"What are those?"

The glass of the car window reflected the fading sunlight in the afternoon. Miss Aryan's delicate face behind the glass stared blankly at the retreating giant insect figures.

Under the leadership of Car No. 1, everyone escaped.

However, the unknown confusion weighed on my heart, and no one knew the origins of the monsters that emerged from the ground behind them.

"Did the bugs mutate again?" Gregory frowned and felt heavy.

Human beings have survived on this planet for thousands of years. There are almost no native creatures that have never been seen before, and now they are close to the insect nest. Whenever something brand-new and unseen appears, go to the insect. The prediction is correct, even if it is not the bugs themselves, their genetic contamination is indispensable.

This ability to survive and mutate species descended from alien beings is a racial characteristic that even the imagination of human biotechnology cannot keep up with.

Just like the composition of the main force of the Zerg race...the bugs that landed on the planet thousands of years ago are completely different from the bugs of today. The bugs at that time were almost all based on the air force, and were air force creatures named "gargoyles" and "winged snakes" by humans. Wreaking havoc in the sky, the "airdrop capsules" biological capsules that landed from outer space brought countless armies, hornworms, soldier bugs and other troops to invade the human defense line wildly, and the fight was in full swing.

Today's worker insects, bee bugs, mantis bugs, etc. are already later mutated or adapted organisms.

A master that is completely unfamiliar to humans also appeared not long ago to teach humans a good lesson, and now...a new type of insect has appeared.

What caused this new wave of mutation craze in this race?

"Sir, do you want to go back and report to the military area?" a soldier asked beside him.

The prohibition engraved in his genes makes him think about the safety of all mankind at all times. If humans are not prepared for the underground, insects that suddenly attack from underground are likely to cause heavy losses to humans, or even damage their muscles and bones.

Gregory frowned in thought for a moment and then shook his head, "No need, let's move on."

They have their tasks, and the military camp will not be completely blind.

The core insect that dominates is a special situation. There is only one and it is hidden deep in the insect nest and never appears. Unless it is beaten back home by humans, it will never take the initiative to attack.

But there are a lot of those bugs we just saw, and it would be difficult to completely hide them from others if we move around.

The military camp will send some teams out every day to patrol and guard. As long as these bugs show signs of moving within a certain distance from the city, it will be difficult to escape the observation of those elite scouts.

Protect your companions, but also trust your companions.

Patrolling and vigilance is the responsibility of those scouts, and executing this military operation is the mission that I and others must complete!

The only strange thing is...why didn't those bugs launch a purposeful attack on the three off-road vehicles?

Is it because their organs for sensing the outside world failed to detect the breath of human flesh and blood hidden under the cold steel? Or is this bug not responsible for attacking?

This information can be collected and reported back to the Research Institute for analysis.

Withdrawing his gaze, Gregory thought about the performance of Car No. 1, which had led everyone to escape from all dangers when they got over from the chaotic ground worm, and felt a little sincerely gratified.

The internal selection mechanism this time was indeed rigorous, and many outstanding fighters were assigned to it. The driver of car No. 1 performed almost unimaginably well in this accident.

Daring to shoulder everything in the unknown chaos, this kind of determination and courage to remain calm in the face of danger and overcome obstacles is far more dazzling than his skills.

"Did 166A11 lead everyone out of danger just now? Well done."

There was a brief silence in the channel, and then the voice from the calm veteran slowly came out——

"...It's 95B27."


It’s this number again…

["Lucky Blow" charge +7. 】

The prompt sounded inconspicuously, and Bai E casually raised his eyes and glanced at the giant insect figures that were gradually receding in the rearview mirror inside the car.


Another completely unknown new type of insect...

From the perspective of explosion rate, it is an elite Zerg unit similar to the Mantis, but it does not have the node ability of "Insect Hive Mind".

Almost the entire body is covered with a thick layer of black chitin bone armor. Under the sun, the rows of bone blades like blades reflect a dazzling cold light.

In the future war, we must not only be careful in front of us and in the distance, but also be careful where we step...

"Let me drive, they can't bandage the back well." After leaving the dangerous area, the yellow soldier's admiring voice sounded behind Bai E.

After only two strikes, this honest and honest warrior was completely convinced.

Bai E gently stepped on the brakes and completed the exchange smoothly.

"It's not serious. Just rest and recover for a while, but it's best not to exert force at the moment." After checking and bandaging the wound, Bai E warned the warrior driver, nicknamed Big White Bear.

"The driving thing..."

"You can rest and leave the driving to me."

Moreover, the terrain for the long stretch ahead is flat, and the yellow warriors are capable of doing it on their own.

After two minor crises, the journey became smooth again.

The journey was swaying, and everyone in the car felt a little sleepy.

Until the red sun sinks into the ground, the sunset covers the branches, and the twisted silhouette of the jungle stalks the twilight horizon in the distance.

From early morning to dusk.

The last stop, the bestiality jungle...

It's getting dark...

The road gradually became bumpy. The terrain in the hilly area was rugged. Even if we tried our best to find a smooth road that could be driven by traffic, there would be bumps and the speed would slow down a lot.

The yellow soldier twisted uneasily and asked behind him: "Brother B27, why don't you drive it instead..."

The heavy responsibility made him panic, and evading responsibility made him blame himself.

Bai E patted his shoulder, smiled and dismissed his worries, "You are tired too, let me do it."

The target base is deep in the beastly jungle far ahead.

When this base was established hundreds of years ago, it was intentionally away from the bustling city. In the hundreds of years since its abandonment, the base has undergone changes. What was once just a hilly outskirt is now covered with blankets.

The jungle that has been affected by alien factors has shown amazing activation and aggression.

It has nothing to do with will drive, only the triggering instinct of waiting for something to happen.

This is the best playground for the orcs, but it is undoubtedly another difficulty for the human convoy trying to penetrate deeper.

According to the established plan, they will arrive at the edge of the jungle before it gets completely dark. Whether they continue to move forward will be determined by the actual observation and the specific arrival time. After all, the target base is still a long way from the outer edge of the jungle. Today, they will walk a little more. , we can arrive at the target base in advance tomorrow and launch trials and attacks.

The three cars slowed down, and someone asked in the voice, "Sir?"

"Slow down and keep moving forward." Gregory glanced at the horizon.

It was still early, there were still at least two hours before it would get completely dark, so there was no time to waste.

We don’t know what the situation is at the target base. It is better to initiate observation during the day than to fight at night.

According to the past information obtained, the nighttime abilities of biochemically modified people far exceed those of normal humans.


When out in the field, the commander's orders are absolute iron laws and are executed to perfection.

In the silent and uninhabited wilderness, the three cars walked through the winding S-shaped curves. The car lights pierced the increasingly thick twilight, as if they were actively entering the open mouth of the devil, and slowly drove into the twisted and sparse jungle.

What you see are almost all century-old trees that are unimaginably thick and thick. They may not be very tall, but they must be hugged by at least three or four people. Each tree is clearly distinguishable.

"Crunch, crunch~"

The dry vines and branches made a crisp crackling sound under the running of the tires. The car bumped slightly, turning over the thick roots of the trees exposed above the ground. It was as if the green thick branches had been disturbed and suddenly pulled back, like It was rolled up into a ball as if grasped by human hands and brought to a giant tree.

Occasionally, there are some small things that are associated with this jungle, walking through the network of vines and branches, and they are green, and I don't know if they are native species.

Humanity has lost control of the entire planet for hundreds of years. Under the influence of various external factors, the planet itself has also undergone drastic changes. It is normal for native creatures to undergo small evolutionary changes in order to adapt to the environment and survive.

Those little things that cause rustling everywhere make this place seem more peaceful.

All the soldiers in the car quietly grasped the machine guns in their arms.

They are not afraid of vigorous frontal battles, but the strange and unknown always make people's hearts beat faster.

Fortunately, we didn't encounter any danger along the way.

Bai E carefully controlled the speed of the car and the choice of path. He tried his best not to get close to any dangerous place that might "offend" those "giant beast trees" unless he couldn't avoid it.

The meandering path forward and backward allows the six headlights to shine straight into the depths of the hills, and some are blocked by small hills.

It wasn't until everyone was out of sight that Commander Gregory's voice rang in everyone's headsets, "Stop the car, turn off the engine, and everyone rest in the car! Pay attention to assigning shifts and maintain energy."

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes, sir!"

Bai E stepped on the brakes but did not leave the driving position.

Even if he rests, he must rest in the driver's seat to ensure that he can take everyone out of danger as soon as possible if an accident occurs.

There was a dim light in the car, and everyone was making final preparations before taking a break.

"Come, have something to eat."

The hot instant bag was handed over from behind by the calm warrior, "There is also a blanket, cover it, be careful of catching a cold at night."

"Okay, thank you."

"When you're full, go to bed first. I'll call you in the middle of the night."


After briefly dealing with personal needs, the car lights were turned off and the whole car was silent.

Slight snoring sounded from everywhere.

Recalling everything that happened on the road today, looking at the sleeping figure on the left side of the cockpit ahead in the darkness, the calm veteran felt inexplicably relieved.

It was as if nothing was difficult when performing a mission with him.

This is a kind of stability that I never felt when I occasionally went on missions with some genetically optimized warriors or psykers. Maybe it's because of... his seemingly calm personality? Even in the face of sudden changes, he is extremely calm and decisive?

Or maybe it's because of the other party's reputation - he single-handedly saved more than 400 lives on the battlefield against the Zerg!

He was not the person involved, but when he thought that the warrior who had done this kind of thing was now his teammate, he felt that he had support behind him.

Before showing enough personal ability, unity and noble qualities are just gentle traps; with ability, all spiritual nobility has a foundation.

In short, it was like a bright moon rising in his heart. On this moonless night, the cold light illuminated his soul...



The branches twitch slowly...

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