The moment Natsume walked into the dark space.

There are strange fluctuations emerging.

He sensed the alien worm.

Before returning home, he jumped over and solved it by the way, all of them were non-molting alien insects, in Natsume’s eyes, they were scum, but there was always a harvest.

Ten alien insects, full of calculations, also have a hundred points.

Store it slowly, and one day it will accumulate!

Now Natsume has more than 60,000 points precisely because of the accumulation from less to more, little by little, even if he kills a larva that has not molted, it is only ten points, but once the number rises, it is still a lot!

And seven years of incubation!

In addition to the eggs brought down from the meteorite, the alien insects are also constantly multiplying, and many places are hiding nests for hatching, and the number will only increase.

“Well, it’s better than nothing.”

Natsume muttered to himself.

Looking around, it seemed that the sound of a car was coming.

He opened the dark space, jumped in space, returned home, looked at the time, went to the bathroom to wash, took a bath, basically went to the system space to challenge, by the way waiting for the daily projection refresh.

Natsume just after leaving 783.

Several heavy armored vehicles carrying ant soldiers appeared, Kageyama was still riding a motorcycle, walking in front first, and he took the ant soldiers of the phantom team to get out of the car and survey the scene.

This is the jurisdiction of their Phantom Squad.

When I was stationed in the base, after receiving the news that there were alien insects here, I rushed non-stop, and after that, there was nothing.

What about playing?

For some reason, after a succession of deflated, Kageyama instantly felt that his temper became more and more smelly compared to before, and even if he wanted to change, he couldn’t help it.

“Report Captain!”

Some team members shouted.

Kageyama looked over instantly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Captain! There are traces of battle here, and what remains on the ground is left after the insect was defeated and exploded. ”

Kageyama frowned instantly.

Solved so quickly?


Could it be that this alien worm just appeared and happened to be solved by a Kamen Rider passing by?

Kageyama instantly thought of the knight who passed by a certain road (bjbj).

Take a deep breath and try to calm your mind.

“Go ahead and clean up the scene.”

He gritted his teeth.


Kageyama instantly folded his hands, sat on the locomotive of the royal bee, lowered his head and thought about how much he had done since becoming the royal bee? It seems to be quite a lot, but what is the use of this?

Either the speed of light is deflated, or it is a foil for others.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but snort coldly.

“Abominable Dark Emperor Rider!”

No matter what kind of pot, first buckle it on the head of the Dark Emperor, it’s probably right!

Naritaki said very good~

Kageyama thought to himself, still worried about the previous battle when Natsume transformed into an imperial bee outside the church in Saitama Prefecture.

According to the data, the Dark Emperor can transform into so many knights, why choose the Imperial Bee?

It must be against him!

Kageyama whispered in an instant.

The phantom team members who walked around one after another, tidying up the scene, had already seen it strangely, in fact, they were not so satisfied with Kageyama as the captain, after all, they were going to be a nest.

The captain is too dish, and they are also faceless.

But there is no way.

Who is Kageyama still an imperial bee? The Emperor Bee Adaptor, who was appointed by his superiors, has experienced many defeats and has not been abandoned.

It’s business as usual for the Phantom Squad.

The seed of jealousy, once it is buried, it is like a thorn that pierces into the heart, and it will feel unhappy no matter what, and when Kageyama instantly loses his identity as an Imperial Bee Fittest, it will completely burst out.

Natsume house. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The bathroom was steaming, he put most of the hot water in the bathtub, soaked in it, very comfortable, suddenly sneezed, muttered: Which little cub is scolding me?

Half an hour later.

Natsume got up, put on his pajamas, and went back to his room.

Go directly to the system space.

Now taking advantage of the fact that the daily projection has not yet been refreshed, he has to hurry up to challenge the knight projection, as he obtains more and more knight power, if there is not so much time, Natsume is a merit-based challenge.

Like the gold, silver and bronze three buckets of Godspeed love, there is no need to challenge it now.

The only thing that is valuable to Sandou is the transcendent insect instrument that comes with Jindou, but in the past, the transcendent insect instrument has been pocketed by Natsume, and it is worth mentioning that props like the transcendent insect instrument, once dropped, will definitely not fall again.

Otherwise, if you are lucky, Natsume can still be a prop wholesaler?

You can buy it in the system store, but the price is fatal!

Natsume will only buy it in the system store if there is a problem with his brain.

He is not short of money.

And the treasures of the Kamen Rider world…

In addition to the projection drop, he can also get it from the mall, but buying one is enough!

Empty Self, Ajito, Dragoon, Faiz, Hibiki…

Natsume challenged one after another.

The AI challenge has been going on for so long, and Natsume has already figured out the AI’s action posture, and after getting familiar with it, he can often make the duel end with lightning speed.

Keep challenge times to a minimum.

Natsume found out.

For him, who has the reward of heaven, the AI setting is meaningless, after all, it is a set program, different from the combat of real knights, and the real PK, full of uncertain factors.

Occasionally burst seeds!

It’s a pity that in the world of Jia Dou, only the Heavenly Dao can make Natsume’s battle hearty.

Everyone else is always a little bit worse.

Just a little…


It’s twelve o’clock in the morning.

Everything refreshes and starts over.

Natsume ends the challenge.

Look at the rewards for settlement:

Light Force Seed x1.

There are still eight Light Force seeds left.

It’s not in vain.

Take a break.

Natsume immediately asked the system to extract the new knight projection projected daily, and his luck, as always, slowly skimmed over mass-produced knight images such as Leo Cavalry and Kamen Rider Jun.

Finally, it froze on the shadow of a yellow-green knight.

Kamen Rider…

Zero One!

ps: The remaining one is still in the early morning, and the routine will be reversed, and then strive for six + changes every day

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