Outside the Bsitro store.

Natsume looked at Xiao Xu and said, “Do you want to ride a bike or?” ”

Xiao Xu’s bicycle was parked outside the door.

If she goes alone, she rides.

“I… I’m with you. ”

Xiao Xu lowered his head and said softly.


Natsume smiled and rubbed Xiaoxu’s head.

Take out the card of the mechanical decade and read it.

The data condenses and manifests itself before the eyes.

The black Mechanical Decade appeared.

Xiao Xu knew that Natsume was a knight.

It’s not strange anymore.

Xiao Xu was carrying a satchel with a drawing board inside, sitting quietly behind Natsume, this was not the first time, Natsume engine car, gradually driving into the distance.

Kagami pushed the motorcycle a little tiredly to the outside of the store.

Seeing Natsume driving Xiao Xu away.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He remembered the last time he invited Xiao Xu to take the car, and Xiao Xu refused without thinking.

“Can you do whatever you want if you are handsome?”

Woo hoo….

When will they stand up when they don’t look so good?

Kagami stopped the car, was indignant, and walked into the store.

“Kagami? You’re finally here, come and help. ”


Kagami answered.

He was grateful to the store manager.

Like him, who took two days off for three days, if he changed to other places, it is estimated that he would have been fired a long time ago, but he can’t stay in the store all the time to work, on the surface he is a working boy, but secretly he is a member of the Zect organization, fighting with alien insects and protecting humans!

Therefore, the store manager tolerates him, and he also tries to do what he can.

The black mechanical decenary galloped on the road.

Natsume has good skills and is fast.

In order to sit more securely, Xiao Xu hugged Natsume’s waist with both hands, her face was flushed, and she was cute.

Walk through the streets of Harajuku.

Soon we came to the ruins of Shibuya.

The area that has become a purgatory on earth is barbed wire and forbidden to enter, and the ruins of Shibuya exude an eerie atmosphere compared to the thriving city outside.

That’s the smell of death.

The ruins of Shibuya are filled with death, and as the center of the meteorite fall, countless people died there.

On a small hillside.

Great view.

From here, you can see a depressed view of the entire Shibuya ruins.

Xiao Xu sat on the ground and took out the picture book from his satchel.

Start drawing.

She loves to paint here.

Her flower of hope, Tulip, the poor fairy girl buried under the ruins, and the ‘angel’ who fell from the sky to save the fairy girl….

A picture jumps onto the paper.

It’s like that every time.

She won’t get tired of it.


It was as if someone’s roar and roar were ringing in her ears, as if calling to her, and the voice seemed to come from the depths of the ruins of Shibuya, and she raised her head sharply as if frightened.

“What’s wrong?”

Natsume asked.

“No, it’s okay…”

Xiao Xu shook his head.

Is that an illusion?

She said in her heart.

Natsume recalled the plot in his mind and seemed to have thought of something, but did not explain it.


There were strange footsteps, coming from behind.

It is somewhat heavy to step on the ground.

Not human.

That smell is xenomorph!

Those haunted guys.

Natsume is familiar with it.

Turn around.

Five larvae carrying giant cocoon chrysalis appear.

Xiao Xu was suddenly taken aback.

“It’s okay, leave these guys to me.”

Natsume gave Xiao Xu a reassuring look.

Take out the Dark Emperor Rider Drive and place it on your waist.


【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

Several ghosts flashed, and black armor covered his body.

The dark blue compound eyes flicker….

Kamen Rider Dark Emperor rides and descends into the world at this moment.

Natsume takes out the Harness Card Box Sword.

Send in a card called Attack Driving to read.

【Attack.Ride.Dark.Decade.Slash! 】

Gently wiped the blade of the card box sword.

The energy converged into light to strengthen the sword body, and there was also an extra blade doppelganger next to it, rushing straight towards the alien worm, and the violent slash slashed across the body of the larvae, and Natsume was like a butterfly through flowers, shuttling between the five larvae.

‘Boom!! ’

Explosions sounded behind him one after another, and all the alien insects exploded.

Natsume lifts his transformation and the sun’s radiance falls on him.

That scene was imprinted in Xiao Xu’s heart, unforgettable!

‘It’s okay, I’ll be by your side, I’ll be… By your side. ’

She looked at Natsume, and at this moment, her heart was very peaceful.

[Kill five xenomorphs, bonus points x50].

Another fifty points to hand.

Store it and add up.



A park outside Tokyo.

It’s getting dark, and there’s no one here.

Yacha wanted to sit alone by the flower bed.

Look down at your hands.

Complicated thoughts.

He hasn’t returned to the base where the Phantom Squad is stationed over there in Ginza.

He wanted to be more sober and go back.

The evening breeze was bleak, and the leaves were rumbling, ruffling his hair.

“It’s horrible to lose yourself…”

He whispered.

Thinking of the team members who were hurt because of his own mistakes, he blamed himself, forgot the group, walked on the lonely road, and was no longer the queen bee, no wonder the royal bee insect instrument gave up on him at that time.

“I just lost to myself, the Dark Emperor Rider, the armor fight, and the guy before… I wanted to beat them so much that I deviated from the path I should take, and it was only natural that the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument would give up on me. ”


“I will change and try to regain the approval of the royal bee insect instrument.”

“Change… It seems to feel good. ”

He muttered to himself with a faint smile on his face.

It seems that some decision was made.

The base of the Phantom Squad.

A guest came after a long absence.

Inside an office.

Secluded, dark.

Masato Mishima found Kageyama Instant.

“Mr. Mishima.”

Kageyama spoke respectfully, then placed the knightly bracelet of the Imperial Bee on the table.

“This was left by Captain Ya.”

The afterglow of his eyes looked at the knight’s bracelet.

My heart is moving….

“In this way, I have lost the qualification of the fittest.”

He didn’t look surprised.

There is no fluctuation in the expression.

As if in his eyes, this was not something shocking.

Masato Mishima pushed his glasses.

“Put it away, knight’s bracelet.”

“This is…”

“Mr. Mishima, I… Can you become an adaptor of royal bees? ”

He had some vague anticipation in his heart.

When he was closing the team before, he informed the headquarters that Yacha wanted to be abandoned by the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument, and the reaction from the headquarters was unexpectedly calm, and then Masato Mishima came.

Now, Masato Mishima has arrived, as if he wants him to replace Yachi and become a fittest.

“Just like you think.”

Masato Mishima said.

“What an honor! Mr. Mishima, I will definitely put to death those knights who disobey the organization! ”

Kageyama said in surprise.

“Oh, I hope so.”

Masato Mishima smiled indifferently.

Turn around and walk out the office door.

“Thank you, Mr. Mishima! I will definitely live up to expectations! ”

Kageyama instantly bowed deeply towards Masato Mishima’s back.

He held a knight’s bracelet and wore it on his wrist.

A morbidly satisfied smile appeared on his face.


ps: Thank you for your dye, ‘big tip support!

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