
On Mamiya Reina’s body, the tyrannical breath is at a glance, she is venting, releasing the anger condensed in her heart, and when she vents well, she will become the same strategizing appearance before.

Angry, her strength has also increased a lot.

It is said that blackening is three times stronger, whitewashing is three points weaker!

In this violent state, the strength will increase by one point?

The sword scorpion protects the head with both hands, and it is difficult to parry.

“It’s over, repent for being a Kamen Rider!”

Rina Mamiya said indifferently.

The tone is cold.

Without the slightest emotion!

She raised her right arm.

On the giant pincers that were enough to crush everything, a terrifying beige brilliance surged and fell ~ with a bang.

The sword scorpion insect instrument fell off, and the confused looking Shindai sword lay on the ground.

He opened his eyes apart and looked at Mamiya-Reina.

“I’m going to… Kill all the alien insects! ”


He whispered.

Rina Mamiya was about to give the last blow to the Shinyo sword, but saw a scene that shocked her, and the Kamen Rider who was clamoring to kill all the insect was not a human, but a xenomorph!

Silver-gray adult with a scorpion tail and a poisonous scorpion.

“Hehe, the weak guy who can’t even maintain the insect heart, the alien worm dominated by the human heart, let me execute it, let me sing a requiem for you.” Rina Mamiya chuckled.

The giant pincers charged their strength and walked towards the poisonous scorpion adult worm step by step.

She is still confident that she can easily kill this adult worm that even has a worm heart, and the adult worm that molts has gone to the sea.

Mutant, scarce in number.

She wanted to find the remaining thirteen molting mutant adults to increase the strength of the alien insect side, but after planning for so long, all of them were destroyed by the Dark Emperor Rider, and it was only five fingers.

What’s more, being driven by people’s hearts is not powerful no matter what, right?

The word punishment is not just talk.

Closer and closer!

However, looking down and silent, as if the adult scorpion was caught in chaos, his body burst with a terrifying aura, and the braided whip burst out of the air, as if tearing the air.

The thunder was too fast to cover his ears, and it hit the mouth of Rina Mamiya in the heart.

is that there is a strong armor defense, when being hit by that terrifying force, Rina Mamiya also felt unspeakable pain, the whole flew out upside down, and in a blink of an eye she analyzed some news.

The adult scorpion is very powerful.

The instinct to fight was so fast that she didn’t even react.

“Could it be that he’s a mutant?”

Rina Mamiya raised an eyebrow.

Enter the super-high speed.

The movements of the poisonous scorpion adult worm are the same as Mamiya Rina, entering the realm of ultra-high speed that ordinary people cannot see, Mamiya Rina concentrates and launches a stormy attack towards the poisonous scorpion adult worm.

The fists roared, and the tiger was angry.

But the poisonous scorpion adult is based on instinct, easy to parry, every time in Mamiya Rina seems to be fatal attack, it is easily defused by the poisonous scorpion adult worm, and counterattacked.

After a brief battle within the super high-speed, Rina Mamiya fell into the downwind.

It’s a bit tough!

If the other party is a mutant, it is relatively normal, after Mamiya Rina molted, there are not many special powers of blessings, and her skill points are basically focused on wisdom.

Well, not quite able to fight, it’s normal.

I thought to myself.

Gradually distance yourself.

I saw the poisonous scorpion adult insect tail thorn that ran away and lost his mind extended wildly, and it was more than ten meters in an instant, and the tail thorn was cold, and there was a different kind of light condensation, and Rina Mamiya guaranteed that it was quenched.

She didn’t dare to use other places to hard connect, but the attack came too quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was close at hand, and she had no other way but to deal with the strongest pincers in her right arm.


It’s as if the gold is connected.

Crisp chirping.

Rina Mamiya retreated one after another, she could feel the majestic power of the poisonous scorpion adult worm, it was a short confrontation, Fang Cai’s blow, almost broke through her defense, and her heart was more convinced that this poisonous scorpion adult was a mutant!

And it’s a mutant that neither she nor Nogi knows about. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Know that you are not an opponent.

Rina Mamiya took a deep breath.

“An unknown mutant, itself a Kamen Rider… It seems that only after the calculation, it is really impossible to throw Nogi Reiji over, as the leader, you can’t do nothing, right? ”

I thought so.

The super high speed did not close, immediately ran from the heart, left the green mountain, not afraid of no firewood to burn, seven bends and eight turns, the speed is fast, the violent poisonous scorpion adult has no sanity at all.

Today, he is still dominated by the consciousness of the Divine Generation Sword.

The violent state is only the consciousness of the Divine Generation Sword lurking.

Exit Superhigh.

On the depressed night, the adult poisonous scorpion roared in the empty square, listening to the terrifying horror, the people living near this square heard this terrifying whistle, the black light blinding home, couldn’t help but wrap up in the bed, shivering…

The roar of the adult scorpion gradually weakens.

It then disappeared.

The dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed, the moonlight fell on the ground, the poisonous scorpion worm raised its head, facing the moonlight, and the appearance of the alien insect on the body gradually dissipated and fell to the ground.

“Young Master…”

The old man quickly ran forward and held the little young master up, and he still carried the sword scorpion blade left on the other side in his hand, this is a transformation weapon, but it cannot be left behind, and the Shendai sword gradually regained consciousness.

“Old man?”

“Has the Insect been defeated?”

Shindai Ken asked.

“It’s all right, young master, let’s go home.”

The old man nodded and said.


The Shendai sword was very tired, his steps were vain, and he was helped by the old man to the car parked in the distance, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed to restore the memory of the insect itself, the young master did not remember, and did not know.

That’s it…

Early the next morning.

Natsume stretched and got up on time.

Morning exercise, eating.

Natsume took out Odin’s card, saying that he was still lucky, yesterday during the day he had just solved the unicorn adult that was very similar to Shiro Kanzaki, and in the early hours of the morning, he drew Odin’s card from the daily projection.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something.

But the knight who controls the time stops.

Always good…

Think so.

The phone rang.

Natsume took out his phone and looked at it fixedly.

Caller: Yugetsu Misaki: Every..

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