A few more days passed.

Except for the presence of alien insects, the city is calm.

The weather was nice on the day.

Blue sky and white clouds, clear sky.

The sun hangs high in the sky.

Natsume family villa.

Natsume looked for a lounge chair and basked in the courtyard, the sun’s rays shone on his body, warm, giving people a pleasant and comfortable feeling, and the exhaustion of his body seemed to disappear.

It’s also nice to relax like this once in a while.

It’s always tight, and the string will always break the day.

Take a sip of clear tea.

Natsume’s consciousness enters the system space, and at this time, he can challenge a new projection, and it is not difficult for Natsume to use it with two hearts, which is also part of the ‘universal talent’.

As more Knight Cards are obtained, so do the options for Knight Projection Repeat Challenges.

Natsume can pick the best and take on the challenge.

These days.

Through the ‘daily projection’ of the Knight Fighting Evolution System, he obtained several more Knight’s cards.

They are: AgitΩ, Ryuki, Blade, Kiva, and Drive, Heisei’s Strongest Old Driver

A total of five knights’ cards.

There is no doubt that they are all the main riders of the Heisei era, and I have to say that Natsume’s recent luck is still very good.

“So, the knight cards of the old decade, except for the four fools of the tram, have been collected…”

Natsume said softly.

He himself is a dark emperor rider, so the pink emperor horse is automatically skipped, the ability of the two is similar, but the color of the armor is different, in terms of data, the dark emperor ride is even better.

Before he knew it, he had become stronger!

Within system space.

Natsume begins to challenge the projection.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Empty Me Projection, reward none].

[Defeat Kamen Rider Agito Projection, reward Light Power Seed x1].

[Defeat Kamen Rider Faiz Projection, bonus physique +1].

[Defeat Kamen Rider Moon Rider Projection, reward none].


After Natsume’s transformation, he fought seriously.

The projection of the knight card that has been obtained can be challenged repeatedly, three times a day, but most of the time, there is no reward, which is really touching.

After challenging the projection of several knights, Natsume stopped.

Consciousness withdraws from system space.

Natsume, the reward of physique +1, was used to it, so he subconsciously skipped it, and his gaze fell on the seed of the power of light obtained by defeating the projection of Ajito, which belongs to the differentiation of the power of darkness and transforms into the root of Ajituo!

That was the power possessed by Promes, the Angel of Fire, known as the White God.

That power is powerful.

Natsume now cherishes the power to make himself stronger and destroy all the alien insects, which is Natsume’s goal and desire in the near stage, but after having Goldfinger, becoming stronger and being able to detach himself is the expectation of Natsume’s post-stage!

He opens the properties panel.

Character: Natsume

Age: 21 years

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Knight Drive: Dark Emperor Ride Drive

Physique: 16 (human limit is 10).

Items: Transcendent Insect Instrument, Passion Experience Card x1, Old Butler Recipe x1, Light Power Seed x1

Special Ability: Dark Space

Points: 38580

Among them, on the attribute panel, compared to before, there is an additional column called ‘Special Ability’, and the only ability is the dark space obtained by defeating the King Sword projection earlier.

Click on the details of the Light Power Seed.

Light Force Seed (1/10): The prototype of the power of light, ten seeds can be fused into a pure force of light, no different from Promes, the power of light can still continue to evolve….

The introduction is very easy to understand.

Natsume looked at it and knew what kind of power it was.

He obtained part of the power of light from Ajituo’s body, and through continuous acquisition, he slowly accumulated the seeds of light power, and after collecting ten of them, he could summon the divine dragon… No, it’s a fusion into the true power of light.

But the power of light is not the end.

Still evolving!

The setting of the infinite evolution of Ajituo was slashed, and although there are other ways of evolution after Shining Ajituo, it is estimated that it can only reach the realm of Promes in the end.

And the power of light continues to evolve, could it be…

“Dark Force!”

That’s the power of the gods!

Natsume’s eyes were full of longing.

The future, can be expected!

“By the way, in the fighting space, the projection can only be repeated three times a day, and the knights in the real world can be challenged without limit?”

Natsume inquire system.


The prompt tone of the Knight Fighting Evolution System suddenly sounded, answering Natsume’s question.

‘No! Repeated challenges can only be done within the system space. ’

“This way.”

Natsume pinched his chin and whispered to himself.

He originally thought that if he entered the world of Ajituo, try to see if he could get a bug, reality and system space are two-pronged, trying to brush out the power of light first, luck is not enough, the number of times to make up.

Now it seems that it will not work.

Fortunately, I didn’t go to the Heavenly Dao experiment. ’

He muttered something in his mouth.

Natsume stretched and stood up.

“Well, let’s go for a walk.”

He walked out of the villa.

No cycling, no going into dark space.

But there seems to be a kind of power that guides him in a certain direction, but there is no specific spatial coordinates, but when Natsume is moving forward, that kind of power will appear!

Natsume knew that it was the ability of sensing given by the dark space, and as he became more comfortable with the control of the dark space, he had begun to merge with himself and become his own ability.

It’s just a prototype.

However, with the passage of time, this power will definitely eventually become one of the abilities that Natsume himself possesses!

“Xenomorph… Go check it out. ”

Natsume looked up and looked at the road in the distance.

In a tunnel under a bridge.

Natsume followed the guide and walked here.

‘Bang! Bang! ’

The sound of firearms firing.

Immediately after, there were panicked footsteps….


PS: Thank you for the support of ‘Listen to NetEase Cloud’ and ‘Catch Fish Cat’ for their big monthly passes!

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