In the sky above night, the royal bee insect instrument fluttered its wings and landed on Yache Xiang’s hand.

Natsume placed the Dark Emperor Rider Drive around his waist.

The transformation card is sent in instantly.

“Transform!” x2

Two voices sounded at almost the same time.


【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

Different armor covered the bodies of the two.

The Dark Emperor Rider and the Imperial Bee appear.

Street lamps reflect shadows.

Royalbee went straight out.

Stride, close up, a punch towards Natsume, Natsume looks unresponsive, a pair of dark blue compound eyes, as if they have already penetrated everything, calculating the time when the royal bee raised the fist.


Natsume raised his hand and easily caught the royal bee’s punch, and then kicked the royal bee out, crashing into the flower bed not far away, hitting a big gap.

The knights in the masquerade form have very good defense.

If the Thunder Fly of Godspeed Love Timeline is ‘Cast.Off’ late and removes its masquerade form, it will not be killed by the ant soldier in shame.

Under the defense of heavy armor, although the royal bee is embarrassed, it is not hindered.

In the first confrontation, the royal bee fell into the downwind.

Yachi wants to be the captain of the elite phantom squad of the Zect headquarters, and the adaptor of the royal bee, and he is almost excellent in cooking, martial arts, etiquette, and bears the title of human elite.

He has always been smooth sailing, after encountering ‘setbacks’, he will present the same problems as now, his mentality is unstable, and once he corrects his mentality and crosses this hurdle, he will become stronger than before.

But now, he has slightly lost his cool in fighting.


He exploded the armor directly.

The cracked armor all charged towards Natsume, and Natsume turned sideways and quietly dodged.

The Emperor Bee angrily got up and fought hand-to-hand with the Dark Emperor.

Natsume saw the moment and knocked the Queenbee back several meters with a powerful elbow blow, leaving a terrifying mark on the concrete floor, and Natsume converted the cardbox sword into a card-box gun.

Endless energy poured out from inside the Klein Kettle.

The purple-black laser weaves a web of fire.

Sparks are constantly splattered on the royal bee.

Yachi wanted to feel the pain.

【Clock.Up! 】

Grab the bull by the horns.

Queenbee Shi exhibited the divine skills of zect series knights, entering ultra-high-speed movement, at such a moving speed, ordinary people are difficult to capture, in a super-high-speed moving state, in the eyes of Imperial Bee, everything seems to be static.

Because their battle flew to the black sky of the frightened bird, and the Dark Emperor Rider who fought him.

“You didn’t transform into the state you were before… Victory in this battle, I take it! ”

Yacha wanted to mutter.

At this time, his eyes seemed to have seen a light called victory.

The super-high-speed movement of the royal bee directly performed a special kill for the sake of safety.

【Rider.Sting! (Knight Spurt)].

The needles on the tail of the royal bee insect instrument are wrapped with the brilliance of destruction.

Towards the heart of the Dark Emperor Rider, pierce straight over!

Yet in this instant.

He felt a pain in his lower back.

The whole person exited the super-high speed.

“How… Yes? ”

Yacha wanted to believe it.

Super high speed, but he fights with alien insects, invincible divine skills!

Natsume didn’t answer him.

‘Clock.Up’ is not really a time power, so this ability is very good, but it is not as invincible as imagined, and the experience of fighting xenomorphs in the past seven years is not given for nothing.

At that time, there were relatively few insect infestations, and perhaps a few alien insects did not expose themselves for a month, but molts were not absent.

The system did not restart, and the dark emperor riding of Natsume was completely a blank slate.

There is no passion for ‘when the purple light is turned on, no one loves’.

There are also no other knight’s driving cards.

All he can use, in addition to the transformed stance, is the attack and kill control cards.

Faced with adult insects that can move at super high speed after molting, Natsume also suffered a big loss at first.

It took a difficult battle to find a way.

Not that he can see people moving at super speeds.

It’s an ability called the ‘sixth sense’.

He can roughly predict where enemies will appear!

Not 100% successful.

But most of the time, you can still shoot into the soul.

After the royal bee exited the hyperspeed.

Natsume took out a card called Kill.

Feed into the drive.

【Final.Attack.Ride! Dark.De-De-De-Decade! 】

Dimensional Knight Kick!

At the end of the card phantom, there is the royal bee.


Along with the passing card phantom, a purple-black energy wrapped around the right foot of the Dark Emperor Rider, which was an unparalleled destructive force and fell on the Imperial Bee.

Huge forces poured out.

The royal bee was very embarrassed, constantly rolling backwards, the royal bee insect instrument fell off the knight’s bracelet, flew into the distance, Yachi wanted to lie on the ground, open his mouth and close his eyes, as if it was very painful.

Can’t believe it’s true.

Natsume looked at him deeply.

Yacha thought that he was already ‘devilish’.

If he can jump out of that abyss-like quagmire, he will definitely be reborn in Nirvana.

But… Can he?

Is there still time for him to change slowly?

Natsume lifts his transformation.

Turn around.

Slowly walking into the distance.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Imperial Bee, reward: 1000 points].

At this time.

The system’s prompt tone suddenly sounded.


Suddenly, I felt that there were cards condensing in my hand, starting from nothing.

That’s exactly….


Natsume was stunned.

He seemed to have thought of something.

Could it be….

Opening a passage, entering the dark space, returning home, sitting on the sofa, Natsume’s consciousness immediately enters the system space to check.

All knights can be viewed in the Duel Arena.

The knight’s avatar that gets the card will light up.

The opposite is gray.

Natsume soon found the Kamen Rider Imperial Bee.

The original gray avatar also lit up.

“It seems that realistic duels can also burst cards, as well as points… In the same way as ‘fighting monsters and upgrading’, it really deserves to be a system that connects the unreal and the real…”

Natsume said out loud, very emotional….


PS: Thank you for the big monthly pass support of ‘Lying Corpse Three Heads’!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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