tennis court.

She quickly walked towards the tennis court.


Nanako shouted with some surprise.

She thought that she still had the slowest tree flowers waiting for her to come in, but she didn’t expect Junko to be slower than her.

It seems that Nanako’s voice was heard.

Junko didn’t answer her.

“What’s wrong with you? Junko. ”

“If it’s uncomfortable, don’t play, just watch.”

“We won’t blame you!”

Suddenly, in the small tennis court, everyone was very enthusiastic.

There’s nothing to be foolish.

Shuka examines Junko’s current posture.

She always felt that Junko’s state was a little familiar.

Wait a minute!

It seems that something was remembered.

Shuhua’s memory goes back to the day when she first encountered the creature ‘Worm’ in the city, and in the morning she went to school as usual, only to meet a stalker in the alley outside the school.

Following her was a strange man, whose expression, similar to Junko’s, looked very stiff.

Xenomorphs are capable of perfect mimicry.

Whether it is memory, words and deeds, it can be reproduced one by one.

So the insect mimicry looks no different from ordinary people.

As for why are alien insects so weird sometimes?

Probably out of interest.

Junko stays where she is.


Expressionless, she suddenly opened her mouth, revealing a strange smile like a crooked mouth dragon king, and made a ‘nourishing’ sound in her mouth, which suddenly faded the human skin on her body and turned into a foreign insect.

At the same time.

Not far from the tennis court, in the competition square, where children like to go, there are also several people who have turned into alien insects one after another.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Screams, one after another.

Dark space.

Natsume suddenly opened his eyes.

“Insect, appeared…”


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