After leaving through stealth, Natsume lifts his transformation and walks in a certain direction, and Fujiwara Tofu Shop is the destination of his trip.

That was his original plan not to encounter the alien worm.

Encounter with alien insects.

‘Seeing that the road is uneven, draw the knife to help’, but after raising his hand and lightly killing the alien insect, he did not stop in place.

Walking on the road.

Natsume view the system.

Immediately after he uses the ‘Dimensional Knight Kick’ to destroy the xenomorph, a prompt appears.

[Kill the insect, reward points x10! ] 】

“An alien worm, increased ten points, it seems that I guessed well before, in addition to challenging the knight projection, there are other ways to get points, realistic monster fighting upgrades, less points are nothing… Accumulate a lot. ”

Natsume said as if talking to himself.

As far as xenozoa and protozoa are concerned, the number is quite a lot.

And if you gain the power of the dimensional wall and can travel to other parallel worlds, it will be even more.

There is no shortage of points sources, then the props in the system mall are no longer a dream to buy with points.

Keep going.

He’s going to buy the best tofu.

After walking through the winding laneways and a few corners, you can see a sign with the name ‘Fujiwara Tofu’ not far away, which is a bit old, like it has weathered the wind and rain, and is full of the taste of time.

This is an old shop that has been passed down from the family.

Taste is recognized.

“Uncle Fujiwara, a good piece of tofu.” Natsume looked at the busy uncle in the store and said with a smile.

Uncle Fujiwara inherited this tofu shop from his father.

A lifetime of dedication.

Be gentle.

He is a kind elder.

“It’s Natsume, I haven’t been here for a long time.”

Uncle Fujiwara said with a smile.

Natsume nodded: “It’s really been a bit busy lately. ”

“It’s good to be busy, young people just have to work hard, unlike the smelly boy in my family, instead of thinking about racing all day, it’s better to learn more from me and continue to pass on the craftsmanship of the ancestors.” Uncle Fujiwara’s words were a little helpless.

Natsume listened quietly.

It is a pity that the son of Uncle Fujiwara did not drive AE86.

“Give, the tofu you want.”

The uncle handed the tofu over.

Natsume took it.

Get ready to turn around and leave.

“Come often when you have time.”


Natsume carried the tofu and returned along the way he came.


Not far away, a man wearing a loose kimono, still holding a metal container in his hand, slowly walking forward with a clog, slightly curly hair, handsome appearance, and his body involuntarily exuded a confident temperament.

Natsume recognized him too.

A well-deserved protagonist in the world of Jia Dou.

One finger to the sky, commotion is repeated.

A spicy ‘invincible’ man.

Tendo Division!

Natsume felt that his luck today was very good, earlier he met Tendo Shuka and Yugetsu Misaki, and now he met the Tendo Commander-in-Chief, but he only sighed so much, and did not take the initiative to talk to him.

The two glanced at each other and staggered past.

‘An interesting man. ’

Tiandao commented in his heart.

He and Natsume, this is the first time they have met, but some people are naturally different from others, and it seems that because they are knights, they will attract each other.

After leaving the Fujiwara tofu shop.

Natsume also had to go grocery shopping.

Said is a celebration.

Then he has to make a hearty meal, he will cook all kinds of dishes, including Western food and Western pastry, but Natsume prefers to eat Chinese food, and there will be no problem of endless eating if he does more, and the exercise that has been exercised, the growth of the body, the fitness of the dark emperor ride…

All this makes Natsume’s meal much larger than ordinary people.


Time flies quickly.


After the last rays of light have been swallowed up by black, night will come.

The villa of the Heavenly Daoist.

Brightly lit.

Tiandao has already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

“Good evening, brother!”

The Tendo Tree Flower in kawaii pajamas looks full of vitality.

“It’s so rich, but I’m going to gain weight.”

Shuhua was looking forward to it at the same time, but also a little distressed.

For girls, body management is also an important lesson.

The Heavenly Dao Chief smiled when he heard this.

The instructed said:

“Grandma said that nutrition and health are more important than the body, and when you grow your body, you can’t go on a diet.”

“I know.”

My brother’s meal is so tempting, not eating it is simply a violent thing.

“By the way, brother, on my way to school this morning, I encountered a monster attack.”

Shuhua suddenly remembered the morning.

“What?” The Heavenly Dao Chief stood up suddenly, always full of confidence, as if he controlled everything, and showed a nervous expression for a long time, “Not injured, right?” ”

What is a monster?

Only bugs!

A monster that can mimic the appearance and memory of human beings and hide in human society.

It was a monster he was determined to get rid of and fight until the last moment!

Insect attacked the tree flower?

Tiandao was a little angry.

Simply unforgivable!

The first thing he asked was whether his sister was injured, as for being imitated by disgusting insects, Tiandao had never thought of it this way, and he could confirm that the tree flower in front of him was not a foreign insect.


Shuhua shook her head.

“When the monster tried to attack me, a man in black armor appeared and quickly defeated the monster, he seemed to be…. What about the self-proclaimed ‘Kamen Rider passing by’, brother, you didn’t see it, that’s just too handsome. ”

In the heart of a girl, she always fantasizes about the appearance of heroes.

‘Heroes save beauty’, this is indeed a bad bridge.

But it does impress.


Tiandao choked.

Put on a false smile.

Kamen Rider….

Urban legends over the years?

For the guy who saved his sister, Tiandao is grateful in his heart, but hearing Shuhua praise others, he is really very unhappy!

This guy is an ultimate sister control!


ps: The new book sets sail, ask for all kinds of data, what can you say in the comment area, the most afraid of a single machine, no matter good or bad, the little author will read ^0^~

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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