After swallowing a piece of No. 3 slogan, Bai E sat quietly in the dark to recover.

The howling wind above my head and the dark environment are still trying to make me sink into the quagmire all the time.

However, just after the fiercest battle, the passionate emotions were still echoing in his chest, and those dark negative emotions could not affect Bai E at all.

He was just thinking secretly——

Is the final enemy the devil?

The remaining words of the Blood God did not reveal any more information about the source of his power, the type of demon, etc.

Bai E could only speculate on his own based on the information he had at hand.

Those deep in the lair are the chosen believers who have been given power by the devil? Or... the true form of the devil.

Even though the Blood God is not the true chosen one of the devil, he already possesses such power. How terrifying is the existence entrenched deep in this lair?

Whether it is the real devil's choice or the devil's true body, they probably possess unimaginable power.

Bai E is not an expert in this field, and the only knowledge he has about demons is the few things he has learned about because of the Ratman incident.

Knowing that there are many types of demons and that they have different abilities due to different birth emotions is the most important information he has learned.

For example, the uncontrollable plague on the rat people and the blessing of never suffering from illness...

So judging from the abilities displayed by the Blood God, the demonic ability deep in this lair is...power?

Turn fear into strength?

Unilateral authority or plural authority?

Everything is unknown.

The unknown is also more likely to give birth to fear...

In the silence, Bai E listened quietly to his own heartbeat.

The seeds are still there...

There is no way for people to deceive themselves. He is still afraid of the unknown existence deep in the cave.

If you don't overcome it today, recalling this wind-eroded land and its darkness every night in the future, and occasionally hearing the wind blowing across the plains... will make you fall into the deepest abyss.

This is the devil!

All small emotional beginnings will eventually become loopholes for them to take advantage of!

They are pervasive.

Bai E touched his waist, and there... there was a 99ml bottle of exorcism essential oil.

I made preparations for emergencies before coming, but I didn’t expect that they would actually come in handy.

Devil... Devil!

Feeling that he was almost recovered, Bai E touched the wall and stood up.

It was pitch black and he couldn't see.

When fighting with others, he can also rely on blind fighting to detect the opponent's position, but when faced with an immobile environment, he is really a pure blind man...

The Blood God didn't have night vision goggles on him either. He didn't know if it was the power given by the devil that allowed him to see in the dark.

Fortunately, the place where the two finally fought was not far from the night vision device that fell on the ground before. Bai E followed his memory and searched for it in the dark.

It can still be used...

The moment he put on the night vision goggles again, the familiar green perspective returned to his eyes.

The hourglass trace left on the ground also returned to sight.

Following the path of chasing the Blood God, Bai E found his way back in the opposite direction.

Before actually stepping into the depths of the cave, he first needs to determine the status of his teammates.

If possible, carry the body of his teammate out first, and be in a safe physical condition, so that he can truly open his mind and give it a try.

With the legendary exorcism essential oil that can truly kill demons, Bai E felt that he was not without a chance.

Real strength is the determination to take action in the face of any difficulties, rather than superb professional skills or high-tech weapons and equipment.

Several stiff bodies appeared in sight——

Dashan, Songying, pomelo, tiger...

Facing the fear gushing out from their hearts, they are still sinking and struggling in the sea of ​​the spiritual world.

All the darkness and strange roars have turned into extraordinary fantasies that threaten people's lives. Those things that were once most feared seem to have surged up from the bottom of consciousness, turning into terrifying illusions that are either substantial or nihilistic, half true and half false.

When can we escape? Can you escape?

No one could give the answer. All Bai E could do was to carry out their bodies.

Approaching the mountain at the end of the team, Bai E reached out unprepared and tried to pick him up.

However, the moment his palm touched his body, raging darkness instantly poured into Bai E's mind.

It was as if the whole body was tied up with heavy sand and stones and was being exiled into the gradually suffocating deep sea.

The boundless darkness and the terrifying pressure squeezed every inch of the body's skin, even as if all the air in the lungs was being squeezed out bit by bit.

In the incomparable silence, there was only one beating heart, beating violently up and down in the chest, as if it could break through the restraints of the chest at any time...


Bai E suddenly took a step back.

His whole body felt numb and cold as if he had received an electric shock.

The image he saw instantly was frightening. Is this the spiritual world that Dashan is currently immersed in?

After taking a deep breath, Bai E, who was mentally prepared, put his palm up again without hesitation.

Darkness invaded Bai E's will, but a little clarity always made him remember his responsibilities.

If he wants to lead his teammates out of this place, he must not collapse at this moment or abandon them.

After hugging Dashan, Bai E once again reached out to Song Ying without any hesitation...

The boundless darkness is spinning in the sky, and the indescribable unknown fear is chasing behind it. The world seems to have shrunk into a square like a chessboard, leaving only "myself" who is extremely small compared to the chessboard, forever escaping the unknown "fear" behind me. chase.

Darkness, chase.

Completely different from the overlapping pain of the mountains, under Bai E's slightly frowning brow was a world in his mind that had been hit by an unimaginable mental impact.

But the hands holding the two of them tightly did not loosen even a little bit.

Any changes are worth keeping an eye on.

Compared to the first time when everyone fell, what changes happened when I came into contact with Tora and Yuzu's bodies this time?

Did you defeat the Blood God yourself?

Attracted the attention of the "Lord of Fear"?

Want to use the pain my teammates feel to bring me down?

Despicable things that play with people's hearts!

You are not worthy!



Two bodies were thrown into the carriage...

Two more bodies were thrown into the carriage...

Although he carries his comrades on his back, the familiar comrades in the past cannot provide him with any spiritual comfort.

Every teammate who was contacted by Bai E shared their fears with Bai E. Bai E saw the most unreasonable, illogical, and unruly fears deep in their hearts that were changing in reality and reality.

I also saw more things...

After transporting all the members of his own team back, Bai E once again set out on the road to find the members of the other two teams.

Everyone is equipped with special hourglasses used to record movement routes, which are not difficult to find.

It is only natural to save the bodies of teammates.

If you hold a grudge against them because you were ridiculed by them and refuse to save them...this will also bury the same inner loopholes as the Blood God.

When someone makes a sarcastic taunt, you immediately respond sarcastically;

If someone looks down on you, you will immediately scorn him with contempt;

When someone shows off in front of you, you immediately double down to prove that you are better;

If someone is indifferent to you, you should immediately become indifferent to them.

Those things you hate can easily turn you into what you once hated.

This is the greatest damage the "enemy" can cause you.

There are demons in this world...

Those demons who play with people's hearts are always waiting for an opportunity.

Bai E will absolutely...absolutely not allow himself any opportunity that may be exploited by the devil!

Not to mention, he needs controlled experiments to verify some of his inner guesses.

According to the scope of everyone's exploration as agreed before, Bai E followed the tracks left by the warriors and found each scattered member one by one.

This means that in this process, the "fear" of every comrade is shared...

A total of 12 people were recovered.

There were a total of 16 people on this mission. In addition to Bai E himself, there were three corpses - including the Blood God, and two unfortunate warriors who were killed by the Blood God before Bai E took action.



Just as the side door of the carriage was about to close, it was stopped by a weak and delicate hand.

Looking along the arm, Bai E saw Yuyou's eyes that were struggling to open as she woke up.

"You...where are you going?"

In the sinking world of endless darkness, a cold sun rises in my heart without knowing when.

The light, which was not too dazzling, dispelled the panic that made people fear without any specific meaning, and allowed her to finally wake up in the real world with difficulty.

She didn't know where the cold sun came from. She only knew that Bai E, the first person she saw after waking up, saved everyone again.

Bai E smiled softly and explained in a warm voice: "I will help you get rid of the nightmare completely..."

"Take us... let's go, just get out of here." Yuzu's voice was still trembling a little as he spoke, and his gentle voice made people feel pity, like a frightened stray kitten.

"You can't leave." Bai E shook his head, his voice gentle but firm.

Judging from the comparison with the last time we faced the Zerg dominance in the spiritual realm, the impact of this spiritual attack is obviously more long-term.

One is just a simple psychological shock and suppression, which is a violent and unreasonable way of convincing people with force.

But demons are rooted in emotions and have fear in their hearts. They are the same wherever they go.

Even after taking everyone out of the cave, everyone still could not completely come out of the darkness of the spiritual world.

Just like his initial guess, escaping from a distance was meaningless.

In the face of high-dimensional demons that can ignore space, only by truly facing and defeating them in the soul can we obtain true liberation.

The seeds of fear were probably planted in the hearts of all the soldiers present.

No matter where they go, they remain minions of the Lord of Fear.

There were soldiers who woke up one after another, lying in the carriage with weak eyes and looking at Bai E outside the door, "Don't fight for us, you are not affected..."

"Yeah... just take us away."

"The enemies here...are not something you can deal with."

"Hi!" Three or four hands worked together to open the door of another car that had been closed. The soldiers who had woken up weakly knew who had rescued them from the dark cave.

"I apologize for my previous statement... You are the bravest warrior."

"Don't step into that crypt again. Let's go back and report the situation."

"Wait for me in the car. If I fail to come back, you can go back and report..." Bai E smiled and shook his head, backed away slightly, and slowly but firmly closed the car door.

"I'm not just for you..."

‘It’s more for...cultivation. ’

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