Beat Daisuke Kazama up.

Natsume’s mood was obviously much better, and sure enough, at the right time, he had to change his mood, and it was still very nice to meet Daisuke Kazama, not only his mood became better, but he also had a thousand points.

Thunderfly’s card is also there.

It’s a one-size-fits-all thing!

Moreover, this matter is actually not bad for Daisuke Kazama, Natsume thought, a fight, by the way, can also allow him to hone his fighting skills, and later found that he can’t fight in close combat, doesn’t he also remember that he is a shooter?

Mutual benefit.

On the beach.

Daisuke Kazama patted the sand on his clothes and pants and stood up.

Asked aloud:

“What about the guy?”

“Already gone.”

Koyan helped Daisuke carry the violin case and pointed into the distance and said, Kazama Daisuke looked at the position of Xiaoyan’s fingertips, where he could still see the figure at this time, at this time he felt that he had become a tool man.

It’s very gan!

Pouting, he hummed arrogantly, “Hey… Count him as fast! ”

“However, Daisuke obviously lost miserably.”

Mending the knife is a small word, and the sentence is heart-piercing.

Daisuke Kazama was speechless.

“Xiaoyan, which side are you on?”

“Brother Natsume is more handsome than you, but it’s a pity that I still have to stay by your side, and an unreliable man like Daisuke needs a reliable guardian like me to accompany him.”

Xiao Yan said seriously.

Daisuke Kazama rolled his eyes.

Automatically filtered the following sentence, this Xiaoyan has been said more than once, he didn’t take it seriously, what guardian, just a little girl who needs to be cared for, but he has always brought Xiaoyan with amnesia, maybe for him it is the sustenance of his heart when he wanders the world?

His focus is on the sentence in front of Xiao Yan.

“Natsume… Brother? ”

“His name? When was it said? ”

Daisuke Kazama was stunned.

“Just when Daisuke doubted life..”

“… Okay, this topic skimmed by. ”

He took a deep breath.

Leave with a small word.

Natsume left the sea, summoned the mechanical ten-year, drove towards the Bsitro restaurant, and sped down the road, and it wasn’t long before Natsume pinched the young man.

The main thing is that the restaurant is not big, and you can’t sit down when there are many people, Natsume doesn’t like crowding, and when the business is lively, Xiao Xu is also very busy, and there is no time to talk to him.

Kagami took another leave.

Only Tiandao was sitting there drinking coffee, and there was a plate in front of him, which had eaten mackerel miso .

“Yo, Natsume, coming?”

Tiandao said hello.


Natsume sat down directly across from Tendo.

“Natsume-kun… What to eat? ”

Xiao Xu walked up to Natsume and asked in a low voice.

“It’s still the same old way, mackerel miso let’s make it, Xiaoxu makes it the best.”


Xiao Xu lowered his head and whispered.

Natsume felt that in front of him, there was Yako who had changed in the direction of Steamhime.

“That’s not a coincidence, mackerel miso is so, I just ate the last serving.”

Tiandao raised his eyebrows and said.

Very unpleasant!

The heart said, Natsume, this guy, came to seduce his sister again! Can’t stand it!

However, seeing Natsume’s deflatedness, his mood became beautiful again.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

Xiao Xu said with a smile.

Being able to cook for Natsume-kun, Xiao Xu is already very happy.


Did he hear it wrong when he came?

Takemiya bow covered his mouth and said with a smile: “Xiao Xu knows that Brother Natsume likes mackerel miso sauce, so he specially keeps a copy every day, if Brother Natsume doesn’t come today, Xiao Xu is estimated to become a Wangfu stone.” ”

Sure enough, let’s set Natsume on fire! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tiandao thought viciously.

How can it be repaired!

His brother’s treatment is simply inferior by many times, is it really different?

After a while, Xiao Xu was ready and placed in front of Natsume.

“Thank you Xiaoxu~”

“Nope… No need to say thank you. ”

Xiao Xu whispered.

She seems less shy.

“I’m moving.”

Natsume said, glancing at Tendo playfully.

Tiandao was silent.

Big head!

Natsume quickly finished eating.

“Come out with me.”

After Tiandao finished speaking, he got up and walked out of the store.

Natsume rolled his eyes.

“Then Xiaoxu, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Natsume followed Tendo to the outside of the store and walked in the direction of Tokyo Tower, Tendo’s house was over there, he was going home, as for Natsume, after a while, he went back by himself.

Tendo knew that Natsume had that strange power.

And, even if not.

Seducing his lovely sister, such a punishment is considered mild!

A night breeze blows across your face.

The bloody sunset fell, the sky turned black, shrouded the city, tomorrow’s weather may not be very good, black oppression, no moon, stars can only see a few twinkles.

“Heavenly Dao, specially let me come out, is there anything wrong?”

Natsume looked at Tendo and asked with a smile.

“You guess?”

“Are you alright?”

“Natsume, I really want to beat you up.”

“It’s a pity you can’t beat me.”

“Not necessarily, but… I have the opportunity to try other things, football, cooking, basketball, I will accompany you to the end. ”

Tiandao put his hands in his pockets, paused, and said in a calm tone.

Natsume narrowed his eyes and smiled like a fox.


Natsume said that except for having children, it was okay.

Tiandao sighed in his heart.

In fact…

Natsume is really similar to him, and looking at his confident look, you can know that he does well in everything except (King No’s) to fight, but Xiaoxu’s identity dooms her to not be like a normal person.

“Some of them are not as simple as you think, but, Xiaoxu… If something happens to Xiao Xu at that time, I will kill you even if I try my best. ”

He snorted coldly, and his tone was cold!

“I know…”

The two played dumb puzzles.

“Okay, I’m home, let’s go.”

The nameplate of the Heavenly Daoist is affixed to the outside of the courtyard wall.

“Don’t invite me into the house?”

“Fuck you!”

Natsume waved his hand with a smile, opened up a dark space, and walked straight in, Tendo watched Natsume leave, turned and walked into the courtyard, and a smile couldn’t help but appear on his cold face.

In a flash…

ps: Thank you Dragon Emperor Tian for your great reward support!.

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