The smell of food in the house.

The stomach growls.

She felt like she was going to break.

But she was also trying her best to endure.


The dry rice he was holding in the palm of his hand fell to the ground unconsciously.

Natsume sighed inwardly.

It’s all Masato Mishima’s fault~

“Open your mouth.”

Natsume sandwiched a piece of beef with sauce.

Gao Tori Lianhua subconsciously opened her mouth, the taste that appeared in her dream, successively impacted her taste buds, she closed her eyes, felt carefully, as if she saw mountains, rivers, flying birds…

Everything has never been felt in seven years!

Everything, what she dreamed of!

On the delicate face, a smile appeared.

This time, the smile is no longer fake.

But from the heart!

Misaki Yugetsu: (dish)

Natsume hasn’t even fed me!

However, if Lianhua can resume a normal diet, she is also very happy, I heard that Lianhua is a trainee at ZECT headquarters, and has undergone rigorous training since childhood, and I don’t know who taught such inhuman eating habits. 863

bt right?

At this time.

Masato Mishima, who walked out of the ZECT headquarters building and took the car to a certain place, sneezed inexplicably, he frowned, what was going on? He can’t catch a cold!

Can’t think of a reason.

It’s time for dinner.

Masato Mishima took out the medicine bottle from his arms, threw two capsules in his mouth, pushed his glasses, looked indifferent, frightening, without the slightest emotion, he himself was like a robot.

“Is it delicious?”

Natsume asked with a smile.

“Delicious! (*^▽^*)”

Takatori Lianhua is full of happiness, for seven years, after really tasting the deliciousness of food, she knows that she is committing a sin, but after suppressing her emotions for seven years, she can no longer hide it.

She gulped down.

Super delicious!


It is a taste that the distant memories in my mind have never had before.

Taka Tori Lianhua said, I don’t want to make a mistake either!

But… But the food is really delicious, and Xia is super handsome and super warm!

Natsume smiled and said, “Your smile from the bottom of your heart is really beautiful. ”

“Huh? Are you sure? ”

Takatori Lianhua was stuffed with food, and her faces bulged on both sides, like a little hamster, and when she heard Natsume’s words, she also blushed a little, and after finding herself, the hidden emotions in her heart were completely released.

“The people take food for heaven! The best thing in life is to eat, the better thing is to eat food, your life because of the deliberate requirements of some people, missing a paragraph, just use the next life, enjoy well, make up for it. ”


Takatori Lotus Ground Chicken nodded.

Although I knew that I was comforting Lian Hua, I was still unhappy in my heart…

Yuzuki thought to herself.

She, like him!


Heroes save beauty.

Love at first sight!

All right.

She admits that she is a Yan dog, and Natsume is very handsome, so even on the road she can’t help but glance at it, but with the encounter these days… She knew deep down that she had fallen in love.

After a meal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yuzuki Misaki and Renka Takatotori were cleaning up in the kitchen, mainly because they ate the most, and it was Natsume’s cooking, and it would be embarrassing if Natsume was allowed to clean up by himself.

Maybe both of them are culinary black holes now.

But something as simple as washing dishes can still be done.

It’s not a young lady who doesn’t have ten fingers and doesn’t stain the spring water, and pampers herself.

Natsume sat on the sofa and picked up the newspaper next to him and looked at it. (bjcf)

[The reporter interviewed Metropolitan Police Department Director Kaga Miriku and asked about the strange events that often occur in the city, and Director Kaga Mi responded: Those are nonsense~]

“It’s all non-nutritious news.”

Natsume muttered.

But Kaga Miriku’s answer still made him laugh, this is completely talking nonsense with his eyes open, in fact, when the insect and Kamen Rider appeared, there were many witnesses, even when the Zect ant soldiers were dispatched, many people saw it.

It’s just not completely exposed to everyone’s sight.

The city’s urban legend…

Since the fall of the Shibuya meteorite seven years ago, it has all been true, there has never been any falsehood, but until the last moment, this news will never be released officially.

Once released, I don’t know how much chaos will happen.

Seven years of incubation.

Alien insects are too deeply hidden, they can perfectly mimic, and then do not expose themselves, try to integrate into society, maybe your relatives and friends, and even pillow people…

Its true identity may be a xenomorph!

If this news is released now, all kinds of suspicions between each other do not need to appear and make trouble, and there will be chaos directly within the human race, and more forces will be spent to suppress it.

And why bother?

Many people know about monsters, and there are many people who survived the attack of the insect and were rescued by Kamen Rider, and they will also tell others the news, believe it or not, it is up to them to judge.

Kaga Miriku, as the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, is also a high-level of ZECT, and a steward of the human side, and now he has only one thing to do, that is, to die and not admit it!

Nothing to see.

Natsume put down the newspaper.

The two women packed up and walked out of the kitchen, they all had smiles on their faces, obviously they were chatting very happily when they cleaned up the kitchen just now, and Gao Tori Lianhua can also be said to have started a new life!

The ending, everyone is happy~


Takatori Lianhua walked in front of Natsume and bowed with a serious expression.

Blinking his big eyes and saying:

“Senior Xia, please let me follow you to learn cooking, food is something that brings beauty to people, and I also want to pass on this beauty.”

Natsume took out a book from behind him.

It happened to be the old butler’s recipe that broke out from Heavenly Dao last time.

Hand it to her.

“Study it well, I look forward to your future.”

Takatori Lianhua took it with both hands.

“Thank you, Master Natsume!”

She grinned.

Directly changed the word.

Natsume smiled.

I don’t care.

There are many female apprentices, he doesn’t have much mustard in his heart, and it is also very good to raise a beautiful little apprentice around him~

PS: One more chapter in the early hours of the morning, ho

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