
Natsume walks on the beach, and the sea breeze blows, bringing the breath of the sea.

The waves were hit on the reef and splashed white.

Sometimes jumping, sometimes tumbling, sometimes galloping.

Not far again.

Natsume saw two familiar people.

Xiaoyan playing in the water by the sea.

Daisuke Kazama sat on the beach not far away, quietly watching Xiaoyan play, here on the outskirts of the city, during the holidays, there will be many people who come to play, some with children, but also couples, couples…

But now is the time to go to work.

Since there are no people.

Natsume came from the other side, along the beach, and only saw three or two people sparsely, but seeing Daisuke Kazama and Koyan, Natsume was also a little surprised, Daisuke Kazama was one


As a skilled makeup artist, she is loved by many wives.

Daisuke Kazama prides himself on being the guardian of all women.

I usually wander around those places.

Daisuke Kazama also noticed Natsume.

“It’s you…”

He remembered the knight he saw when he fought with the alien insect in Kuriyama Park not long ago, but at that time, he left directly with Xiaoyan at that time, and did not have too much contact, and did not expect to meet in this place.

At that time, Natsume also saw the melee shooter Thunderfly, so it was not surprising that Daisuke Kazama knew him.

And Natsume is more familiar with Daisuke Kazama.

God Speed loves the Thunder Knight who was shot to death by the ant soldiers, but he still remembers it!

“Daisuke Kazama, aka Thunderfly.”

Natsume said with a squint.

“Huh? Any advice? ”

Daisuke Kazama said warily.

“Don’t be too surprised, your name and photo, previously logged into the newspaper, original Kazama Ryu makeup, gee… I really like my wife. Natsume said.

He’s not making it up.

This news is still in the newspapers.

Or a search notice~

Daisuke Kazama had a black face!


This man came to find trouble.

He is the wind that blows.

He was invited to put makeup on a rich wife who was almost sixty, and her husband died young, leaving a huge family business.

At that time, the wife took a fancy to Daisuke Kazama, who was wearing makeup for her, and launched a rapid offensive.

Daisuke Kazama only felt overwhelmed.

Slipped away quickly.

But who knew that he was actually published in the newspaper, during that time, he had to cover up when he went out, otherwise he always felt that others looked at him strangely, but people’s memories of eating melons were limited.

After that storm, few people talked about it.

Originally, he subconsciously forgot.

But now it’s a matter of old things…

The corners of Daisuke Kazama’s mouth twitched.

“Stop talking about it!”

Natsume shrugged.

Didn’t continue.

Because it’s not necessary.

“Now in a bad mood, fight me.”

Natsume continued.

A few days ago, he had already captured the card of the sword scorpion, and he sent Thunderfly, and Natsume was not prepared to go to him specifically, but he wanted to come to the beach to relax, and he met this guy.

Should I say good luck or bad luck?

When encountered, Natsume did not let go of the reason.


The Dark Emperor rode the drive, which had been placed by him on his waist.

Daisuke Kazama had a dark face.

Get up on the wrong side of the bed…

Fight with him?

Is this pinching him as a soft persimmon, or as a tool man? Plus Natsume just mentioned the black history that he least wanted to recall, and immediately took out the butt of the thunder fly, and the thunder fly insect instrument rushed over.



The insect instrument and the butt are combined, and Daisuke Kazama completes the transformation first.

Natsume was almost at the same time as him.

A card was delivered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not the Dark Emperor Ride.


【KamenRideCalibur! (Kamen Harnessing the King Sword)] Dragon Moon Dark Translation! Seize the light, and the Pitch Black Sword ruthlessly dominates the Dark Dragon!

Accompanied by the transformation sound effect.

Natsume’s figure disappeared.

In its place, the Kamen Rider King Sword!

Bang bang!

Thunder Fly shot two shots, Natsume did not dodge, holding the dark sword Moon Dark, step by step towards Thunder Fly, the bullet fell on the body, no pain or itch, Thunder Fly stepped forward.

Melee gene awakening within the bloodline.

However, he was easily repelled by Natsume.

His martial arts skills are too poor.

Rushed up and retreated in embarrassment.


He chose Bakugan Armor.

The movement here attracted the attention of Xiaoyan playing on the beach, she looked at the battle nervously, the other party is also Kamen Rider, not a worm, about her did not pay attention at all, Daisuke fought with others in a blink of an eye, she was also speechless.

After the thunder fly burst the armor.

After a new round of attacks, Daisuke Kazama found that he had been pressed and beaten, and when it came to fighting, he had no power to fight back, so he entered the ClockUp state, and the king sword in the evil wyvern state does not have similar abilities to super high speed.


He instantly disappeared into the darkness and entered the dark space, and Natsume found that when he harnessed the power of the king sword, he used the dark space, and it was more like an arm, entering and exiting the dark space, faster.

There is no need to open a passage, just a flash of thought.

The target of the offensive disappears.

Thunderfly stopped at super high speed.

Slowly type a ?.

What about people?

Natsume walked out from behind him 517, a sword stabbed at his waist, strong impact, not caught off, unsteady center of gravity, ran forward several steps, almost fell, Thunder Fly opened the distance to shoot, the dense bullet was easily blocked by Natsume’s sword.

【RiderShooting! 】

He kills.

Natsume sends in the kill card.

【Must kill ReadJaakuDragon】

Pull the trigger.

[Kill Guide! ] 】

[Kill Guide! ] 】

【Kill Guide…】

[Learn three flashes! ] 】

On the dark sword moon, an extremely powerful dark energy bloomed, and with three readings, a purple-black crescent-shaped slashing shock wave was cut out horizontally by him.

Two strands of energy collide with each other.

Only a moment of stalemate.

Thunderfly’s energy bomb was dissipated, and the remaining energy poured on Thunderfly, and the surrounding ground kept exploding, and Thunderfly was forced to lift his transformation, and Daisuke Kazama gasped in embarrassment.

This knight… The power is weird and strong!

Natsume dispersed his armor.

The mood is much better.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Thunderfly and reward 1,000 points]

A prompt appears.

Xiaoyan came up and helped Daisuke Kazama.

“Daisuke, you’re too inferior.”

Daisuke Kazama: …

Xiaoyan, don’t prick my heart again!


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