Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 178 Essential oil? Bring it!

Kuang Xin, who carried a basket of excavated earth and rocks from the cave, had just emerged from the entrance of the cave when he saw a figure walking quickly not far away. He suddenly turned his head in surprise and shouted behind his buttocks, "Sir came back!"

As if growing out of the ground, three players jumped out one after another.

"grown ups!"

The three of them looked at Bai E with eager eyes, as if they planned to swallow him up.

During the two days when Bai E was away, it was not like they didn't try to find other NPCs to see if they could get some tasks, but it was obvious... those buckle-and-suo rewards were completely incomparable to those given by adults.

And it seems that because their reputation has spread, many NPCs who know them are unwilling to contact them, let alone issue tasks.

Just like when the reputation of one camp increases, the reputation of the opposite camp will decrease, making it impossible for them to develop on both ends.

They were used to playing all kinds of games and were quite used to this.

So I was looking forward to the return of the adults.

"Sir, was your action successful?" Gong Yan, who had used information twice before, collected these contents almost subconsciously.

Bai E was in a good mood and didn't have too many barriers to the players, so he smiled and nodded, "It's quite successful."

As he spoke, he went straight to the entrance of the underground base. The scale of the construction would determine how many contribution rewards he would release.


Bai E was amazed as he climbed down the ladder and glanced at it.

The mission target he requested was at least 20*20*3m. Although the current scale cannot be seen at a glance, it has at least doubled compared to the last time.

"You guys have worked hard these days." Bai E casually said that he didn't want any money.

Dai Lian, who had made sufficient preparations, showed his professionalism, "We have measured it and there will be enough space immediately. However, we still need to do moisture-proofing and insect-proofing, etc., and it is still early to complete."

Simply digging a hole in the ground does not constitute a complete warehouse. The cement will have a chance to come into play next. Each of them will become a construction site worker building walls and plastering. Not surprisingly, it will be him and Kuang Xin... maybe Add another Scrat?

Why didn't you realize that you were so versatile before? In the future, even if I can't play games, I will still be considered a generalist in the real world...

"It doesn't matter, just keep doing it."

[Side mission - Build a warehouse (construction commission), the progress will be improved. 】

[Task reward (stage): Force contribution (Dawn) +60, has been issued. 】X3

The contribution points were distributed again, and Bai E still carefully controlled the value of the contribution points.

After the players have redeemed the power exchange store on the first floor, the power store on the second floor has already been opened——

[Characteristics - well-trained, price - basic guidance: 60 points of power contribution. 】

[Knowledge - Conventional Vehicle Driving, Price - Basic Guidance: 25 points of power contribution. 】

[Learning - Computer Hardware Maintenance, Price - Basic Guidance: 25 points of influence contribution; Professional Guidance: 40 points of influence contribution; Famous Teacher Guidance: 60 points of influence contribution; Gold Technology Edition: 100 points of influence contribution. 】

[Knowledge - Advanced Physical Training 3.0, Price - Basic Guidance: 80 power contribution points. 】

[Specialty - Self-Restraint, Price - Basic Guidance: 100 points of power contribution. 】

[Unlock the redemption items of the current level "twice" and then unlock the redemption items of the next level, so stay tuned...]

It seems that most of the abilities I have can be put in, but for example, the artificial human template naturally comes with the blunting of thoughts and battlefield instincts, as well as the bloodthirsty instinct and hive mind that can only be activated by the Zerg template, plus my own personal talents and expertise— —Quick recovery cannot be taught to others.

Some of those academic abilities require professional knowledge, so they are taught at different levels; for practical abilities such as driving that do not require much professional knowledge, Baie only sets up basic introductory teaching, trying to harvest as much as possible. Always maintain a little bit of conscience and rationality.

At the same time, Bai E didn’t want to give players things that were obvious supermodels like “Overlimit Drive”, “Death Resistance” and “Weapon Master” so quickly.

The stores on the second floor have put out good products, but what should we put on the third floor?

But just these are enough for the players' ambition and curiosity for the time being.

The three players who had received the force contribution points that were once again distributed looked at the redemption list and became entangled.

"It seems different from the last time I saw it."

No one pays attention to this exchange list all the time. Just looking at it and not being able to exchange it is undoubtedly the most painful punishment in the world.

After experiencing a system prompt that suddenly sounded, they also directly chose to turn off the prompt for changing the exchange list in the power store... annoying.

Looking at it now, I can clearly see the difference——

It's like the golden technology version of computer hardware maintenance, which was definitely not available last time.

But the problem is not big, they are not interested in this.

Dai Lian and Kuang Xin both focused on "Knowledge - Advanced Physical Training 3.0", while Gong Yan undoubtedly focused on "Expertise - Self-Restraint".

One that can improve physical attributes faster, and one that enhances psychic control abilities are undoubtedly professional counterparts, and they have been coveting them for a long time.

It's a pity that it's not enough...

Gong Yan’s contribution to the force distributed last time is gone. Now she only has 60 points, which can be exchanged for "Specialty - Self-Restraint" to get 100 points. She has no other idea but to save them, and she doesn’t count anything else. Too interested.

Dai Lian and Kuang Xin both had 10 points left last time, and together with the 60 points issued now, they only had 70 points in total. It was undoubtedly not enough to exchange for "Learning - Advanced Physical Training 3.0".

But for Dai Lian, the "trait - well-trained" and the "long-range weapons master instructor" that he didn't finish last time and the newly emerged "light firearms master instructor" are also full of temptations.

Kuang Xin is focused on improving his physical fitness. His thinking is simple. He is only 10 points away. He will not play fancy tricks and save it!

While the three players were stuck in planning how to use their power contribution, Bai E was also thinking about more tricks to take advantage of the players.

He glanced around and felt that the so-called "Dawn Warehouse" was a bit empty.

A warehouse is a building responsible for storing materials.

How can an empty warehouse be called a warehouse?

These players are active in the outside world and may be able to obtain some things that are difficult for them to access.

Resources, as for resources, should flow to each other to create the greatest value. What about things that they can't use for the time being?

And how to set the price, isn’t it all up to you?


[Tip: The current functional building - warehouse, the construction progress has reached a certain standard, and the power warehouse function is enabled. 】

[There are currently supplies in the warehouse: exquisite brass bullets, Zerg essence extract, and biochemical components. 】

[Tip: You need to pay the corresponding price to withdraw materials from the warehouse. 】

[Exquisite brass bullets*10, price: force contribution*5, force funds*10. (A maximum of 5 groups can be redeemed on each calendar day, and a maximum of 20 groups can be redeemed per week.)]

[Zerg Essence Extract*1, price: force contribution*100, force funds*200. (A maximum of 1 group can be redeemed on each calendar day, and a maximum of 3 groups can be redeemed per week.)]

[Biological and chemical components*1, selling price: force contribution*500, force funds*1000. (A maximum of 1 group can be redeemed on each calendar day, and a maximum of 3 groups can be redeemed per week.)]

Damn it! What a genius! Not planning it yourself is simply a big loss to the gaming industry.

Looking at the rules he made, Bai E was quite satisfied.

In order to prevent players from losing interest in fighting after gaining too much power contribution in the future, they must be given some sustainable exchange items to maintain their lack of resources at all times.

And just like the reward for the missions I sent to Wenjie - Zerg Essence Extract, in order to avoid the fact that sometimes the rewards in the missions I posted were new to them and they didn’t know the level, so I first set a price for it. Let them know how precious the mission rewards are, and they will be more interested in them. This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Players who suddenly received an unexpected prompt were dumbfounded when they saw the new "power warehouse" function.

What the hell, why is there a new feature?

See what's there...



Zerg essence extract? Isn't this Wenjie's reward? Something that can produce genetic optimization fluid!

Although they are not yet at the level of coming into contact with the genetic optimization liquid, when they see that they have access to it, they will undoubtedly have the illusion that the genetic optimization liquid is at their fingertips.


And this... biochemical component?

Can it strengthen the function of a certain organ in an individual's body? Multiple stomachs? Multiple hearts? Blood regeneration? Turtle!

In terms of value, it actually exceeds the Zerg Essence Extract by 5 times?



"How to obtain power funds?" Dai Lian muttered to himself.

Why! Good question!

[Tip: Faction funds can be obtained by contributing "resources" to the warehouse manager. 】

The flow of resources is Bai'e's biggest purpose in opening the warehouse function. Not only to harvest the experience in the players' hands, but also to see if they have any resources that they can't use for the time being but that they can use themselves.

Bai E looked calm and explained softly to the three players: "The warehouse is a place used to store the resources shared by the organization. Everyone can hand it in or take it. The things inside are logically available to everyone in the organization. However, considering that everyone’s efforts are different, we cannot let everyone use it freely without restrictions, so there are some conditions when redeeming and withdrawing.”

In the river! In the Ganges!

What resources don’t cost money?

The three players didn't listen to the boss's explanation. They just needed to know how to get it.

"Can anything be handed over and exchanged for funds?" Kuang Xin asked impatiently.

"I decide based on merit, it's the same for everyone."

The three players looked at each other and reached a unanimous opinion, "Try the water first."

"1,000 Blackwater coins!" Kuang Xin spent a lot of money and handed over most of the money he won from the last game and his principal in one go.

[Submit Blackwater Coins*1000 and obtain influence funds*200. 】

"1000 for 200." After receiving the prompt, Kuang Xin whispered to his two teammates.

Dai Lian nodded understandingly.

Not bad, as expected.

Through the pricing of bullets, they can probably guess the value of the power's funds. Just confirming it will always make them more confident.

They have a lot of Blackwater coins with them. Last time they took out 600 rounds of bullets for Jonathan and the others to sell, and a total of 3420 Blackwater coins were returned. From the perspective of the magnification, it is more cost-effective to sell the bullets directly to the outside world, 6 Blackwater coins A bullet.

If you exchange it from the power warehouse, take it out and sell the money, then come back and turn it in to exchange it into funds, wouldn't it be possible to spend it infinitely, and the money will grow bigger and bigger.

The cool operation is brewing in the players' minds. Unfortunately, exchanging warehouse supplies not only requires influence funds, but also influence contribution points. Even so, there are daily and weekly upper limit limits on the number of exchanges... which cannot be redeemed.

And now even if they are all handed over, they will only have more than 600 power funds, and it is impossible for them to keep any of them. There are still many places where Blackwater coins can be used.

The three of them rummaged through themselves to see if there were any resources they could hand over.

Nothing... They also bought the guns and ammunition with Blackwater coins, and their own value after being exploited by those black street merchants is definitely not as high as the value of Blackwater coins.

Only those things that were not bought with Blackwater coins have the value of being handed over, it seems...

Kuang Xin took out a small glass bottle from himself, with a little burnt yellow translucent liquid inside.

The eldest lady of the Heretic Arbitration gave each of them 33 ml of the so-called exorcism essential oil, which was the only thing of unknown value on their bodies.

"We won't need this thing for the time being, right?" Kuang Xin's eyes flashed with boldness.

The level of high-dimensional demons is very high, and the abilities of human believers who believe in them are incredible - if the Rat Man really lets his Kingdom of Rats launch an all-out attack on himself and others, the three of them will definitely be just one dish.

Although there are definitely levels of strength and weakness among high-dimensional demons, even the lowest level demons are probably stronger than the Ratmen.

In this case, what can they do even if they hold weapons that can cause harm to high-dimensional demons?

Just like a child holding a knife and being able to beat a heavily armed soldier?

"But it's always good to keep it..." Dai Lian hesitated. After all, except for one bullet, the other two items in the warehouse supplies cannot be exchanged for the time being, and the required contribution is far from enough.

"Hey~ It doesn't matter, I'll give it a try, and you can keep yours." Kuang Xin didn't care. Zerg essence extracts and biochemical components can only be redeemed a limited number of times per week. The sooner you redeem them, the more land you can build. A lot, who knows if it will be of great use in the future?

How could a combat-type consumable like exorcism essential oil be comparable to a growth-type core material?

Submit one for a look, and if you can, hurry up and accumulate contribution points, and directly get all the redeemable warehouse materials from expensive to cheap!

After having a clear goal, the officers became more motivated. Kuang Xin just tried it without any hesitation.

[Submit exorcism essential oil*33ml...]


Looking at the thing Kuang Xin presented with both hands, Bai E was slightly lost in thought.

He had heard of this thing, the most critical material used by the Heretic Arbitration to fight against demons. He didn't know where it came from, only that it was extremely rare.

Without the help of this thing, even the professional executives of the Heretic Arbitration Institute would be difficult to actually cause harm to the high-dimensional demon's body.

Scanning the three players secretly, Bai E's eyes were a little surprised... Players still have a wide range of paths.

If you rely on yourself, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get it.

A prop specifically used to fight demons?

Bai E glanced at the Rat Man in the corner who was very conscious not to get close to everyone... The demon problem in him was not completely over, and he might have to face the threat of the demon one day.

Having a weapon in hand that can truly threaten the devil always makes people feel more at ease...

Such good things are rare, so please encourage them!

[Submit exorcism essential oil*33ml and obtain influence funds*1650! 】

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