"This is 95B27, this is 95B27. Please answer if you hear. Please answer if you hear."

Bai E pressed the earphone and his voice sounded lonely.

It rang in my own ears, and also rang in every possible corner of the passage.

no respond.

Everyone is silent, sinking in silence, or waiting for possible rescue.

Bai E closed the channel and sighed softly.

The dark crypt is still terrifying, and every corner that has not been looked at is like a wriggling shadow brewing malice in the dark.

Courage could not always inspire Bai E's body. The confused fear in the cave invaded his body all the time through his whole body.

But Bai E, who was not overwhelmed by fear for the first time, was trying to fight against this feeling.

After he bravely took the first step of resistance, pure emotion could no longer depress his will.

The refugees are not opponents. Those who are above the refugees are the real threats.

Who specifically?

he does not know.

But if you dig deeper, you may be able to find the answer.

The same journey, but without my teammates by my side.

The companions he said he could rely on in the event of an unexpected incident have long since disappeared.

However, just because of loneliness...because there are no teammates to rely on, it makes me stronger.

This time it is not a salvation for anyone, but only for myself.

The goal is your own heart.

The seeds spread all over the body along with the beating of the heart and the blood. Bai E could feel those evil tentacles taking root and sprouting in his body.

It is rooted in the body and wants to feed on fear and completely corrupt itself into its slave.

Then take a look...

Let’s see if you make me kneel down, or if I overthrow your rule.

Bai E's footsteps were quick, and he was more familiar with the journey he had taken once. The special sand on the ground showed a clear path under the night vision device.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, at a fork in the road with many cave entrances, Bai E heard a sound echoing from one of the cave entrances.

It's gunfire!

A companion who has lost the ability to communicate?

Or those refugees?


There was another short gunshot, followed by silence.

Is it simply to vent your emotions, or is it a confrontation between the two forces?

Bai E's eyes flickered, and he opened the pathfinding hourglass that was also on his waist, and then carefully stepped in along the passage where the gunfire came from.

The safety of teammates does not need to be dealt with for the time being. What the other party needs is the emotion of fear itself, and only living creatures can provide fear.

Even if their bodies are taken away, it will not help. Their hearts... have been linked to some kind of wonderful existence.

Only by facing your fears can you save yourself.

And only by defeating fear can everything be solved.

Until the truth is discovered, any unexpected discovery may be a small part of the truth.

It was pitch dark in the passage, but fortunately the night vision goggles provided a certain degree of visibility.

But the field of vision is filled with winding and twisting underground passages, and there are always endless obstacles blocking the view. The eyes can't even see anything beyond three meters away.

Only sound can...

As Bai E stepped into the passage, the sounds that were not as obvious as gunshots but could still be heard in silence gradually became clearer.



Movements like a sledgehammer hitting a wall were heard irregularly along with vibrations, and there were... screams.





Bai E rounded the corner, and two bodies appeared in the night vision device.

The soldier who was pressed against the wall had a mixture of sticky saliva and blood hanging from the corners of his mouth. His body was hung on the irregular raised rocks on the wall like a piece of rotten meat. The whole body was evenly cut like a meat pie. Pounded against the rugged walls.

Only the head seemed to maintain its intact structure, sending out the final reminder with a voice as thin as a gossamer.

"He's crazy……"


It's the blood god.

The huge blood god turned his head and looked over. His bright red eyes looked particularly sinister under the night vision device. The frightening fierce light penetrated the slightly distorted night vision device and was violently perceived by Bai E. .

The muscles all over his body were bulging, and the smell of violence and blood almost filled this small space.

"what are you doing!"

Bai E held the gun in both hands and asked coldly.

The blood god with a fierce look on his face pointed at the tattered body on the wall and suddenly smiled, "He is no longer worthy of becoming a soldier of the empire and contributing his strength to the devil. Only death can atone for his sins!"

"Devil?" Bai E narrowed his eyes.

"Don't you smell it? That smell of demons in the air?" The Blood God was suddenly stunned as he spoke, and looked at Bai E as if he had woken up from his intoxicated expression, "Oh, by the way... can you smell it? Arrive. You are different from them, you have not become part of the devil yet."

He stretched out his hand, which was covered in blood, "Come with me, and we will kill through this den of sin."

"What about you?" Bai E took a step back without leaving a trace.

The figure above the Blood God's head clearly shows his current identity——

[95A09/Blood God (Human) (Chaos) (Elite) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: Definitely (Fresh Meat*2400, 3500 Combat Experience Points, Gaze: Blood Gaze); High probability (Traits: Regenerative Blood, Mastery: Combat Specialization level +1, no higher than 6th level, Mastery: Dexterity Weapon Specialization level +1, no higher than 6th level); Possible (Skills: Extreme Pain Relief, Feat: Rage Raging waves.]

In fact, even without the explosion rate display, Bai E can tell from his performance that his current state is definitely not right.

The last time he went on a mission with the Blood God, this big man could only fight silently, and he would also carry out the orders of his superiors. He couldn't see the slightest bit of... madness and arrogance that he showed now.

When did the changes begin?

Secret mission?

Return journey?

Or now?

Fear makes all other teammates tremble in darkness, but the strongest warrior uses arrogance to cover up fear?


"They didn't become part of the devil..."

They were only temporarily invaded by demons. Bai E raised his gun with both hands, pointing the black muzzle at the Blood God's head.

"The one who has truly transformed into a demon...is yourself!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The machine gun is not suitable for the cramped tunnel, and the sound of the pistol rushes back and forth in the tunnel in vain.

The moment he discovered Bai E's intention to attack, the Blood God's huge body easily retreated and used the terrain to avoid the bullet attack.

Seven steps away, the gun is fast.

But the environment in the crypt... there is never a smooth road in seven steps.

Dark, dead silence.

With the help of the complicated passage, Bai E easily retreated, and after two steps, Bai E could no longer see the Blood God.

The warrior's furious moans could be heard in his ears. Bai E couldn't bear to look at him and aimed his backhand at his head.

"Bang! Bang!"

After two gunshots, Bai E tightened his grip on the gun and chased towards the passage where the Blood God escaped.

demon? It should be the devil!

The possibilities are the same as what I imagined before setting off.

Suffering is the best breeding ground for the belief in demons. It is also helpless for homeless people in the wild to embrace demons.

I just don’t know... what the devil is this time.

The four demons that You once introduced are only the top four among the high-dimensional demons. Even commoners who don't know anything may have heard of their names.

However, under the four great demons, there are still countless great demons and demons.

All the extreme emotions of all intelligent beings may come together in high-dimensional space to give birth to specific demons.

So this time the demon may be the demon god who controls fear?

With the spiritual "worship" of so many people, he didn't know whether the demon this time could descend into his true form, Bai E, and he didn't know much about the subject of demons.

What is obvious is that the Blood God has now been paid attention to by the devil and has become his chosen one.

Attacking voters is also a way to weaken the devil's strength.

Perhaps killing the Blood God, the chosen demon, can weaken the power of the current demon, thus reducing his control over Yuzu and others.

Not only to save his teammates, but also to redeem himself.

The battle that didn't happen in the arena that night was better to end it right now.

The only strange thing is...why did the chosen one, the Blood God, invite him to kill through this lair?

Is it some way of sublimating oneself?

Or is it due to the characteristics of the devil itself?

Or is it just a lie to let yourself down?

But none of it matters.

There are many things in this world that are chaotic and unknown, but fighting will never deceive.

Things are often confusing, but in the end a battle is inevitable.

Holding a gun in his right hand and holding a dagger under the handle of the gun in his left hand, Bai E kept his utmost vigilance and walked forward into the dark passage.

Every turn in the winding passages of the crypt may be an opportunity for the Blood God to launch a sudden attack.

Even if the other party retreats temporarily, it is obvious that he will not let him go.

In this dark and complex crypt maze, hunters and prey hunt each other, and their identities may change at any time.


Wearing night vision goggles, his field of vision was limited and he was unable to observe small things in his peripheral vision. Bai E kicked a soft thing away before he lowered his head to check.

Night vision goggles?

The headband-like thing was lying quietly on the ground, and the lenses of the eyes looked a little distorted.

Is it from the soldier who died just now?

After losing this thing in a sudden attack, he might have become completely passive in the face of the Blood God.

But...didn't the warrior attacked by the Blood God turn into an immobile "stone sculpture" like Yuzu and the others?

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that he attracted the attention of the Blood God and was specifically attacked.

But why didn't he answer himself in his voice?

Bai E squinted his eyes, aware of many doubts, he just buried these thoughts deep in his heart, waiting for the final reveal.

Looking away, Bai E continued to move forward carefully.

While walking, Bai E could notice that his hands and feet were trembling slightly.

With the help of self-suppression, the forcibly imposed fear can no longer sink Bai E's self-will, but the omnipresent spirit of fear still stirs the seed of fear in his heart.

It deceives its body by bypassing its own will.

Trembling, weak...


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