Natsume soon returned home.

There were no more alien insects on the road.

Return to the room after washing.


Twelve o’clock in the morning.

Out of nowhere, the bell sounded, melodious and gentle.

Natsume was not sleepy.

Enter the system space.

At this time, the projection of daily battles in the Knight Fighting Evolution System has been refreshed on time.

Natsume came in at this time, nothing else, just for the challenge.

He still had anticipation in his heart.

The Leo cavalry will not say.

Faiz, Jindou….

Who will be on the third day of the system restart?

“System, extract today’s battle projection.”

Natsume said casually.

On the familiar big screen, the picture of the knight keeps turning over.

Finally froze on a red figure.

Heisei Big Brother.

Kamen Rider… Empty me!

Natsume was a little surprised.

It turned out to be this one.

When it comes to the empty self, Natsume thinks of Yusuke the fifth generation, and after the fifth generation became the empty self, he fought to protect the smile, and even if he was scarred, he never wanted to give up.

That’s a powerful man.

It also created the most profound scene in his memory.

In the heavy snow of Mount Kuro.

After testing each other, the two of them with extreme strength began a brutal turn-based hand-to-hand combat from fist to flesh and fist, because the special ability could not cause any substantial damage to the two.

‘The white devil is laughing, the black angel is crying’!

These deep memories, as a traverser, are also valuable assets.

Natsume also remembered Yusuke Onodera in the parallel world of the emperor.

Is he Kamen Rider Forgetfulness?


The surrounding graphics began to change, and from the system space to the duel battle scene, unlike when fighting Faiz, this time the scene that materialized was no longer the beach.

Rather, on the mountain of Mount Kuro.

A black mist shrouded the sky, as if an evil god had descended.

It seems that the battle scene projected by each knight is related to itself, and the ruins of Mount Kuro in Ina Koriyama in Nagano Prefecture are the original place of Kamen Rider’s empty self.

After entering the battle scene.

Natsume took out the Dark Emperor Rider Drive from behind him and quickly completed the transformation, a pair of dark blue compound eyes bloomed, and the lamp on his forehead also lit up with yellow light.

This is the ordinary state of the Dark Emperor Rider, and if the data is concerned, it is still above the Emperor Rider.

It’s a pity that Natsume is not passionate now.

Otherwise, in the duel field of the knight’s fighting evolution system to fight with the projection of many knights, as soon as the purple light is turned on, no one loves it, and the battle crit with the knight is simply a dozen accurate.

Kamen Rider Empty Me projection appears.

Red all-round form.

Natsume’s gaze, through the compound eyes of the Dark Emperor Rider, looked in the direction of the empty self.

The AI-controlled projection knight is not a real person, but every step he takes has been carefully calculated.

Not so ‘idealistic’, but the intensity is definitely there.

Perhaps the upper limit is not as terrifying as Natsume imagined, but the control of AI has raised the lower limit.

Natsume didn’t care.

Man has endless potential, and he has all-powerful talents, heavenly rewards and progress.

It’s not advisable to build a car behind closed doors, and in battle, Natsume can become stronger at the speed of light!

So, he loves to fight.

In this world.

There is no strongest, only stronger.

And only strong strength can protect what you want to protect.

“Gee, it seems that there is a sense of déjà vu of playing the king ‘Peerless Man-Machine’ before.”

Natsume muttered.

There is no superfluous word to say.

The battle begins directly.

Empty self preemptively.

One step out.

It’s like an off-the-beaten-line arrow.

In just a moment, it has already burst into front of Natsume, and the projection is worthy of being controlled by super AI, and every step, every attack angle and strength seem to have been accurately calculated.

The goal is to achieve maximum attack effect!

Natsume certainly saw it.

However, Natsume, who had already fought Faiz and Leo’s cavalry, had long been prepared.

‘Almighty talent’, which allows him to get stronger all the time without any bottlenecks.

Just when my empty fist was about to fall.

Natsume moved.

First come, first come!

A punch and the air slammed together, powerful forces collided, and even the air seemed to stir up ripples under this attack.

I hurriedly took two steps back.

But Natsume’s offensive did not end there.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

This is the ‘quack rule’ of combat.

Natsume went up again.

The fist suddenly burst out like a storm.

Natsume’s fighting skills are great.

These years.

He learned karate, he learned kickboxing, and of course he learned martial arts, gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools, and then practiced them in battle.

This makes his fighting style flowing.

Improvements again and again are for actual combat.

It’s not just a flower stand for performance.

During the battle, Natsume is still growing.

The empty self changed form.

It has become a titan form capable of manipulating the elements of the earth.

Armed with a titan sword, as if an invincible general, he stabbed towards the Dark Emperor.

Gulindowen describes this form as: ‘When evil things appear, that is, with the armor of steel, they cut off evil warriors with the power of breaking the earth’.

The Dark Emperor rides under armor.

The corners of Natsume’s mouth twitched slightly.


Transform patterns out of thin air?

His movements are not slow.

The card box sword in hand, instantly clashed with the Titan sword, emitting a crisp vibration.

“What a heavy sword!”

Natsume increased his strength.

The blow of the Titan empty self was powerful, but on the divine armor on his body, an even more powerful force emerged, forcing the empty self back at once, and the empty self transformed into a form again, this time it was Pegasus.

In this form, the perception of the empty self is extremely keen, the six senses are strengthened thousands of times that of humans, and even infrared, ultraviolet, and electromagnetic waves can be seen, and judgment, insight, and concentration have become excellent, and they have strong mental power.

You can even see the alien insects at super speeds.

As before, he has a Pegasus crossbow on his hand.

“Tenma form…”

Natsume muttered and fed the gold bucket card into the drive.

The electric sound sounds.

Once again, it transformed into the appearance of Jindou.

The base form, the ultimate form.

Natsume prefers this card.

【Hyper.Clock.Up! 】

Jindou entered the field of transcending ultra-high speed.

This is something that the empty pegasus form cannot see.

Natsume solved the battle with a Beyond Knight Kick.

The battle for AI is gradual.

You can switch forms freely during battle.

It is also possible to switch to extreme black or red eyes.

Fighting with projections was originally intended to get cards.

It’s not about fighting the strong and dividing the winner and loser.

So Natsume chose to end before that.

As a Dark Emperor Rider, there are only a few knight driving cards, what does it look like?

After the fighting ‘clears’, you can challenge it with the projection, and then you can do it wantonly.

After all, come to Japan….


ps: Thank you guys for your data support, woo


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