Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 201 Kill a hundred heads instantly!

[You paid 100 points of general experience during learning, which was converted into 50 points of "Fighting Mastery" experience. 】

Even though he couldn't learn special attribute bonuses, Bai E was still paying experience to improve the progress of his competition tasks.

"Both must be done simultaneously."

The experience calculated on time and the experience of learning conversion must be paid at the same time in order to promote the progress of expertise improvement.

[Your fighting ability has formed a strong personal style. By integrating everything you have learned, you will obtain a unique personal fighting system. The current integration progress is 85%...]




In the continuous rapid battles, the progress is also constantly improving.

Facing Bai E who had activated his "Absolute Defense", the Blood God, whose strength had greatly increased, was unable to cause fatal damage to him.

The astonishing defensive power allows Bai E to choose a more bold fighting method. He does not need to consider too much about his own safety during the fight, but only needs to defeat his opponent as the only goal that needs to be considered.

Strengthened guarding, volleying, acupuncture, hundreds of strikes, joint skills, continuous strikes, whip tips... the special attributes mastered by Bai E came on stage one after another, and they were gradually integrated from the original scattered use.

The fusion of moves became more harmonious, and Bai E could strongly feel that a perfect offensive routine was taking shape in his heart like a fruit that was about to ripen.

Bai E became more and more confident about how to fully use all his power to complete his own style of fighting.

Clearing the clouds and seeing the sun, it suddenly became clear.

[You paid 200 points of general experience during learning, which was converted into 100 points of "Fighting Mastery" experience. 】

[Your fighting ability has formed a strong personal style. By integrating everything you have learned, you will obtain a unique personal fighting system. The current integration progress is 100%...]

It takes two and a half minutes.

Combat is the perfect place to test a theory.

There had never been a moment when Bai E felt that his "understanding" of battle was so profound.

When the opponent stood there, it was as if countless bubbles popped out of his body, and each bubble contained instructions on how to defeat him.

There are thousands of methods, just waiting for you to execute them.

"Huh~" Bai E breathed a sigh of relief.

finally come.

[The competition task - Black Fist, the current progress has reached 100%, and the expertise is being generated...]

[Please choose the special attributes you want to use as the core of your personal combat style: continuous attack, enhanced guarding, waiting for opportunities, joint skills, volley, acupoint, whip tip, and hundreds of blows. 】

From the perspective of the pale green night vision device, the panel that looked like a light blue screen appeared in front of him without any influence, waiting for Bai E's decision.

There are a total of eight choices, each choice means different expertise, and the different cores basically represent what the subsequent expertise tends to be.

If we only consider the present, no matter how powerful the blood god's body is, it will always be a human body. Then the attack techniques specifically targeted at the human body - joint techniques and acupuncture points are undoubtedly the best choices, but they are too restrictive, and the functions specifically targeted at the human body are also limited. This means it has limited effect on other enemies.

Any choice cannot be based on the present. As long as the other choices are not too bad, then you will never choose these two.

As for strengthening guarding and interception? Too conservative and passive, Bai E has never been a person who waits passively. If he can defeat his opponent face to face, he will not choose to linger for a long time, pass!

Opportunity is the ability to find opportunities, and the tip of the whip is the use of the soft ends of the limbs. No matter which one of these two is used as the core, it is a bit too risky. Bai E has no idea what type they can form. expertise.

Only continuous hits and hundred hits are left.

It is also a special attribute that causes high-frequency attacks, but one relies on overdraft bursts and superimposed momentum to get stronger and stronger, and the other relies on developing every part of the body to complete unexpected continuous attacks.

Speaking of which, Hundred Strikes also has elements that rely on the body...

Then it's determined - continuous beating.

Everything that happens in consciousness is extremely fast, and the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the eight special attributes is completed almost in an instant.

[Core determination: consecutive hits. 】

[Expertise is being generated...]

The next moment, the light blue light curtain shattered in front of his eyes, and a fist as big as a casserole broke through the light curtain and struck suddenly.

Bai E calmed down in a deep voice and blocked with both arms.


The figure instantly collapsed.

The absolute defense bonus was still there, and although his body was not harmed, the huge force from his fist still caused Bai E to be involuntarily knocked away instantly.

The feeling of hitting the uneven hard stone wall is not pleasant. You can feel the ground shaking and the dust falling rustlingly.

Bai E clutched his chest and stood up with difficulty. Even with the absolute defense bonus, Bai E still felt breathless in his chest.

As the battle progressed, the opponent gradually increased his strength during the battle, so that even if he had maxed out his over-limit drive, he would not be able to compete with the Blood God in terms of strength.

Is this the power from the devil? A completely different strength bonus from the Skaven, and...

The explosion rate subtitles above his head showed that the other party had not completely become a devil believer or a chosen one.

The items that must be dropped are not "blessings", but only "watching".

This time the demon... seems to be more powerful than the "loving father" that the Rat Man once devoted himself to.

At least in terms of frontal combat capabilities.

More importantly, the most powerful killing move acquired by the Blood God after joining the demon camp seems to be a quick strike that he can use every once in a while.

This blow was far beyond the limit of human body reaction, and its force was unparalleled.

If it weren't for the absolute defense, the grass on the grave would be several meters high.

But...that's it.

Let me see if you get more power from the devil? Or do I get more power from plug-ins?

[The competition mission - Black Fist has been completed. 】

[Task reward: Specialty - Instant kill of a hundred heads, generated. 】

[Kill a hundred heads instantly: After practicing your skills over time, you have reached the pinnacle of your skills.

From now on, you can use all your skills to complete the ultimate blow to the target in a "moment". The "Psychic Energy" or "Mobility Reserve" you consume determines the multiplier of your strike. You can consume up to 5 points of Psychic Energy or 50 points of Action Reserve to cause an actual strike effect of up to "9" times. This strike can be Hitting the same target is regarded as "one hit", and being able to hit multiple targets is regarded as "simultaneously";

At the same time, due to the difference in "unarmed" or "type of weapon (non-firearm)" you hold, the intensity of the blow you inflict will also be different. Use "long-range weapons" to launch this blow based on the specialization ability of the current character. The intensity will be "2" times that of the "unarmed" state.

And without consuming any psychic energy or mobility reserves, this skill can also make your normal attacks have a minimum "2" times the actual strike effect, but your body needs time to calm down the effects of this instant burst. Load (cooldown: 5 seconds).

(Can grow: From now on, every special attribute you obtain in "Fighting Specialization" and "Weapon Specialization" will be reflected in this feat. After obtaining enough growth, the ability of this specialty will still be You will receive an unimaginable extraordinary improvement.)]

Every expertise that is like a short composition must be incredibly powerful.

Even without looking at the handwriting displayed on the panel, the moment he obtained the expertise - killing a hundred heads instantly, Bai E seemed to instinctively know how to use this expertise.

Seeing the opponent rushing towards him, the Blood God's face was filled with madness because he was addicted to fighting... Bai E also gave him a cold smile.

The figure of the Blood God was blurry in his sight, but the strike that was almost beyond sight was missed for the first time in the battle between the two.

Confused by the afterimage of his palm passing his eyes, Bai E deflected to the side of the Blood God with a light movement.

When his hesitant eyes followed Bai E's figure, Bai E had already moved behind him.

Experts always take the greatest precautions from behind. With absolute combat reflexes, the Blood God backhands to grab him. However, Bai E's steps never stop, and he has already retreated to the side before the opponent takes action.

In the narrow passage, Bai E used his position to complete an impossible side attack opportunity.

The personal combat style with "combos" as the core is not just combos, it just combines all the special attributes that Bai E has mastered.

The combo itself is important, but how to maximize the vulnerability required to perform the combo requires other special attributes to work together to find opportunities.

If there are no flaws, create flaws!


A sharp slash from bottom to top struck the blood god's lower jaw on the side. The double-strike effect had not even shown a substantial effect on the opponent's body. Bai E's non-stop footsteps were already rushing towards him again. Behind the Blood God.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment. The Blood God's advanced dynamic vision allowed his eyes to capture the figures moving around him. However, the response of neurotransmission was always delayed by half a step, as if he had been drunk.

Unable to keep up with changes and unable to make predictions.

The ghostly steps became an illusion that the Blood God could never touch. The seemingly irregular steps followed a special trajectory that perfectly matched the rhythm of the attack.



Bai E's attack is no longer a straight fist, but also an attack from two palms...

Slap, chop, tease, chop, smash!

The tall Blood God was like a doll being played with in the palm of his hand for almost an instant. His instinctive offensive ability dragged him deeper and deeper into the quagmire of the chase.

And even if the sanity is completely burned and completely crazy, the "quick blow" exploded is still useless.

Whether it was reason or violence, they completely abandoned him at this moment.

The head-to-head confrontation can make the Blood God's blood burn. The blood of his opponent and his own can make his desire to fight soar, but being played one-sidedly is unbearable.


Regardless of the situation, he roared suddenly, and the violent murderous intent suddenly spread around like an eighth-level gust of wind.

Bai E also had to be interrupted from the rhythm of the attack by this sudden outburst.

While his body was involuntarily blown away, he could see the handwriting on the opponent's head in front of him changing quietly -

[95A09/Blood God (Human) (Chaos) (Elite) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: Must (3500 combat experience points, Gaze: Trial of Blood)...]

In that high-dimensional space that is inaccessible to ordinary people, a certain indescribable, indescribable, unobservable, and untouchable existence officially glanced at this place for the first time...

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