The night is hazy.

A bright moon was in the sky, and the bright moonlight fell down, as if covering the earth with a layer of gauze.

Shuhua had gone back to her room to sleep.

Tiandao was not sleepy at all at this time.

He looked out the window at night.

Thought about it.

Walking out of the house, I came to the gym in the backyard of the villa, which was very spacious with a motorcycle parked, and the rest of the room, full of various fitness equipment.

The lurking alien insects began to be active in the city, and Tiandao felt that the day he was waiting for was coming.

He started exercising again.

Sit-ups, weights, push-ups, get up after sweating, and after the muscle training is completed, you start boxing and leg punching on the sandbag hanging on the side.

These are all items of daily training in Heavenly Dao.

Day in and day out, never slack.

Years of grinding.

The muscles on Tiandao’s body have become angular, and his combat skills are even better.

After a high-intensity exercise that ordinary people could not bear, Tiandao took the towel hanging on the side to dry the sweat on his body, and then took out a belt made of metal with a strange shape from the locker.

This was given to him by the father of Protozoa Mimicry, Hishita, on the day the Shibuya meteorite fell seven years ago.

“Those guys are starting to get active, they’re about to awaken, right?”

Tiandao muttered to his belt.

But at this time, the belt will not respond to his wait.



A hidden place somewhere in Tokyo.

ZECT Organization Headquarters.

In a room with the curtains drawn, dimly lit, and only the faint candle flickering, a figure was sitting on the main throne.

He is Mitsuru Kaga.

Ostensibly the superintendent of the Metropolitan Police Department, he is actually one of the supreme commanders of ZECT.

Standing beside him and presenting him with information was none other than his right-hand man, Masato Mishima.

Masato Mishima is a cadre of ZECT, who is cold and currently loyal to the organization.

This information is not a top-secret copy.

Masato Mishima has naturally seen it.

After Kaga Mitsuru finished reading it.

He asked, “What should be done with guys who don’t belong to Zect and are not controlled by the organization?” ”

If he followed his ideas, the only way to destroy the black knight was humane!


Kaga Miriku smiled.

“Do you like the whip? Even if the prey is hidden in the dark, even if it holds its breath, it can tear it apart with its sharp claws…”

“Well, remarkable animals.”

He said slowly.

The implication is clear.

This kind of thing, don’t care, even if the black knight hides deeply, it will eventually be captured by them.

Whether it’s an urban legend in Tokyo or something more mysterious.

For them, it’s all something they can grasp at will.

Of course, this is just a superficial rhetoric.

Kaga Miriku’s heart was a little happy.

Thirty-five years ago, a meteorite similar to the Shibuya meteorite fell, and the protozoa descended, choosing to cooperate with humans in order to deal with the alien worm that was about to be pursued.

The secret promise: ‘Humans must not harm protozoa, and protozoa must never harm humans’

The Kamen Rider system was developed together.

But ‘If it is not my race, its heart will be different.’ ’

Something happened that year.

Kaga Miru never expected anything from the protozoa.

The red dancing shoe system is the best proof of this.

The knight reported by Shuichi Tian does not belong to the organization….

Perhaps, someday in the future, humans and protozoa will really go to opposite sides, and in addition to the sun god and war god equipped with the ‘red dancing shoe system’, they will also have new partners to join.

In the darkness, the light of hope will continue to shine!

Masato Mishima did not refute.

Such a proud Kaga Mitsuku is worth him to follow, and in the future, Kaga Mitsuku, who can only laugh in front of the original worm and degrade himself as worthless, he abandoned without hesitation.

“By the way, Mishima, send this document and this belt to Tasho.”

Kaga Mitsuru stopped Masato Mishima.


Took the paperwork, picked up the briefcase with the metal belt, and turned to leave.

After Masato Mishima left.

Kaga Mitsuru slowly stood up.

Half of the curtains are drawn.

With the development of science and technology, the human world is also new with Japanese drama, the night is no longer monotonous black, in the modern city, neon lights shimmer and illuminate the darkness.

Stopped for a long time.

Kaga Miriku drew the curtains again and looked at the faintly lit candle flame that was burning in the room.

“Time is running out…”



A gentle wind blows in the city.

Natsume walking down the street alone.

There are very few pedestrians.

People who come out for a walk at dusk in the evening have long since returned, and occasionally drunk people can be seen stumbling down the road with wine bottles in their hands, and it is unknown whether they will encounter alien insects.


The sound of the wine bottle falling to the ground and constantly rolling sounded behind Natsume.

Followed by.

A figure rushed towards Natsume’s back as quickly as the wind.

The speed seems to have turned into an afterimage.

The vigilance cultivated by years of fighting made Natsume react first.

Stand in place, with your left leg on the axis and your right leg raised.

One hundred and eighty degrees after turning around.

Suddenly kicked the latter.

It was the former drunkard.

And after Natsume’s kick, it was difficult to maintain the human form, and it became the original appearance of the alien worm, which mimicked the human being, containing the memory of that person’s life.

Not everyone is as tenacious as the Shindai Sword, and can suppress the insect heart with the human heart.

But human feelings are also special.

It will more or less affect the thoughts of the alien worm.

Therefore, the style of the alien insect will often have the shadow of the imitator, which is somewhat similar to the evil road program of the old driver’s world, the alien insect that attacked the Heavenly Dao Tree Flower in the morning likes to hunt the young girl who has not yet grown, and now this alien insect likes to disguise itself as a drunkard and make a surprise attack behind it with a human body.

After frightening the person, he revealed his original appearance and began to eat happily.

Everything seems to be scripted.

But walking alone on the road, about to die, the weak and poor prey suddenly changed its appearance, from a small white rabbit to a big bad wolf, clearly a human appearance, but the strong foot down, the feeling is seven.

The alien worm even found it difficult to maintain its mimicry appearance, and directly restored its original appearance.

This insect couldn’t help but panic in his heart.

He even doubted that if this person’s strength was greater, would he directly blast him as a foreign insect?

Is this Nima still human?

Natsume looked at the insect calmly.

The corners of the mouth curve.

“Today’s luck seems to be very good.”

He came out to eat after dinner, ready to try his luck to see if he could meet the alien worm, but he didn’t expect to really meet, since the knight’s fighting evolution system was restarted, and there was an additional setting of ‘fighting monsters and upgrading’.

Natsume felt that his battles with the xenomorphs would only become more frequent.

In the process of searching for xenozoans.

Luck is also a very important part….

The insect clearly wanted to struggle.

Quickly rolled over and came towards Natsume.

Natsume looked extremely calm.

Take out a card.


The armor of the Dark Emperor Rider was attached to his body.

But that’s not the end of it.

Natsume fed two cards to the drive one after another.

【Clock.Up! (Super High Speed)].

【Attack.Ride.Slash! (Attack Harness Slash)].

After owning the card of the Golden Dou.

Even if he does not use the knightly form, the Dark Emperor Rider can still use the basic skill card, and after entering the state of super high speed, he will lightly destroy the alien worm with a slash.

+10 points!

After killing the insect that had not yet molted, Natsume disintegrated his transformation and gradually drifted away.

Head in the direction of home.

Hidden merit and fame.


ps: Find data! Thank you for the support of the monthly pass!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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