Tiandao is busy in the kitchen.

Natsume watched TV with Shuhana on the sofa in the living room, it was a rare leisure time, he had been tense since the ‘Shibuya Meteorite’ incident after traveling to this world for so long.

Learn a wide variety of knowledge, fighting techniques.

Hide in the city and fight terrifying alien insects.

Not long ago, the system rebooted.

Natsume has found a way to transcend himself, and his journey will not end there, and he is still working tirelessly, fighting and projecting in the system space, and searching for the signs of the alien worm day by day.

This kind of life is still full of ‘complexity’.

On TV, the latest romance drama is played.

Ah Zhen is in love with Ah Qiang, Ah Qiang is in love with Ah Qian, Ah Qian and Ah Zhen are good sisters….

The blood of the plot, watching Natsume is speechless.

The tree flower looked at it very seriously.

In fact, Natsume prefers to watch the live-action version of Sailor Moon, relax and relax, suitable for all ages.

It’s a pity that this world doesn’t.


The refreshing fragrance came from the kitchen.

Another hour passed.

The main thing is that it took a relatively long time to boil the soup.

Tiandao brought the food to the table and shouted towards the living room

“It’s time to eat.”

“Okay, Brother Natsume, my brother’s cooking is delicious.”

Shuhana took Natsume’s hand and walked towards the restaurant.

Heavenly Dao: Stare….

Death gaze.

The corners of Natsume’s mouth twitched slightly.

“The color and fragrance are complete, and the craftsmanship is unexpectedly good.”

“Of course…”

Tiandao said arrogantly.

“However, this mackerel miso is a little less interesting than Xiaoxu’s.”

Tiandao’s eyebrows jumped.

This guy did it on purpose!

“Well, the mackerel miso made by Sister Xiaoxu is indeed delicious.”

Shuhua also nodded and said.

Tiandao: “…”

I felt like I had been hit in the heart.

Shuhua even said the same.

Even if it’s a fact.

I don’t know how to save some face for my brother.


Natsume waited for Tendo to clean up before he was ready to leave.

Shuhua beckoned.

“Brother Natsume, come often when you have time.”

Natsume nodded.

Tendo sends Natsume out.

“The Tree Flower Thing… Thank you. ”

Tiandao said.

“Raise your hand, how to hang your teeth, this is not to invite me to dinner.”

Natsume smiled slightly.

“But don’t hit my sister’s idea.”

“I’m not interested in little girls.”

Copper smelting, he doesn’t have that proclivity.

“Hmph, so Xiao Xu, you are…”

Tiandao snorted coldly.

“Tomorrow morning, Harbor C-3 Pier, I’ll wait for you.”



“Of course not, I’m afraid you’ll lose.”

“Grandma said that fate will definitely be on my side as long as I want, so you still worry about yourself.”

“Well, see you all.”

Natsume swipes his card and summons the black mechanical decade.

Drive away.

Tiandao withdrew his gaze and walked into the room.



The shaky sunset dyed everything a bloody red.

ZECT headquarters.

In a dimly lit room, Yacha wanted to stand beside Masato Mishima.

“Captain Ya, the progress of the mission is a little too slow.”

Masato Mishima said in a calm tone.

Without any emotion.

His whole person is like a cold machine.

“Mishima-san, I have found the traces of the Armor-Fighting Adaptor and the Dark Emperor Rider Shapeshifter, and the Knight Capture Plan will be completed soon…”

Before Yacha could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Masato Mishima.

“The matter of the Dark Emperor Ride, you don’t need to worry, let’s think carefully about the matter of Jia Dou, the superiors have high hopes for you, don’t let us wait too long.”

After Masato Mishima finished speaking, he left directly.

Yache wanted to clasp his hands together, as if he was suppressing something, and his body couldn’t stop trembling.

After leaving the conversation room, Masato Mishima returned to his office.

Sit down in a chair.

Fingers tapped lightly on the table.

“Dark Emperor Ride, Natsume.”

“Protozo and Mr. Kagami have completely different attitudes towards the Dark Emperor Rider, what the hell is that guy…”

At this time, a woman wearing a white ant soldier costume walked in from outside the door.

“Mr. Mishima, you are looking for me.”

Renka Takatori, an excellent trainee in the ZECT unit personally taught by Masato Mishima, is a member of the reserve unit ‘Bright Ant Soldiers’ and is good at fighting with tightrope.

Seven years of training, combat, espionage, on-the-spot response… Proficient in everything.

“Join Shuichi Tiansho’s troops, transfer appointment letter, I have already assigned it, your mission is to approach and monitor the Dark Emperor Rider, here is his picture.”

Masato Mishima opened the drawer, took out a photo, and flew towards Renka Takatori.

Takatori Lianhua grabbed the photo easily.

The photos have been specially treated.

Before and after Natsume’s transformation, they all appeared.


Taka Tori Lianhua nodded, a fake smile on her face.



Night falls.

Yacha wanted to walk out of the zect headquarters alone, and subconsciously walked in a certain direction, which was the direction of Bsitro’s restaurant, Yacha wanted to know that in that place, he must be able to find the person he wanted.

Bsitro restaurant.

Natsume was eating, and after leaving the Tendo house in the afternoon, he solved a few more alien insects, and the combination of precognition of dark space and space jumping was really very convenient.

He felt like he was about to become a model worker.

Xiao Xu stood at the kitchen window and quietly looked at Natsume.

As long as that’s it, that’s it.

A sweet smile appeared on her face.

‘Bang! ’

The door was opened somewhat rudely.

Yacha, who was wearing a suit, wanted to walk in.

“It’s you…”

Natsume turned to look.

Yacha thought that there was no expression on his face, but his burning gaze kept falling on Natsume’s body.

“That guy isn’t there, you can too!”

His voice was low.

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

He probably knew what was going on.

Get up slowly.


Xiao Xu was a little worried.

“It’s okay Xiaoxu, I can handle it.”

Natsume said with a smile.

Then walk out the door.

Yachi wants to keep up naturally.

A full moon illuminates the night sky.

Park not far from Bsitro.

“No need for extra knights, defeat you before defeating the armor.”

Yachi tried to roll up his sleeves, revealing the knight’s bracelet.

“How dare I say it…”

Natsume chuckled.

“If you insist on it, lost royal bee, let’s use it as an after-dinner exercise.”


ps: Thanks to ‘Tenshin Legend, Tenjin’ for the great monthly pass support!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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