
The slight shaking suddenly woke up the sleeping Bai E, just like two stars lighting up in the dark night. Bai E opened his eyes instantly, and his consciousness at the moment of awakening was almost completely awake and he looked in front of him trying to find the source of the abnormal movement.

The next moment, a gentle touch on his shoulder became prominent in Bai E's consciousness.

Bai E still glanced at the deep dusk outside the car window, then turned to look sideways behind him.

The calm veteran raised his index finger in front of his lips, "Shh~"

Signing to Bai E not to panic, the veteran pointed to the side window——

There are some dark green fluorescent lights floating in the air in the jungle. Eyes used to the darkness at night can slightly see the scenery in the low-light environment. Outside the transparent tempered glass, there are a few green to almost brown rattan stained with mud. I don’t know when. Lying on the glass.

Bai E's eyes narrowed slightly, and he subconsciously touched the machine gun placed beside him. After a slight hesitation, he released his right hand that had already grasped the handle of the gun.

Too much movement, not as good as a saber.

"Do it?"

"Ask sir."

The two kept their voices as low as possible, trying not to disturb the rest of their companions before confirming the actual action.

Tomorrow's main force will be those melee masters, and their firepower will be responsible for the vigilance at night.

"Chichichi~" Opening a separate channel, the calm veteran asked in a low voice into the microphone, "This is car No. 1, this is car No. 1, an abnormality is found. Do you want to take action?"

Almost instantly, Gregory's equally soft response came from the headset. Obviously, it was not just Car 1 that discovered the anomaly, "Those vines? We also discovered it."


"Let the soldiers in charge of vigilance pay attention to the situation at all times. It seems that the danger is not great at the moment, and there is no need to disturb everyone's rest."

According to the information collected, these plants are not very aggressive. All attacks are some kind of instinctive stress response. They are not serious enemies. It is better for everyone to have a good rest and maintain energy, and get up together tomorrow morning. solve.

On the contrary, if you get into trouble with them and attract the attention of other beasts that may appear in the jungle or those wandering orcs, that will be trouble.

This jungle is not far from the orc planting base camp, so it is very possible to encounter a small group of wandering orcs.

"Copy that." The calm veteran responded.

With the commander's order, there is no need to worry too much.

"Would you like to sleep a little longer? You were tired during the day. Anyway, I don't think I have anything to do tomorrow..."

"It's okay." When he was startled just now, Bai E was no longer sleepy. "I can't sleep anymore. I'll guard you. You can go to sleep."

"Suit yourself."

Bai E takes over from the veteran, and the old one takes over from AB, and the four firepower hands take over to keep watch.

Bai E, who was sitting in the driver's seat, stared at the jungle in front of him in a daze.

The feedback from the player is gathered together and is received by his consciousness after he wakes up——

[Feedback from the commission, your insight +0.2. 】

[Feedback from the commission, long-range weapon proficiency experience +52. 】

[Feedback from the commission, light weapons proficiency experience +30. 】

[Feedback from the commission, your reflection +0.1. 】

[Feedback from the commission, fighting mastery experience +36. 】

The more enhanced the insight attribute makes Baie's eyes brighter, even in this dark environment with almost no light, he can see farther distances, or observe the extremely subtle things that are almost imperceptible. details.

The vines climbing up the car body are like a thief who entered the house while the owner was sleeping. They moved as slowly and gently as possible, trying to wrap the entire car body bit by bit.

Bai E stared at one of them carefully and found that he had to wait for a long time before he could see it moving even slightly.

Unlike those vines that were triggered suddenly at dusk, the vines now grow instead of crawling.

Just like its body, the plant has been rooted in the same place for thousands of years and has grown slowly, not competing with the sun and the moon day and night.

Trying to trace the source of those vines as much as possible, there is nothing to gain except the living trees that occasionally "stretch" their bodies.

The Lucky Strike display didn't regard the big trees as objects that could be attacked at all. Was it because he judged that he couldn't explode them? Or does it exist as an environmental background by default?

Any detail can be used as potentially useful information. When he was out, Bai E's mind almost reached its limit.




In the early morning, the sound of breaking vines woke up some of the sleeping warriors.

Suddenly awakened, Moulton and the other soldiers woke up from their sleep and looked out the car window.

The soldiers who had woken up earlier or were on the last shift were holding sabers to clean up the vines that almost covered the entire car.

Those branches are extremely tough, and some of them seem to have a certain counterattack instinct. The moment they are attacked, they try to find the source and attack and capture the prey in a entangled way.

The tall warrior walked into it nonchalantly. When he was entangled by vines, he was not in a hurry to fight back. Only when he was wrapped tightly did he suddenly exert his strength.


The muscles hidden under the combat uniform burst out with unimaginable strange strength. It was difficult for Bai E to cut off easily with his saber and the vines wrapped in several pieces were broken instantly.

The bursting branches swept through the air and made a popping sound.

The Blood God... was the guy who nearly gave himself a concussion after a few punches during the game.

So strong...

Even if his physical fitness is close to the limit of 15 points and he has a specialty - over-limit drive, he will never be able to achieve this kind of expressiveness.

In fact, he was not the only one. He swung out the dagger and cut it in a circular motion, chopped four or five daggers in a row, and quickly pulled it back in an attempt to escape but was instantly caught by a big hand...

Bai E finally figured out that these people who could be selected by the military definitely had their own unique skills.

No one is good!

The previous encounters on the road were just appetizers. The bionic guards in the target base were the biggest enemies of this trip. Later, we had to watch the performance of these macho men.

If everything goes well, following these tough men, mixing up military achievements and exploring the ruins... that would be very beautiful.

Bai E doesn't want to seize every opportunity to show off himself. After no longer living in the disdainful eyes of his teammates, he can sometimes paddle with ease.


As a soldier cut off the last vine wrapped around the car, the three off-road vehicles roared away in the cool morning mist.


The silver-gray sharp corners first appeared in everyone's field of vision through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and the target building came to Bai E's eyes from the data.

The pictures in the information gave me no idea, but it wasn’t until I saw it with my own eyes that I realized...it’s really big.


Gregory's short command sounded in everyone's earphones.

"Release the drones."

The car window opened, and three black four-claw drones flew out of the car and headed towards the target direction.

It is not easy for a drone to directly penetrate into the target building, but it is always a good idea to explore the outside first.

Although those biochemical warriors have undergone biochemical transformation, their basis still follows the human biological system, and they also have to eat, drink and defecate.

These may bring traces.

While waiting, all three cars drove into the shade of trees covered by branches and leaves.

Before the operation is completely successful, it must be concealed.

"Sir, I saw it. There is a field with traces of planting to the west of the target base. I can't see the details clearly."

"There is a fenced-in area in the northeast corner that appears to contain small animals."

"The drone is flying too high to see clearly. Sir, would you like to get closer?"

"No need." Gregory's eyes narrowed slightly, with a cold light. This basic information was enough. Getting too close might allow those biochemically modified people who might have anti-electronic means to discover that there was an enemy invasion.

"Lord Pantheon, I'm sorry to bother you."

The tall man who had been standing next to Gregory with his arms folded and an indifferent expression nodded his chin when he heard this, "I'll go take a look."

Seeing the figure walking alone from car No. 2 to the target base, the co-pilot next to Bai E sounded curious, "Is he going alone?"

The calm veteran, who seemed to have quite a lot of experience in cooperating with psykers in combat, explained with a smile, "The abilities of psykers are extraordinary and unpredictable, and it is common for one person to act alone."

"Then what is he going to do?"

"It should be to investigate the information inside the target base for us..." The arranger of psykers did not say anything, and the calm veteran could only rub his chin and guess, "Didn't those biochemically modified people say that dog noses are very smart? Let’s see if it’s their noses that are smarter or ours…”

"You seem to be swearing..."

In front of everyone's eyes, the figure cautiously moved towards the target on the grass reaching up to the calf, making irregular and hidden progress.

Bai E can see more information in his eyes——

[Pan Sen (human) (ally) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: certain (fresh meat*1500, 3000 combat experience points); high probability (traits: mental resistance, proficiency: light firearms Specialization level +1, not exceeding level 6); possible (Feats: keen senses, psionic power (clairvoyance): 100)]

It’s not necessarily comprehensive, but it’s still fairly representative.

But for some reason, Bai E felt his eyes were a little blurry after looking in that direction for a while. The space where the psyker was located seemed to be vague, and staring at it seemed to make people feel like the world was spinning in front of them.

Bai E rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and when he looked again, he was surprised to find that - it was gone!

Under the sunshine near noon, a living figure just disappeared?

Even if you want to discover the location of the psyker through the strange disturbances in the grass and vegetation, it seems impossible.

Not only Bai E, but all the soldiers in the No. 1 car who watched this scene nervously opened their mouths subconsciously.

"Where's...my lord?"

"I don't know... I blinked and the person was gone?"

The calm veteran sighed a little, "This is psychic power~"

No matter how many times we see it, the wonders of psychic energy always make people marvel.

And the direction this adult's psychic ability is good at is concealment and exploration.

Time passes slowly, waiting quietly.

Unable to see the actions of the master psyker, and unable to know the situation inside the target building, everyone could only wait silently for the feedback from the master psyker.

"Back." The co-pilot beside Bai E suddenly pointed excitedly in a certain direction. About a hundred meters away, the departing psyker appeared in everyone's field of vision as if he suddenly appeared.

It's just that... the expression on his face looks a little solemn.

"I can't detect the depths."

The psyker who returned to Car No. 2 said truthfully: "The building materials in this base should contain psychic blocking effects."

In the history that Bai E has learned, the birth of psykers has been around for a long time, but it was only in the past few hundred years that they really began to occupy an important position in the composition of human combat power.

Earlier, it seemed that the development of science and technology suppressed the exploration of personal psychic powers, and psychics who occasionally awakened were jokingly called "magician"-like beings.

Unexpectedly, this ruins base from hundreds of years ago also took into account psykers who should not have performed well at that time.

"But... they are indeed still alive."

Not all is lost for the psykers.

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