Open your eyes.

Natsume, who was in a dark space, stopped, stopped somewhere, and slowly walked in a certain direction, as if it was the guidance of fate, allowing him to move in a certain direction.

“The spatial coordinates are becoming clearer.”

“It’s here!”

He muttered.

Immediately afterwards, his entire body melted into the darkness and completely disappeared in place.

Kuriyama Park.

In the square where many children play, alien insects that mimic humans completely show their own posture.

Not far away, a man carrying a violin case containing cosmetics followed by a little girl passed by.

“Daisuke, look there!”

The amnesiac little girl pointed to the square not far away.

Daisuke Kazama turned to look.

Is that… Insect!

He frowned.

Many children, as well as Bao’s mother, were frightened by the alien insects and panicked.

“It is my mission to love all women, Xiaoyan, you stay here.”

Daisuke Kazama took the violin case to Koyan.

In his right hand, he took out the handle of the Drake gun.

The Thunder Fly Insect Instrument followed the call of the fittest, and on the wings of the Thunder Fly Insect Instrument, a beam of faster-than-light particles condensed, as if it was transformed into a sharp blade in an instant.

Constantly cutting on the insect.

Splash stirring sparks.

Then, the Thunder Fly Insect Instrument landed on the handle of the gun held by Daisuke Kazama and combined into a gun body.


Kamen Rider Thunderfly, here’s it!

Tennis court.

‘Junko’ turned into a worm, and the friends who agreed to come to the park to play tennis together on Saturday were immediately confused, they didn’t know that there were monsters hidden around them!

They quickly fled.

The insect did not hesitate and directly attacked.

No specific person is chosen.

Catching up with the nearest tree flower, a pair of claws directly grabbed the tree flower from behind, the strength of the larvae is not strong, but for humans, it is still terrifying, this claw down, the tree flower will definitely disappear.

“Tree flowers! Come on! ”

Nanako Kamiki, the good sister of Shuhua, saw the action of the insect from the afterglow of her sight, and immediately shouted, pursed her lips to try to overcome the fear in her heart, and picked up the tennis ball next to her and smashed it towards the insect.

Her behavior did attract the attention of the insect.

Beside the insect, the phantom of ‘Junko’ emerged.

With an eerie smile on his face :

“Nanako, after the tree flower, it’s you.”

The attack of the insect did not stand still.


A black vortex appeared out of thin air, a sharp blade, blocking the claws of the insect, and then slashed hard, accompanied by the sound of ‘stabbed’, the insect ate pain, and took several steps back.

Shuhua got up and ran to Nanako’s side.

Escaping from death made Shuhua breathe a sigh of relief.

This was the second time she had encountered a worm.

Tree Flower looked at the black swirl.

His gaze fell on the card-box sword.

She remembered the sword.

It was the weapon used by the knight who had saved her.

Natsume came out of the dark space.

He also saw Fang Cai’s scene.

The girl was very nice.

When she was attacked by a terrifying weirdo and faced a life and death crisis, she still did not abandon her friends, except for her and Shuhua, others had already run far away, of course, that was human nature.

It can’t be said that others are wrong!

Natsume pulled the sides of the Dark Emperor Rider drive around his waist.

Remove another card from the drive.

Insert into the drive to read.

【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

The illusory ghost flickered, and the Dark Emperor Rider covered in dark armor descended!

“Wow! So handsome! ”

“Did you see the tree flowers?”

Nanako’s eyes widened.

This girl is a bit of a middle two.

Shuhua nodded gently.

This is the person who saved her before, a very handsome and warm big brother.

After Natsume completes his transformation.

Habitually wiping the sword, and then, holding the driving card box sword, he quickly slashed at the alien worm, the speed was extremely fast, the alien insect could not dodge, could only raise two claws, crossed in front of him to block the slash of the dark emperor horse.


The arthropods on the insect’s claws were directly cut off by the sharp card-box sword, and green blood splashed.

‘Quack! ’

The insect cried out strangely, seemingly wailing in pain.

His body also changed with pain.

On the green body, long tentacles grow.

The body color changes to a dry yellow.

Everywhere on the body, there are sharp barbed arthropods.

The lower limbs have become very healthy!

Adult locusts!

After molting.

The alien insect jumped, jumped to a height of more than thirty meters, and fell from the sky with a punch towards the Dark Emperor, and a pair of dark blue compound eyes had already captured the movement of the alien insect.

He also clenched his right fist, and the dark energy fluctuations also converged on his hand.

The huge power was instantly poured out by him.

The adult locust was originally prepared to use his jumping ability to surprise and increase the strength of his own attack, but he did not expect that the attack of the Dark Emperor Rider was more fierce than him.

A powerful energy collided.

The Dark Emperor rode still.

And he rolled and flew back upside down.

Under the pain, he entered a super-high-speed movement.

The Dark Emperor Rider once again uses the Knight Harness Card.

【Kamen.Ride.Ketaros! 】

【Kamen Driving Copper Bucket】

Known as the Bronze Horseman.

Kamen Rider, based on the Kamma Soybean Bug, appeared.

【Clock.Up! 】

Mechanical sound up.

Natsume also entered the ultra-high-speed field with adult locusts.

Suddenly, the world seemed to stop moving.

The super-high-speed moving alien insects and Natsume seem to be moving at thousands of times the speed of humans, but for Natsume and Natsume who are also in ultra-high-speed motion, there is no difference from ordinary scenes.

Natsume’s battle, relaxed and freehanded.

One punch, one kick.

There are rules and regulations.

In battle, he is often able to effectively respond to sudden enemy attacks and return fire in a targeted manner, and the adult locust is repelled again, but this time Natsume is not ready to let him go.

Kill to read!

【Rider.Beat! 】

On the blade in the form of a gun-sword, faster-than-light particles converged, condensed into a blade of light that was enough to kill everything, and rushed forward with an arrow, slashing down towards the body of the alien insect.

Cut it off directly.

【Clock.Over! 】

Boom one by one

Insect explosion.


PS: Thanks to ‘Earthly Leisure.’ for the great monthly pass support!

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