Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 204 The Devil’s True Body

Bai E, who once again stepped into the cave alone, walked briskly and chose a downward path without looking back.

When Bai E was rescuing the members of the other two teams, he had already discovered that there were almost no pure dead ends in the honeycomb tunnels here, and every passage could lead to the final core location——

The absolute core of this lair.

Is it meaningful to bear the pain of all our comrades?

Of course there is.

Bai E felt the various fears from different comrades again and again, and also felt the truth that was later revealed - the fear of that demon!

The Lord of Fear himself, the incarnation of fear, is also suffering from the torture of fear itself!

He is afraid of human resistance, and He is afraid of his true intentions being seen through.

He used the spiritual world of all his comrades to try to corrupt his will, and then let them wake up and let them instinctively persuade him to take people away.

He is afraid of confrontation!

He was afraid of exposing his weakness!

The devil who plays with fear is only the plaything of fear itself!

A... a cunning demon who only plays with fantasy.

There was no substantial evidence, but Bai E believed in his own judgment.

When you step out of a certain limit, everything in front of you suddenly becomes clear.

The hole in the crypt expanded greatly before our eyes. The end of the vast underground hole could not be seen in the darkness at a glance.

I don’t know whether it is a natural miraculous workmanship or whether it was artificially widened after these refugees came here.

At this moment, all the heads in the crowd were prostrate on the ground, kneeling in a certain direction to worship their "gods".

Those refugees are not dead...

Of course they're not dead.

How dead creatures provide the demon with the intense emotions he needs.

On the contrary, this "god" needs to protect these poor "people" for his own food.

No trap? Because there is no need for traps.

He needs ignorant creatures to step in to provide food for himself, or wild animals that stray into caves to feed these poor refugees.

In the dark cavern, only the tall bone throne stood quietly.

The shadows in the darkness outlined a circular arc. When Bai E stepped into the hole of the crypt, the symmetrical black shadow suddenly unfolded.

Black shadows like bat wings blocked the light, and a pair of demonic wings suddenly spread out!

【? ? ? (Demon) (Chaos) (???):? ? ? 】

The body of the devil!

Not the believer elect, but... the real devil himself!

It seemed that just to wait for Bai E's arrival, there was movement in the darkness at the moment of his arrival.

The body of a refugee closest to the front rose involuntarily out of thin air. The man grabbed by an unknown force screamed desperately, "Ah! Ah! No! No! Help!"

His limbs were waving wildly and unconsciously, as if he knew his next fate.

Hearing the screams of the male refugees, the prostrate refugees lowered their heads even more deeply, their whole bodies shaking like sieves.

Pulled by the invisible force, the refugee finally floated slowly in front of the devil, and his strong muscular arms grabbed his neck.

So even the screams turned into some kind of whimpering and struggling.


The bright red mist connects from the refugee's head to the devil's open mouth. The greatest fear that a dying person feels when facing death is the most satisfying "food" for him.

After hearing with their own ears the painful cries for help from their compatriots before they died, the fear in the surviving refugees was obviously even greater for a moment.

Of course Bai E couldn't see the energy derived from emotions, but he could clearly feel that the aura of fear that "invaded" his body became more violent.

Similarly, the terrifying description of the devil exuded a real coercion that was even more frightening for a while.

This fear provided by all intelligent creatures is his greatest source of strength.

So... you want to scare me?


Bai E, who has been adapting to this environment for a long time, will not be born with this obvious emotion. On the contrary... he feels that this demon is bluffing.

The real great demons are in high-dimensional space and control the fate of countless living beings.

Even if they want to come to the material world in their true form, it is extremely difficult.

Although they are the nominal enemies of mankind, their no different from gods.

The demons who were just enslaving such a group of poor refugees in front of me... seemed a little pitiful.

Perhaps this demon was born from the unknown and panic about the future and environment that this group of refugees felt when they first came here.

With a flick of the bow, Bai E bent the bow and set an arrow.

Confronting fear itself, of course, cannot just look at it and walk away.

Emotions come from oneself. People can deceive friends and enemies, but they cannot deceive themselves, nor can they deceive the devil.

Some people may be able to retreat with peace of mind after making assumptions about the mastermind behind the scenes, and will not be affected in the slightest from now on;

Some people may be able to retreat after taking a look at the devil's true form from a distance and confirming their judgment;

Some people also want to challenge the demon to prove their bravery. As for being able to kill and defeat, they don't even consider it...

Sometimes, it may be easier for people to live a simpler life.

But Bai E couldn't do any of it.

If you are born proud, why should you shrink back?

Not only did he want to attack, he also arrogantly wanted to find a way to completely defeat this demon!

Winning is not the ultimate goal, wanting to win is.

The bowstring made an unpleasant sound of "squeaking" under force. After aiming slightly, Dingfeng was exerted to its limit.

"call out!"

The arrows pierced the air and pierced the wind like lightning!

And even such a fast attack seemed to be just a slow motion to the demon.

Seeing the arrows shooting straight in the air, He even spread his arms out in preparation, embraced... and attacked.


The fine steel arrowhead hit the surface of the demon's blood-red muscles. There was almost no sign of resistance from the kinetic energy impact, and it fell weakly to the ground.


The ferocious-looking demon smiled evilly in the direction of Bai E, and the distant scene that should have been invisible seemed to light up directly in Bai E's pupils.

Across the crowd of hundreds of refugees, the demon raised its claws and held it empty. Bai E suddenly felt that his whole body was flying rapidly in his direction uncontrollably.

Bai E, who seemed to be struggling hard, calmly held the dagger hidden behind his back with his left hand, which was... painted with essential oil.

However, Bai E's treatment was obviously completely different from that of the refugee just now. The being who only thought about counterattack had no fear in his heart, and the devil could not get even the slightest bit of food he wanted from him.

How can we deepen the fear and worship of ourselves among ordinary refugees without a heart-rending scream of despair?

Most intelligent creatures are emotional creatures, but emotions are time-sensitive, and time is the enemy of everything.

Creatures that have been trapped in the same fear will not sink for too long. They who are used to that kind of despair will eventually adapt slowly.

Only by constantly applying new stimuli and letting them feel real and self-oriented fears from various angles will the "fear" emotions they provide become more and more "delicious".

An egomaniac who wants to challenge himself?

There are such existences among humans. The six so-called "human warriors" who came before have also tried to do this. However, now they have become the most fearful among the people crawling under their feet.

Bai E's body gently landed about ten meters in front of the demon. Close observation allowed him to see the entire appearance of the demon more clearly.

The crimson muscles can still show their original luster even under the pale green night vision perspective. Mysterious and strange lines like runes outline wonderful lines on his body. The gray-black demon bat wings are quiet. He had to close up, his face was red, his fangs were red, and his face was hideous and terrifying.

It feels so familiar, it seems like this is what a demon should look like.


Bai E was suddenly startled.

This is not the other party's true face...or the devil has no so-called true face.

The demons that living beings see are just their own imaginations of them.

Devil… Devil…

Seeing this arrogant human's imagination about himself from Bai E's eyes, the Lord of Fear grinned with a cruel and evil smile.

What he needs is fear and subjugation... Simple killing cannot satisfy his desires. The more determined the human warrior in front of him is, the more intense his emotions will be when he falls!

Looking aside gently, the "warrior" who received the instruction raised his head tremblingly and looked back to sincerely admonish his companions who came from the same place as him.

"It's useless..." The soldier was still wearing the standard combat uniform in the military camp. He was one of the previous batches of missing scouts. At this moment, his voice was trembling, and there was only endless fear, "It's useless, my lord will eventually Rule the world and the whole world will surrender to the will of the Lord!”

All things come to an end, only fear remains.

"Fart!" Bai Er sneered coldly, took the arrow and unzipped the bowstring.

The Lord of Fear stood high on his throne, as if waiting for the futile struggle of mortals.



The arrows shot by Bai E are enough to penetrate cracked gold rocks, but to the Lord of Fear, they are like mosquitoes that make annoying noises but never dare to come close.

The attack was completely ineffective, and there was not even the slightest sign of resistance.

"It's useless..." Another warrior raised his head tremblingly, "The Lord is the only true God in the world..."

Bai E frowned slightly and said nothing.

With his limited knowledge, he could fight against the demons who came to the real world in their true form.

Only exorcism essential oil can cause real harm to them, but it does not mean that ordinary confrontation will not achieve corresponding results——

Strength can cause knockback, and flames can burn... A warrior who is strong enough can ensure that he will not be swallowed by demons even without exorcism essential oil.

Exorcism essential oil is just the simplest way to bring them back to high-dimensional space.

Right now, it shouldn't be like this...

Attacks should not be ineffective. Even the top four demon gods cannot completely ignore all attacks.

Bai E glanced around inadvertently, and finally returned to himself.

Looking at himself quietly, Bai E's eyes narrowed.


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