Around noon.

The sun hangs high in the sky, bringing light and warmth to the world, and this season the sun is no longer so hot, but feels comfortable.

In the alley not far from the Yugetsu Misaki apartment, Natsume walked out of the dark space.

“Whew… Uncle Fujiwara’s meeting and three questions are really too difficult to top. ”

It’s like going home to visit relatives for the New Year in a previous life.

Is there an object? When will you get married? How much does it pay each month? When to have a baby…

Uncle Fujiwara has that smell.

Natsume looked up at the sky.

The weather is clear, blue sky and white clouds.

It’s not beautiful!

The sun is a little dazzling, Natsume suddenly thought of something, Tendo calls himself the sun, the son of the Showa predecessor BlackRX Sun, really meet, will there be a fight?

Think so.

Natsume moved on.

Come to the door of Yuzuki Misaki’s apartment and knock on the door.

Knock knock…


The door opened, and a small head poked out, it was Lotus Takatori.

“Hee-hee, it’s Xia’s junior! Sister Misaki, Xia is here. ”

“Senior Xia, I’ll mention these.”

Renka Takatori quickly pulled the door open a little, let Natsume walk in, and took the handbag in Natsume’s hand, Natsume smiled and handed the handbag to her, Misaki sister… They seem to have a good relationship?

Yuzuki Misaki had just cut the fruit and walked out of the kitchen.

“Natsume, you’re here…”


Natsume nodded, as if going back to his own home, changed into the men’s slippers that Yuzuki Misaki had specially prepared for him after his last pass, then walked in and sat down on the sofa.

Natsume ate a few pieces of fruit and got up.

“I’ll go to the kitchen first to cook.”


Yuzuki nodded happily.

Then turned his head sideways and saw Gao Bird Lianhua, who was sitting next to him and bored playing with the tightrope.

Asked out loud: “Lianhua, don’t you eat?” ”

Lotus Takatori smiled and shook her head.

“No, thanks.”

Yuzuki didn’t force it.

Everyone likes or dislikes, maybe Takatori Renka just doesn’t like fruits, so she doesn’t care, the TV is playing bitter dramas, but Yugetsu Misaki’s eyes always look at the kitchen as if nothing.

That figure…

It is said that serious boys are the most handsome, and sure enough, this is the case.

Yuzuki Misaki couldn’t help but look fooled.

In the kitchen.

Natsume was cooking carefully, it was very sacred, he needed to pay full attention, and after discovering that he had the talent of heavenly reward, Natsume continued to brush various skill proficiency.

Cooking is also among them.

It was also at that time.

Natsume fell in love with cooking and made all kinds of delicious food, but when he was alone, he still went to Bsitro to eat, he was alone, and he was still too lazy to work, especially now that he has entered the time when alien insects appear frequently~

After a while, the smell came from the kitchen.

The solitary apartment of the first set, the kitchen and the living room are very close, just smell the fragrance, Yuyue Misaki feels a big appetite, this meal he will definitely be able to eat three bowls of rice, but he wants to maintain his figure

Yuzuki Misaki didn’t want to turn herself into a fat pig.


Tangled mood.

Shuhua said that she is very good, she has the same experience, her brother will make meals for her every day, and at the end of the week, basically no weight, the more you eat, the more you exercise.

That’s tiring, but if you don’t eat…

That’s a tyranny!

Takatori Lianhua pursed her lips. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I couldn’t help but swallow my saliva, and the seven-year abstinence kung fu was about to be broken.

“It’s fragrant, isn’t it? Lianhua. ”

Yuzuki asked with a smile.


Gao Tori Lianhua could only smile awkwardly and did not speak.

Yuzuki Misaki continued, “Not only smell the fragrance, but eat it more deliciously!” You’ll know later, in fact, I have only eaten it for the second time. ”

Natsume came, and Yugetsu Misaki, who was cold when working at Zect, couldn’t help but smile a lot more at this time, such a change, even Yugetsu Misaki himself did not notice.

That kind of change, quietly, moisturizing and silent…


Takatori Lianhua felt that she was going to die.

Woo hoo…

“Come in and help serve the dishes.”

Natsume shouted from the kitchen.

“Here it comes!”

Yugetsu immediately got up and went to the kitchen to bring the dishes to the table, the table was not large, but enough for three people to eat, there were many dishes, all colors and aromas, some were cold, some were steaming.

It’s appetizing~

This is still easy for Natsume, after all, there are many dishes, some dishes need to be boiled in stock, and some even have to be prepared a few days in advance, they decided to eat temporarily this morning, so they can only make it simpler.

Soon all the dishes in the kitchen were on the table.

The three of them went to the table and prepared to eat.

Gao Tori Lianhua looked at the hearty dishes on the table and said with a smile, her smile seemed to have been professionally trained and did not carry too much emotion, but from her smile, you can still see a trace of bitter smile and helplessness.

She said a little embarrassed:

“Misaki sister, actually, I don’t need a bowl…”

The more you speak, the quieter you get.

“What’s wrong?”

Yuzuki Misaki looked at her suspiciously, no need for a bowl, can you grab it with your hands? Natsume knew why Takatori Renka said this, but just looked at her with interest, expecting a reaction.

“I’ll just eat this.”

She took out a small bag from her bag, poured out a few grains of sun-dried rice, and said: “Deliciousness is a sin, it will corrupt the noble warrior spirit…”

“Who taught you?” Lianhua, you eat this? ”

Yuzuki Misaki couldn’t help but widen her eyes.

Yesterday in Saitama Prefecture, she also saw Takatori Renka eating, but she only thought that it was Takatori Renka’s own dry food, but now she uses something like this as a staple food…

It’s always been like that.

It’s hard for Yugetsu to imagine how she survived.

It turns out that you have always been in hell… negative

Yuzuki Misaki thought of what she thought when she first met Taka Tori Renhua, it was without credentials, a woman’s sixth sense, but now it seems that her premonition is not wrong at all.

Because of Natsume, the relationship between the two of them is not bad.

She felt the need to pull her girlfriend back on the right path!


Takatori Lianhua didn’t know what to do.

PS: The little author kneels for a wave of automatic subscriptions! Woo hoo~.

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