Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 149 Navigating the Sea of ​​Insects


The wheels fell heavily to the ground, and the car swayed around.




No one was greeted by the sudden change, except Bai E who noticed it in advance and held the iron plate on the back of the cockpit with his hands.

The yellow warrior who was driving had cold sweat on his vest. His big hands holding the steering wheel subconsciously turned white with force. When the car started to bump, he even felt that his soul was shaking.

If the car overturned, the consequences would be disastrous.

What's more important...the giant insects swarming right in front of you will suddenly burst out from the ground under the car at any time, and the large pieces of mud and rocks brought out by them will severely change the originally flat surface. of road surface.

They are like fish swimming in the sea, sometimes jumping out of the water to stretch their bodies in the air and then submerging into the sea again.

The underground is their sea!

Detour? Too late!

They're right in front of you!

It was their greatest good intention not to attack the car for the time being, but they did not seem to have any intention of deliberately avoiding the car's route.

We need to get out of this area that was originally thought to be non-dangerous as soon as possible, but we also need to be careful not to hit them at all times. We must also pay attention to the terrain changed by them and plan to change the route at any time...

The pressure was too great...even more suffocating than in Blood Crow Forest just now.

Cold sweat oozed from his forehead, and the yellow soldier shouted to the back without looking back: "Big White Bear, are you awake?"

"Hiss~" The driver who was called just covered his right arm, and was speechless in pain.

There was chaos in the car just now. He was thrown straight from his seat and unfortunately hit the unloaded blade of the Glaive machine gun. A ten centimeter-long gash was cut on the upper end of his right arm, and blood was flowing out uncontrollably. .

"His arm is injured!" The calm and frightened warrior answered for him.

"But I can't stand it..." The yellow warrior knew his level. Faced with this chaotic scene, he felt that he would overturn at any time.


"Neither can I..." Moulton swallowed hard as he looked at the ghost things that popped out of the ground in front of the car from time to time.

Lao Yi, who had been injured and experienced Bai E's craftsmanship, suggested, "B27, quickly bandage the big white bear and let him go up again!"

Bai E glanced at the extent of his injuries and shook his head, "Not that fast."

It's not that I didn't handle it that quickly, but that the injury didn't recover that quickly. The wound was too big and deep, and even if it was wrapped, it wouldn't be able to exert force that quickly.

At a time like this, when we are racing against time, how can we place our expectations on the personal will of the Great White Bear?

When the nest is overturned, how can there be any eggs?

"I'll do it." Bai E, who was leaning on the back panel of the cockpit, said in a deep voice.

The co-pilot looked back at Bai E with doubts in his eyes, "Are you coming?"

"Unlock your seat belt!" Bai E had no time to explain, but said to the yellow warrior in the main driving position in an almost commanding tone.

[Are you sure to pay 300 general experience points to upgrade the "Learning - Conventional Vehicle Driving" level? 】

[Have learned "Level 2 Conventional Vehicle Driving", and simultaneously obtained technology points*1. 】

[Conventional Vehicle Driving (Level 2): ​​You are already familiar with the driving methods of most general-purpose vehicles, and can skillfully handle common complex terrains. At the same time, the riding experience of the passengers is slightly improved, and speed control over the speed limit is +15%. 】

First-level driving skills are definitely not enough to stabilize the situation in this situation. The yellow warrior and Moulton should both be at this level.

So, mention it.

"Oh~" Faced with similar command language issued by anyone in this critical moment, the yellow warrior without much personal opinion almost completely obeyed.

Bai E leaned forward and put one hand lightly on the steering wheel. He looked at a slightly safer neutral zone and then gave instructions in a calm voice, "Don't panic, get up and get out of the way!"

In this case, there is no way to slow down the routine substitutions. No one knows what will happen if we don't leave the area as soon as possible.

Occasionally, the gravel that was thrown away by giant insects and hit the car windows seemed to hit everyone directly in the heart, making everyone tremble.


The two people were staggered, and Bai E sat down in the driver's seat.

"I will try my best to help you design the route." The co-pilot on the side said to Bai E. His mind was quite bright, but it was a bit difficult for him to design at the same time.


With a "click", Bai E buckled his seat belt with one hand. Many chaotic scenes ahead came into view, and countless possible routes for driving through them were quickly formed in his mind.

[not enough. ]

[Are you sure to pay 500 general experience points to upgrade the "Learning - Conventional Vehicle Driving" level? 】

[Have learned "Level 3 Conventional Vehicle Driving", and simultaneously obtained technology points*1. 】

[Conventional Vehicle Driving (Level 3) (Full Level): There is no secret to you about the driving method of any conventional vehicle. Vehicles can reach places where people can reach, and at the same time, the riding experience of the passengers is greatly improved. Over-limit speed control +30%. (Your driving skills have reached its peak, but the peak driving ability of conventional vehicles is only the basis for unlocking the ability to drive more types of vehicles. Now, you have reached the point where you can master more "specific vehicle" driving abilities through learning/training. preconditions.)]

Directly reach full level!

The status of the entire vehicle is all brought into Baie's mind through the ubiquitous vibrations and feedback from the steering wheel in his hand. Its acceleration/braking performance, vehicle weight changes, chassis vibration filter ratio, tire gripping ability, etc. are all reflected in his mind. Instantly enlightened.

It's like the perspective model of the entire vehicle is slowly rotating in the mind, and all the capabilities appear on the paper in the form of data.

Like an arm and a finger!

At the same time, the required road surface information accurately collected is intertwined with the vehicle's capabilities, and the best answer driving route is displayed in front of you without elaborate design.


Bai E gently stepped on the accelerator, and the engine began to provide maximum horsepower output in the optimal operating range. It trembled slightly like a prehistoric beast waiting for an opportunity.

"Let the car behind me follow my route."

Your own voice is relatively unfamiliar to the vehicle behind you. If a calm soldier speaks, it will be easier for him to be trusted and implemented immediately.

With his peak driving ability and the resonance of the Hive Mind that occasionally flashes in his heart, Bai E feels that it shouldn't be difficult to lead everyone out of this "sea" where giant insects are raging.

Bai E's voice was too calm, and his strong confidence infected the entire vehicle. The calm warrior chose to trust his teammates unconditionally.

"This is Car No. 1! This is Car No. 1! Cars behind you, please keep up! Cars behind you, please keep up! We will lead the way from the front and lead you out of the danger zone as quickly as possible."

Navigation and risk management, this is the greatest significance of the existence of car No. 1 on this journey!

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