Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 177 Optimization Solution Application

After leaving, the three players secretly calculated.

"Promise him?"

"I definitely can't agree to it for the time being." Dai Lian shook his head.

With their current strength, they would definitely be asking for trouble if they came into contact with the so-called wandering orc group.

But there may not be other opportunities for cooperation after retaining contact. After all, if there is only the Liming line... it will be like today.

They've been out of action all day!

And now that the weather has turned dark, it will most likely be dark today as well.

Two days! Do you know how they came here in the past two days?

After following the adults, their strength has indeed improved far beyond other players, but it is obviously not enough to be exposed to more difficult events.

In the final analysis, the root of everything lies with adults!

Sir, come back quickly, Sir!

[Why haven’t I received any feedback from players for a long time? ]

As he drove through the Blood Crow Forest, Bai E looked at the white bird skeletons on the ground, but what he was thinking about was something else entirely.

Without their own supervision, will they just be lazy?

Hmm... No, it seems they have no mission.

Management +1 allowed him to only issue one extra day of task quota. Four days had passed since he left those players, which was a waste of two days!

When he thought of this, Bai E felt like returning home.

Unlike when I went there, I just arrived close to the Blood Crow Forest near dusk after running all day.

This place is not too far from the Zerg nest, and the group of blood crows may attack at any time.

The sky was dark, and the Blood Crows who attacked them last time did not know how much they had lost, but they would definitely not lack the courage to attack again.

The closer you are to the military camp, the safer you are, even if you are operating at night.

On the last leg, it is better to speed back to camp than sleep outdoors.

If Bai'e steps on the accelerator, no one can get out of the car!

Fortunately, there were no disturbances along the way, and we successfully arrived at the military camp in the middle of the night after 12 o'clock.

"Okay, let's go back and have a rest. We will have a day off tomorrow. I will report the battle report of this trip to the commander. Minister Leacock, thank you for your hard work." Gregory briefly made arrangements for everyone, and then went on his own with him. The conscious psyker departs.

No matter what outstanding contributions everyone has made in this battle, they are still just soldiers in the military camp. As soldiers, they should follow the normal life of soldiers.

"Yes! Sir!" The returning soldiers responded in unison. No one had a good rest after being out for a few days. Although maintaining combat status when sleeping poorly is an ability that every soldier needs to learn, it is important to relax. Naturally, you need to get enough rest afterwards.

Bai E slept almost until dawn, and it was extremely sweet. Driving in the wild requires a lot of energy, and he was also the pilot, so he put in more energy than anyone else.

When I opened my eyes, there was no one in the tent, but looking at the skylight shining through the cracks, I could tell that it was getting late.

It's time to exchange military merit for a watch. You can't always look at the sky... Bai E thought to himself.

In this era, everything is a precious resource. Mechanical watches that do not require batteries and can keep accurate time are also valuable items made by hand.

And almost the next moment after he woke up, a familiar voice sounded outside the tent door.

It was Carlos, "Bai'er, are you awake?"

"Arrived!" Bai E responded, and ran out wearing the simple shorts and vest he wore when sleeping, "Sir?"

"Well done." Carlos looked at Bai E with extremely satisfied eyes.

Early this morning, after returning, Gregory truthfully reported the entire process of this military operation to some senior officers who knew about this secret military operation.

Among them, the performance of 95B27 was also comprehensively analyzed through reports from other soldiers, and all were presented - including a small number of violations of military orders, but also the amazing performance along the way.

Disobeying military orders was only for mission considerations, and it also had Minister Leacock's order and the full consent of his comrades, so it was not a big problem.

With the amazing performance throughout the whole process, such a small problem was hardly a problem, and the officers of Hamilton's series did not have much ability to refute during the verbal quarrel.

Military merit is enough.

A trial for new recruits, a Zerg battlefield, and a covert operation.

In just three military operations, enough military merits were accumulated to exchange for genetic optimization fluid. This is absolutely unprecedented in the history of the entire military camp.

However, the application for genetic optimization fluid could only be submitted by the soldier himself, so Carlos notified Bai E as soon as possible after recording the military merits and confirming that it was sufficient.

"Is that enough?"

Bai E's eyes were a little sad for a moment. After three times of life and death, he finally accumulated enough military merits.

Players who want to make their own genetic optimization fluid are just a future prospect. Since there is an opportunity to obtain it, of course they cannot give up.

"How to apply?" Bai E asked.

"It's easy, just fill out a form and I'll take you there." Carlos was extremely excited. Only warriors who have obtained the genetic optimization fluid will have more opportunities for development in the future. Otherwise, as artificial beings, even if their military exploits are far beyond those of superhuman beings, it will be very difficult. There are few opportunities for promotion.

Genetic optimization fluid is a very rare and precious resource. The more resources an individual consumes, the harder it is for the individual to be replaced by other screws, which means that it is less likely to be treated as a screw that can be discarded at any time.

Simply being a warrior will never be the life of 95B27. Any android warrior with strength and potential should shine on a stage that suits them and contribute more to mankind.

Filling out the form is quite simple, and Bai E doesn't need to worry about the subsequent wrangling. There are many facts and records, and even those in Hamilton have to keep their mouths shut!

Carlos is extremely confident about this.

"Okay, you can go and do some free time today. I'll help you with this matter, but it may not be that fast."

The issuance of each genetic optimization solution requires the most careful process. The military representative signs the signature, and the scientific research institute sends people to conduct a detailed physical examination to determine the genetic tendency and the appropriate degree. After everything is confirmed to be OK, it can be injected.

"Understood." Bai E nodded to show that he knew. He had been waiting for so long, and it was only a day or two later.

Gene Optimization Fluid... I don’t know what it is.

After leaving Carlos, Bai E hastily went to the cafeteria to eat something, and then went straight out of the camp.

It's a day off, and it's rare to be able to leave the camp early. If those players happen to be there, I can teach them some more time.

During the four days when I was away, they had no other tasks to do, so they should have expanded the underground base a lot, and it was logical to distribute the power contribution points.

Thinking about his next plan, Bai E walked briskly.

Holding the genetic optimization fluid application form submitted by Carlos, Weslin looked at the officers who were gathered in front of him and were qualified to vote on this matter.

Shaking the application form in his hand gently, Weslin said in a low voice, "A soldier just accumulated enough military merit and submitted an application to his superiors for injection of genetic optimization fluid. These are his achievements and resume. Take a look. Watch and decide your vote."

He did not mention his name, and there was no need for special treatment in the military camp. This was an expression of his personal opinion - neutrality.

He personally does not interfere with the outcome.

He is the top officer of the military, and the top officer does not need to take sides. No matter who among his subordinates gets the genetic optimization fluid, they are still his soldiers after all.

Even though he didn't mention his name, everyone knew who he was. After all, the recruit's performance in recent military operations was really conspicuous. When Gregory, who had successfully led the team to complete covert military operations and returned in the morning, reported the situation, they knew it. Applications will be coming soon.

As Weislin finished speaking, the projection screen behind him appeared on the various performances of that soldier's military merits. Each individual item had detailed evaluations given by more than one officer to ensure a fair evaluation of military merits. just.

There is also the amount of military merit he consumed when exchanging items.

"The military merit is enough, and the performance in several operations is far better than that of ordinary soldiers. If such potential soldiers cannot meet the standards for obtaining genetic optimization fluid, I don't know if the rules we have set can continue to be trusted by all soldiers." Carlos was the first to speak and his position was clear.

"I agree." Hamilton said immediately after voting.


All the officers looked at Hamilton with a smile on his face, their eyes full of surprise.

When did you, a staunch villain, rebel?

After even the core members of the faction that rejected the androids voted in agreement, those neutral factions who might have still considered the relationship also cast their insignificant vote in the face of the ironclad facts.

Everyone wants to apply for genetic optimization fluid for the soldiers they bring out, but only the most elite warriors can obtain this rare material.

Not only to be strong, but also to know how to pay!

No matter how powerful the warrior is but unwilling to contribute, he is just a cancer in the army. Only performance... is the only criterion for applying for genetic optimization fluid.

And the recruit numbered 95B27 undoubtedly achieved the ultimate.

"Unanimous vote passed." Weslin clicked on the table and happily accepted the result. This was the first time such a harmonious meeting had been held, and he was a bit unaccustomed to it...

"The meeting is over!"

The people dispersed, and a fellow officer grabbed Hamilton, who was walking at the end, and asked in a surprised tone, "Did you change your gender today?"

"Why argue with him?" Hamilton's lips curled up slightly, "That 95B27 record is indeed impeccable. Even if we argue with him to the end, we still have to let him achieve his wish today, and we are too lazy to waste words with them. Why not let him take a step? Later... we’ll see.”

"what you up to?"

"What to do? What not to do." Hamilton strode forward. "Since he is willing to contribute to the military camp, then simply do more. Isn't there a homeless den in the northwest? Just let him go and take a look!"

The companion was slightly startled, "That refugee den..."

It seems that many soldiers who were investigating were missing.

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