Natsume picked up the phone.

“Yugetsu, what’s wrong?”

He asked softly.

“Our squad’s Takatori Renhua, do you have an impression? It’s a little beauty Oh, she said it’s your hardcore fan, let me introduce me, so come and ask your opinion. ”

Yuzuki Misaki said with a smile.

“In this case, then you take her home at noon, and I’ll buy some vegetables later to cook and invite her to a meal.”

Natsume said.

Renka Takatori must have ulterior motives when approaching him, for trainees like her who came out of the Zect Masato Mishima training camp, maybe they admire the strong, and their own strength is indeed strong, but if this makes her confused, Natsume himself does not believe it!

However, familiar with the original work, the current plot development is biased from the memory, but everyone’s personality, habits, and past experiences are not much different from the “five seven zero” in the memory.

Takatori Lotus also has a fatal weakness.

Under Masato Mishima’s training method, Taka Tori Renka has not eaten food normally for seven years, and every meal is eaten with sun-dried rice, maybe barely full, but the taste is really very bad.

“Huh? To my house? ”

Yuzuki was stunned.

“Not welcome?”

“Of course not, but…”

Yuzuki hesitated.

These days, she has been thinking about how to hone her cooking skills, not to mention making mountain and sea delicacies, but also can eat, after a few days of hard work, she found that she is indeed a culinary black hole.

Obviously very hard-working, but there is no talent.

She had to use time to get through it.

But now it’s short…

Natsume smiled, of course he knew what Yuzuki Misaki was worried about, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I’ll cook in a while.” ”


Surprise flashed in Yuyue’s eyes, and her smile was like a flower.

Natsume’s cooking skills are even better than those chefs in starred restaurants, and the last time she ate a meal made by Natsume, even if it was just a homemade stir-fry, it made her taste good.

Very gluttonous!

zect, Osamu Tasho 1st Division.

Yugetsu Misaki is sitting in the office, there is no news of the infestation now, so they are not dispatched, she is to deal with the documents, some have been piled up for a long time, and must be dealt with, at this time like Kagami has gone to work in a restaurant.

Yuzuki Misaki hung up the phone and put the phone on the table, she pursed her lips slightly, thinking about what Natsume had just said, why did she take Takatori home? And cook yourself…

Is this making her swear sovereignty? Even if Renka Takatori likes Natsume at that time, she can’t become the main palace…

Yuzuki Misaki thought crankyly.

“Huh? It seems that what I just thought, something is wrong? ”

She muttered to herself.

He patted his face, got up and walked out of the office, looking for Taka Tori Lianhua.

The other side.

Natsume fought several different sets of boxing techniques in the yard, tai chi, wing chun, eight chi quan … The switch between moves is smooth, looks beautiful, and has explosive power.

Because of the talent of Heaven’s Dao, these boxing techniques have already been cultivated by Natsume to the full level, he is only 21 years old, he is still very young, but he seems to have been immersed in this Dao for decades.

This is the bug of Goldfinger Talent!

It is completely unreasonable.

The morning exercise is over.

Natsume went back to the bathroom to take a shower, changed into casual clothes and went out, his clothes are mostly black and white, but as a hanger, he looks good in anything.

He doesn’t need to be particularly collaborated.

That’s what handsomeness comes in.

It’s like the readers who read books.

Leave home.

Natsume walked towards the fresh market, where there were fresh vegetables, meat, and seafood, except for tofu that was not as fresh as Fujiwara Tofu’s shop, the rest were available, and tofu was fine, so you can buy some from the dark space. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Natsume walks in the quiet alleys of the residential area.

There was no one around, and the light was not that good.

It’s terrifying to watch!

The atmosphere is weird.

Many people can’t help but like to think cranky, even if there is nothing to do at that time, they will scare themselves, and when Natsume sees this atmosphere, he thinks that it is no wonder that there is nothing here.

But there is a problem here!



If the insect has a seemingly innocuous call, it rings in the ears, and four unmolted larvae appear behind Natsume, wanting to attack Natsume, using Natsume as food, they are dark green, obviously not mutants…….

Natsume noticed them.

Not even an adult worm …

Inevitably, there is a lack of interest.

Natsume placed the Dark Emperor Drive around his waist, took a card from the card case, and sent it into the drive to read.

【KamenRideRioTrooper! 】

[Kamen harnesses the Leo cavalry! ] 】


This is Natsume’s mass-produced Knight Summon Card.

The knight cards themselves basically transform themselves to control that knightly power, but Leo’s cavalry cards have mutated due to the knightly combat evolution system.

After repeatedly drawing the Leo cavalry projection, the number of Leo cavalry that can be summoned in the card will increase accordingly, and there will be no upper limit, and one day, the Dragon King Dark Emperor will return with 100,000 Leo cavalry, which is not just a fantasy.

After the electric tone is played.

Shadows flashed around Natsume’s body, and after the Dark Emperor Rider Drive read the data of the card, it did not turn into armor and attach to Natsume’s body, but formed several knights.

Exactly the Leo cavalry!

Natsume didn’t stop and continued walking.

Behind him came the sound of battle.

The Leo cavalry summoned by him are all formed by data, even if it is lost this time, it will be intact next time it continues to be used, there is no wisdom, it is simply a tool for Mo De’s feelings, and the war machine 5.3 weapon!

The Leo Cavalry is AI controlled.

There are routines in the way of fighting.

It is easy to be cracked by the strong and thus defeated, of course, it can also be crushed by strength, but dealing with these larvae that have not yet molted is simply an easy task.

After some engagement.

【PhotonBreaker! 】

Leo’s cavalry moved in the same way.

From the Faiz Burster Photon Shattering Sword Mode, a huge photon blood blade was stretched out to kill the larvae, and the roaring explosions resounded in the roadway one after another, and after the alien worm was destroyed, the Leo cavalry turned into data and disappeared.

Natsume, who had already walked away, heard a prompt to kill the insect ringing in his head.

Points in hand!



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