Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 200 Absolute Defense

Carefully crossing a corner, the dagger covered the turn with the pistol.

The black shadow struck instantly, and Bai E subconsciously pulled the trigger.


The muzzle of the gun has been turned upward before the shot is fired, and the bullet can only hit the top rock.

A spark flashed.

"How dare you catch up to an ant who has already lost to me once!" The Blood God bared his white teeth as he pressed Bai E's wrist hard.

With his hands held down, Bai E gritted his teeth and struggled with the opponent.

However, the foreign fear invaded his bone marrow, causing his muscles to sore involuntarily, and his opponent easily took away the pistol and dagger.

The Blood God, who casually knocked the two away, did not use these weapons. He just hit Bai E on the head with a violent headbutt.


Bai E, who was dizzy for a moment, suddenly took two steps back, and the Blood God, who was standing still, shook his head as if he was in a daze.

He didn't expect that this time the opponent he had brutalized once before would be so physically strong...

But this is better. The Blood God clenched his fists, his eyes glowing as red as blood.

"Let me see how much you've grown during this time!"

Bai E didn't say anything, he just adjusted the night vision goggles on his face.

The lens was a little skewed under the impact of the headbutt, so that the field of vision in front of him was momentarily restricted.

Bai E, who straightened his night vision goggles, stared quietly at the tall man in front of him who was a whole circle bigger than him.

After entering a real fighting state, the blood obviously began to rush through the body, and the places where the blood flowed seemed to have gained courage in those muscles.

The feeling of paralysis and soreness was fading from every corner of his body, and his true ambition for bloody battle began to resist the omnipresent spirit of fear in the cave.

Bai E flicked his wrist and jumped twice slightly on the spot.

The body's combat status is gradually recovering, which is undoubtedly good news.

Sure enough, facing fear itself is the only way to get rid of that seed.

arms? He didn't originally intend to rely on weapons to defeat this enemy.

The environment in this crypt is not suitable for the use of weapons. Perhaps a dexterous dagger can come in handy.

But since the other party has already sent out the invitation empty-handed, he will not be timid.

Under the circulation of hot blood, his body gradually became excited, and Bai E's will burned. He looked at the blood god in front of him and was filled with heat.

"You know? I have been waiting for this day for a long time..."

His voice trembled slightly with excitement.

From the day I was brutally brutalized by the opponent, from the moment I was knocked to the ground with a few punches with almost no ability to resist...

Bai E has never told anyone that he is a very competitive person.

Whatever failed him, he would always win back in the same way.

He was waiting for a formal battle with the Blood God, even if it was just a sparring match, whether it was in the military camp or the arena.

However, accidents always come unexpectedly.

Right inside this cave, right in the middle of this mission.

"I don't know why you are like this, and I don't know if you can repent. I think you won't be able to explain to me..."

But now he is a relentless opponent.

"I will use all my abilities to make you incapacitated. After that...ask you again, why!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai E rushed forward and unleashed his over-limit drive with all his strength.


The blockage between flesh sounded dullly in this small underground passage.

[Trigger competition mode...]

There is no room for dodge, only face-to-face, hard-on-hard confrontation.

Avoiding a frontal attack on vital parts is the greatest evasive action that both sides can do.

The punches hit the flesh. If you can block it, you will naturally reduce the damage. If you can't block it, use your body to resist.

The two punched like the wind, blocking and counterattacking at the same time almost every moment.

Without the tough skin obtained from Dan, Bai E might not be able to persist in such a high-intensity tough confrontation, and his quick recovery would not be able to recover from such high-intensity losses.

Knowing that the level of his fighting expertise was not as good as that of his opponent, Bai E immediately started to increase his level.

One hundred hits plus continuous hits.

Using fists, feet, elbows and knees together, the attack was like a violent storm, fierce and intensive.

It's just that the Blood God's fist is also extremely heavy. In terms of power, it is no less than Bai E who activates the over-limit drive with all his strength. The accompanying force interrupts Bai E's attack rhythm from time to time.

Fortunately, the skyrocketing fighting specialization level and the many special attributes that came with it were immediately effective. Compared with Bai E's collapse the last time the two faced off, this battle actually showed a close balance of power at the beginning.

[Use melee attacks to quickly attack and defend targets, combat proficiency experience +13. 】(superimposed)


Unprepared, Bai E broke through his defense and punched him in the chest. The pain in his body made the Blood God's eyes glow even redder, and his strength suddenly became even greater.

His palm was as fast as lightning and he grabbed Bai E's right fist. While Bai E was struggling to break away, his right fist also hit Bai E's chest.


As one hand exerted force, the other hand involuntarily weakened, and Bai E broke free from the restraint.

Not to be outdone, Bai E, who was punched in the chest, punched him again with his backhand.



You punch me, I punch you.

The original offensive and defensive battle turned into a turn-based battle in an instant.

The heavy physical blow also aroused Bai E's ferocity. He stood there and exchanged blood with the opponent as if his brain was damaged.

One punch, another punch, another punch.

It was as if the fear in the body was to be completely expelled through the power of the fists and the real pain felt!




The last sound sounded almost at the same time, and the two men punched out their fists at the same time, forcing each other to take two steps back.

After rubbing his stuffy and sore chest, Bai E coughed twice and let out the breath he had been holding.

"Okay! Okay!" The Blood God also rubbed his chest, looking at Bai E's eyes becoming more and more red, and his tone was enthusiastic...

The most extreme battle undoubtedly stimulated his nerves. He tore open the combat uniform that had become a restraint on his body, and exposed his finely clad body wearing only a black vest to the air.

With a meaningless roar like a ferocious beast, the Blood God's huge body took the initiative to charge in this narrow passage like a tank.

Bai E clenched his fists.

In the violent venting just now, the power suppressed by fear has been fully restored.

The cold desire to fight spread throughout his body.

He glanced at the translucent panel subtitles in front of him that did not affect his vision.

[You paid 50 points of combat experience during learning, which was converted into 25 points of "combat mastery" experience. 】

No more... Has my special attribute bonus reached a certain upper limit? Or does the Blood God actually not have many personal characteristics?

But that's not important.

[Your fighting ability has formed a strong personal style. By integrating everything you have learned, you will obtain a unique personal fighting system. The current integration progress is 82%...]

The battle itself is meaningful!

Bai E stepped forward, made a lunge and intercepted the fist, and hit the side of the blood god's right forearm.

He waved his right arm horizontally to block the big hand that was coming at him. He pointed the two fingers of his left hand together into a sword and pointed at the side of the waist where the empty door was wide open.

He was extremely confident in the effects of his attacks. Almost the next moment he made these actions, Bai E spun around and crashed into the Blood God's arms.

The palm hangs on the side of the face, and the lower jaw is slashed diagonally.

He turned his hand and pressed down, and hit the blood god's chest with a series of split and push palms, forcing him to breathe short and lose the space to counterattack.

This is the first time Bai E has achieved a perfect combo advantage in a head-on confrontation.

"Cough cough cough!"

The Blood God, who involuntarily took a few steps back, had a red light in his eyes.

The body unscientifically stopped the backward inertia and suddenly changed direction forward.

He charged forward at a speed that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye, and hit Bai E's chest with both hands like cannons.


With one blow, Bai E's body flew out and hit the cave wall four to five meters behind him.

[You were hit by the opponent's attack, and you received 4 points of damage. 】

"Cough~cough~" Bai E turned around and turned around to prevent pursuit, holding his chest and getting up quickly.

The saliva from the corner of his mouth couldn't stop flowing. The Blood God's two punches seemed to have knocked over his internal organs. Gastric juice and bile surged up, and his mouth felt bitter.

At the same time, the scene of the Blood God's attack just now slowly flashed through my mind...

The speed and strength are a bit greater.

It's like the feeling of one against three in the arena before departure...


The flash of inspiration was not caught, so Bai E had to focus all his thoughts on what was in front of him——

The Blood God is obviously already at the peak level of an ordinary human body. It stands to reason that he cannot be able to explode at any time and anywhere to increase the performance of strength and speed.

So, is this the power you can get by joining the devil?

Those extradimensional beings distort reality with unparalleled spiritual power, providing extraordinary power to their chosen believers.

Damn it! Damn it!

I have to make a choice, right?

Facing the blood-god, a powerful opponent, Bai E didn't have the confidence to win with one blow.

Among the three skills unlocked after level 4 of Fighting Specialization, Gifted Emancipation is almost like a youth version of Lucky Blow, but without the reward of dropping items.

It is also an instant burst, and the improvement that the same ability can bring is not huge.

Needless to say, there is not much room for tactical evasion. In this environment, there is not much room for evasion. Even skills that contain unreasonable psychic factors do not have much room for use here.

Then it can only be continuous...absolute defense.

Bai E gritted his teeth and made a decision:

[Payment: Latent repair points*2, 551 general experience points, and 449 combat experience points. 】

[Acquired skill - absolute defense. 】

[Absolute defense: From now on, you can consciously and actively strengthen the body parts that are about to be hit, greatly strengthening the resistance to blows, cuts, and punctures. At the same time, small immunity includes but is not limited to (acid, fire, (ice, electric shock) and other factors; physical fitness (defense) performance +5, physical fitness (recovery) performance +3. Consumption: 3 points of psychic energy (30 points of action reserve)/min. 】

Compared with gun fighting, absolute defense consumes less money. After all, it only simply strengthens oneself and does not involve rapid response to changes in the complex external environment.

Based on my current mobility reserve, it can last for at least...three minutes!

In these three minutes, completely advance the progress of your personal combat system to 100% to see if the effect of this new specialty can have the ability to change your fate like the over-limit drive.

If not, then decide whether to use other trump cards.

The remaining general experience reserves of more than 2,000 points and the opportunity to use a lucky strike give him unlimited comeback possibilities.

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