Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 148 Sudden changes!

"Shall I have a chat with you for a while?"

Considering that there may not be such an easy road to drive in the future, more exciting road sections will naturally require more experienced drivers, so it is natural to drive a section for the most experienced driver to let others rest.

The straight-line distance between the military camp and the target base is 613 kilometers. The actual distance requires driving on the road. Without the guidance of satellite maps, no one knows what the environment is like in the distant wilderness, but it is estimated that it will take more time on the road. Arrival time is within 14 to 24 hours.

No one has the energy to maintain optimal condition for such a long period of time. Faced with all possible changes, proper rest is very important.

Good steel is used on the blade, and this is also a detail that is taken into account in advance planning.

The arrangement was very reasonable. The veteran driver who led everyone through the Blood Crow Forest nodded and gently stepped on the brakes.

The driver changes for the three SUVs occurred simultaneously.

The yellow warrior, a master of melee combat, sat on it.

There are eight people in car No. 1, four of whom can drive, the driver and co-pilot plus two close combat experts.

Considering that soldiers who are good at close combat while driving will not have much use, the military took these conditions into consideration when selecting candidates from the beginning.

The driving ability shown when simply rescuing people on the battlefield is limited. Bai E, who mainly used shooting to be selected for the final scoring stage, did not enjoy the scoring bonus of having driving ability in this regard.

And even if all four people in the car have the ability to drive, except for the main driver, the other three are still able to make up the numbers. Knowing and being proficient are two different things. For example, in the race against time in the Blood Crow Forest just now, if it were any other person, there is a high probability that the car would be overturned.

It was different when it came to flat terrain like the plains. The yellow man who touched the steering wheel showed a little bit of the extravagant part of his character.

Listening to him humming a pleasant tune, the atmosphere in the car was relaxed. The elegant and pristine natural environment with no danger hidden in it was undoubtedly refreshing——

AB, with a stern expression, leaned against the window with a machine gun in his arms, looking at the scenery quickly passing behind him with a trance-like smile on his lips.

The old man rested where he was, and the calm veteran pulled Moulton to sort out the supplies in the car that were a little messy due to the chaos just now.

Bai E pretended to rest for a while, and then began to check and maintain his firearms. Firearms require constant maintenance to stay new for a long time.

[You have completed maintenance on the target once, and the target's durability has been restored by 2 points. 】

[You have completed a maintenance session, and your "Firearm Maintenance" experience will be +3. 】

[The current firearms maintenance experience is 98/300. When you reach 300 points, you can master "Level 2 Firearms Maintenance". 】

It’s been a long time since I’ve returned to my old business, so I’m planning on enchanting!

With a calm look on his face, Bai E stretched out his hand to Moulton, who was walking by, "Your gun."

"What do you want my gun for?"

Although he was confused, Moulton casually took his machine gun and handed it to Bai E.

In terms of shooting ability, he admitted that this kid has something.

Of course, this is limited to this... In terms of comprehensive ability, this kid must still have shortcomings. The fact that the superior did not choose him is irrefutable proof, and he will accept this as a dead end!

Bai E took the machine gun and explained casually, "I felt something was wrong when I used it just now. Let me take a look at it."

Experience +3

"Brother in front, I'll check your gun too."

The yellow soldier who was driving said cheerfully, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Great experience +3

"and yours?"

AB, who was asked, tightened the machine gun in his arms, "I don't need it."

He will do it himself.

As their service time increases, many soldiers will take the initiative to learn things that interest them in their spare time. Bai E is not the only one who has the skills to maintain standard firearms.

It’s just that some people are willing to help others, and some people only take care of themselves or have no energy to socialize.


It doesn't matter if it's Bai E. Anyway, I got 6 experience points, which is definitely not a loss.

He was so happy that he suddenly felt startled, and something similar that he had experienced before stirred his heartstrings.

What happened?

Bai E glanced suspiciously out of the window subconsciously, and Bai E wanted to know where the touch came from, which made his heart seem to lift up.

After frowning and scanning for less than two seconds, Bai E suddenly looked down -

Flowers and plants?

No! Further down!


Getting closer……

Getting closer……

"Swish, swish, swish~"

In a few blurry flashes of consciousness, images of dark brown soil and sand quickly passed before his eyes.

Bai E pressed one hand on his throbbing temple, trying to analyze the precise source of the target.

The next moment, Bai E was startled and suddenly jumped towards the cockpit ahead.

"Step aside!"

Almost at the same time, the co-pilot responsible for guiding the car looked at the grass waves that suddenly rose up about ten meters in front of the car, and a sudden thought flashed in his mind: "What is that?"

Everything happens only in the blink of an eye——

Looking at AB who was in a daze outside the window, his eyes suddenly turned sharp. The old man looked at Bai E strangely as his body jumped out from in front of him. Moulton frowned as if he was thinking to himself. The main driver who was lying on his back and sleeping had saliva at the corner of his mouth... …


The behemoth that suddenly emerged from the ground broke through the soil, and its ferocious body with iron claws stretched out in the sun.

The frightened current driver, the yellow warrior, suddenly turned the steering wheel, trying to avoid the other party's body protruding from the ground.

The direction of the sudden bend and the broken sand and gravel kicked up by the giant insect broke through the ground caused the off-road vehicle body that passed almost close to the giant insect's body to flip up on one side, and the entire vehicle body almost tilted at an angle of about 30 degrees.

Everything that was not fixed in the car was instantly thrown away, and the main driver, who was lying at the rear of the car, was thrown into the air.

However, the first giant insect that emerged from the ground was just an appetizer. More giant insects on the plain ahead seemed to have agreed to stretch their muscles at the same time, and they sprung up from the ground one by one like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Bai E, who had already pounced on the cockpit, raised his eyes and glanced around. Those giant insects were flat in shape, like scorpions or centipedes. Both sides of their bodies were sharp blades like blades. The heads of the insects were drills for digging into the ground. Like mouthparts.

The body exposed above the ground is at least twice as tall as the car body. It is definitely six to seven meters long. There is another body hidden underground. The body size of more than ten meters is just a conservative estimate.

Is it a species native to this planet that I haven’t learned about yet?

Or maybe it's a bug!

The information he obtained never mentioned the existence of such a creature, but Bai E felt that this thing that suddenly appeared in front of him should be an insect!

He probably knew what the vague "hint" he got in advance came from the "hive mind" lurking in his body!

A slight resonance made Bai E suddenly discover their existence, but were they here for himself, or were they just to soothe his body?

no one knows.

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