A few days later.

The weather is still gloomy, with no sun during the day and no moon in the evening, which is always uncomfortable.

Natsume walks on a secluded road.

Humming a little tune, comfortable.

Xia has always loved to sing.

No skill, all feelings!

After crossing over, he easily filled the ability to sing with the talent of heavenly reward, and now even if Natsume goes to the singing competition, it is not difficult to make a championship debut.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to do it.


A figure dressed in strange costumes and looking like a social youth appeared not far ~ .

His name is Yacha Thought.

Former Queenbee Adaptor, Phantom Captain.

After being abandoned by Zect.

He disappeared for a long time.

And now it’s happening again.

It’s gone to hell.


When Natsume saw Yachi thinking, he couldn’t help but be stunned, looking at his current dress, he must have been selected as the fittest by the kicking locust insect instrument, and the abandoned insect instrument and the abandoned zect team members walked together.

“Ahhh… Now, there is no perfect reconciliation, anyway, people like me are not worthy. ”

He whispered.

“It seems that you have found your way to go.”

Natsume said.

In fact, if there was no Kageyama Instantaneous Secret, Yachi wanted to gradually find himself, he would definitely be able to regain the recognition of the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument and make himself stronger than before!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is nirvana rebirth.

But in order to become an imperial bee, Kageyama designed to cut off the path that Yachi should have taken, leaving him on the opposite path, he became a kicking locust, and Kageyama Instant would also suffer from himself and be ruthlessly abandoned by Zect.

I want to live with Yacha.

Become… Fist locust!

“I walk in a dark hell… Hehe, people like me who have fallen into hell . Even a little sunlight can be burned. Yachi wanted to talk to himself.

Natsume: …

Helpless Stalls (???)

This Nima, the chat is not in the same channel.

“Did you laugh at me just now?”

Yachi wanted to bow his head.

The device in the center of the belt was pulled open and turned into a tray.


Kicking locust insects jumped up.

Yachi wanted to catch it.


In an instant, Kamen Rider Kick Locust appeared.

He wanted to fight Natsume again.

Win or lose.

Maybe it’s because he lost to Natsume as an imperial bee, and now he has gone into hell and become a kicking locust, and he also has a knot in his heart, and he wants to make a real decision.


No, no, no, Natsume said that he really didn’t, but this Yachi started fighting without saying a word, and after falling into hell, he really changed a lot compared to him before.

But Yacha thought had already transformed.

Natsume can only fight.

So, the card that kicks the locust Natsume is not yet, a thousand points, it is also eye-catching, Natsume feels that he has become more and more collector recently, first set a small goal, such as collecting all the knight’s cards at this stage!

Before he crossed over, Kamen Rider just updated to…


He took a new card out of the card case.

“If I fight you, use this card.”

The fingertip tapped on the card.

Feed into the drive.

Natsume stood in place casually, pushed the drive with his right hand, and the gem in the middle of the drive was reversed, and the two sides were instantly closed and read.

【KamenRideZeroOne! 】

[Kamen Harnessing Zero One! ] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

This is exactly the knight card that Natsume just obtained from the system a few days ago, the first knight of the Reiwa era! Like kicking locusts, knights are also based on locusts.

Transform into a sound effect!

【Jump! (Jump)]

【Authorize! Progrise! Jump and rise! RisingHopper! (Authorized!) Program Upgrade! Jump and rise! Leap locusts! )】

【Ajumptotheskyturnstoariderkick! (Volley, knight flying kick)]


Along with the condensation of data, a set of yellow-green armor covered Natsume’s body.

Kick the locust and raise its legs to attack.

Serial leg strikes.

Swing leg strikes…

His kicking skills are very strong, rarely using the power of his fists, using kicking skills, in order to release his power, one hundred percent, Natsume unhurriedly raised his legs and collided with it in the air.

The kicking locust only felt a violent force attack, as if it was going to devour him whole.

The partial family of zero-one high-leap locust morphology is also serious.

Punch power and kick power are not at all the same level.

In terms of basic data, zero one is much better than kicking locusts.

The kicking locust was easily suppressed and retreated one after another.

Natsume jumped up.

The terrifying bouncing ability burst out from between the legs, and the whole turned into a bolt of lightning, rushed towards the kicking locust, and came to the kicking locust in the blink of an eye, which made people unable to react at all!


With the blessing of terrifying inertia, Natsume punched out and landed on the abdomen of the kicking locust, and then the kicking locust flew out in the air, he flipped in the air, trying to adjust his position, and only then could he land smoothly.


Kicking locust’s red eyes flashed.

【Rider.Jump! 】

【Rider.Kick! 】

He unleashed his kill, jumped into the air, and kicked towards Natsume.

Since ancient times, the left side of the wave loses!

Natsume is on the left.

Therefore, he did not hard take this blow, and continuously moved at high speed, turning into a yellow-green lightning, and at the same time, he sent a special kill card into the dark emperor riding drive.

【RisingImpact! 】

Charge for jumping.

The ground he stepped on appeared all the spider web-like lines, and in the blink of an eye it became tattered, and after jumping up, his entire body fell in the direction of kicking locusts, like a bolt of lightning.


Penetrated the kicking locust.

Natsume landed smoothly and lifted his transformation, while the Kicking Locust then landed, the knight system exceeded the range of power carried, the armor dissipated, and the Kicking Locust Insect Instrument did not leave, but guarded the fittest on the side.

Even if… Its power is not that strong.

Natsume turned and left directly.

Prompts appear in your mind.

[Defeat Kamen Rider and kick locusts and reward 1,000 points!] 】

As Natsume drifted away, Yachi wanted to turn over, looking at the gray sky, not knowing what he was thinking…

….. Dry..

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