Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 205 Defeating the enemy’s plan

Even if he has the courage to take action against the devil, his awe for the unknown realm makes him invisibly become the "prey", or believer, of the other party's authority.

Because I am afraid that my attack will be ineffective, my attack will definitely be ineffective...

This is a trap that Bai E himself can hardly detect. want to hypnotize yourself?

The Lord of Fear did not give Baie time to think.

Any impulsive emotion requires constant impact of facts. Once humans calm down and think, those so-called "wisdom" and "morality"... will gradually let them out of control.

Feet like bird claws walked down the bone throne step by step, and the blood-red muscles exposed like no skin exuded powerful blood.

Bai E stepped back cautiously.

I don’t know what the other party wants to do, I don’t know the other party’s attack method...

Any unknown will bring panic, and what’s even more frightening is that even Bai E, who is wary of these contents, can’t help but fall into the confusion of the unknown.

Fear is faith…

Even oneself...has become the nourishment for the other party's growth.


The sudden attack of the Lord of Terror was simple and unpretentious, and when he punched him, he felt as if he had been run over by a truck.

Bai E's body flew out instantly, and after landing, he knelt on the ground and slid backwards for several meters.

Bai E, who finally stopped, put his hands on the ground, bloodshot eyes flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his mouth was full of sweetness.


Heartbreaking pain!

Every inch of skin on his body felt pain like needle pricks. Bai E's fingertips dug hard into the ground, almost going crazy in this unbearable pain.

The power of the Lord of Fear seems to contain a sensory attack that is completely targeted at the physical body, like poison that turns the fear he collected into substance, and pours it all evenly into every inch of Bai E's body in that punch.

The power of psychic energy infects reality, and the emotions are not purely hormonal so that even "self-suppression" cannot suppress the pain.

"It's useless... all your resistance is in vain. Only by throwing yourself into the arms of the Lord can you completely calm down." The voice of the scout from earlier was still persuading in the distance.

Bai E leaned over and lowered his head, gritting his teeth and feeling the pain that was gradually getting used to him.

Hearing other people's voices, the sound of gritted teeth and hissing breaths came from the shadows, "Fall into His arms... Are you like you, living in panic all day long?"

Won't! would not!

The pain caused all the muscles in his body to spasm unconsciously, making him almost uncontrollable.

Although he is slowly adapting and the pain is gradually fading, this time... is too slow.


Extremely effective pain relief!

Skills obtained from the Blood God!

[Extremely effective analgesia: You have learned the ability to numb your own senses. From now on, you can completely ignore all the pain you feel at the cost of temporarily losing your "touch", and you can do it before the body tissues are extensively destroyed. Always maintain optimal combat status. Maximum duration: 1 hour. If the time limit is exceeded, some body functions may be permanently lost. Cooling time: 24 hours after turning off the skill effect. 】

Every soldier who survives countless battlefields needs to learn the ability to continue fighting regardless of pain.

Only in this way can they risk their lives and drain the last drop of blood in their bodies!


The pain was completely shielded, and Bai E couldn't feel the touch on the surface of his body. He was numb like an anesthetic... but it didn't affect his ability to make any movements.

Bai E struggled to get up, and only with a will that was not affected by the pain could he return to normal thinking.

So fast...

What a strong force...

The demon who has grown up by absorbing countless fears is actually so powerful!

Yes... the Blood God only obtained part of the power given by the devil, but he showed such terrifying actual combat power. If his power hadn't dropped significantly after finally taking off his night vision device, I'm afraid the battle with him would have been impossible. The results are still being discussed.

Nowadays, facing the devil itself should be even more difficult to defeat.

But the devil who comes to reality must ultimately speak with his own strength.

Even if this world has unreasonable elements like spiritual energy, swords and guns are still the absolute masters!

Fighting is the only melody in the world!

"Slough!" Bai E spit out a mouthful of sweet and sticky saliva mixed with blood, and moved his arms.

If he could cross the mountain of the Blood God, he could also cross the demon in charge of fear in front of him.

Come and take a look!

Let’s see if my current skills can give you a chance!

Put your hands into palms and cross them in front of your chest.

The Lord of Fear's power is several levels greater than that of the Blood God, but his human-like body has some similarities with humans in terms of combat skills.

The well-honed professional skills are Bai E's confidence in confrontation.

After defeating the Blood God, the level of fighting specialization is directly increased by one level out of thin air.

Level 5 fighting specialization! As well as all attribute bonuses that increase with the level of combat specialization.

In addition, there are "over-limit drive", "instant kill of hundreds of heads" and defensive "regenerative blood", "resistance to death", "absolute defense" and other abilities.

Bai E has never felt that he is as powerful and real as he is now, which is the necessary prerequisite for facing the world bravely.

Looking at the human warrior who stood up again right in front of him, the Lord of Fear gently flattened the corners of his thick purple mouth and said, "You can still get up?"

On the car parked outside the wilderness, the soldiers gradually woke up one by one. As they gradually got rid of those nightmarish fantasies, the feeling of coldness in their hands and feet and weakness in their whole bodies gradually subsided.

They gradually regained some of their mobility.

"I don't know how he is doing?"

"The thing inside should be a demon...those untouchables summoned a demon to come out!"

"Are you able to move? Why don't you send a car back to the military camp to report the situation here and let the professional executives from the Arbitration Institute come..."

"But brother B27 is still inside... I don't know how he is doing."

"How about we go in and have a look again?"

As time slowly healed the scars, the soldiers who woke up from those illusory nightmare-like scenes that they could not remember had almost forgotten the real sense of suffocation they had felt before... It was like waking up from a nightmare every night. Like everyone else, time will heal everything.

They feel like they can do it again...

The fastest soldier even reached out to open the closed side door of the vehicle, but a sudden spinning feeling suddenly came over him, and boundless darkness once again enveloped his world...



The sound of fists hitting flesh was the first to sound in the warrior's mind.

As if gradually becoming familiar with the environment in the dark, the disembodied eyes are gradually able to "see clearly" the scene happening in the darkness in front of them——

The ball, with countless arms like thorns all over its body, was unilaterally killing the brave warrior again and again.

The demon's body was so fast that it seemed to be teleporting, easily appearing behind the position where B27 was knocked down every time.

The soldier who said he would completely rescue them from the fearful predicament looked miserable at the moment, as if he was going to die at any time. There was almost no intact skin left on his body, and the bruises and blood stains hanging on the corners of his lips were mixed with the soil. middle……

It can be seen that he tried hard to resist every attack of the "demon", but his fighting posture was always directly knocked away by unreasonable force.

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel down quickly!"

The dark heads in the dark crypt gathered into one voice, and the low tones chanted in unison, which seemed foolish and terrifying.

For some reason, the soldiers in the car always felt as if they had become one of them.

'Kneel down...'

He resisted the urge to speak out like this.

He looked hopefully at the only light in the darkness.

run? Or fight back?

he does not know.

He didn't know what he wanted to see...

He just wanted to see a little hope.

See a little hope that humans can launch a counterattack against the devil.


The flame of the pistol flashed past in the darkness, and the soldier who was knocked away by the punch actually launched a counterattack in mid-air.

The flames that exploded under the impact of the primer rapidly pushed the bullet out of the chamber. The rotating bullet of the pistol tore through the air obstruction, leaving a hot airflow in the air!


The warhead hit the red muscle chest and sank gently into a millimeter distance that was imperceptible to the naked eye. Then the warhead lost its impact and fell to the ground helplessly...

Still no effect.

However, a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the demon who stared down at the spot where his chest was hit by the bullet...

how come?

how come?

Could it be that even after being beaten like this, he still believed that he could defeat himself? !

Thinking of this terrible possibility, the Lord of Fear activated instantly. After the shadow passed by, his figure appeared in front of Bai E who landed on the ground.


Two arms that were stronger than the Blood God crashed down. He no longer tried to subdue this human warrior who was difficult to destroy mentally.


Two fists, blocked?

"Didn't you notice?"

Bai E stooped forward and stepped forward to mount his horse, holding up the demon's fists with both hands. His drooping head slowly lifted up, with golden flames rippling in his eyes.

Anger surges!

[Rage: Your anger is endless, and the angry flame drives your body. From now on, the "anger" emotion you feel will be added to your "reflection", and at most it will be reflected in battle. Strength +3. 】

The Lord of Fear does not have many skills, but relies on the sacrifice of countless fear emotions to obtain unimaginable speed and power.

Bai E, who had been attacked countless times, had already figured out the frequency and method of his attacks.

As long as he is willing, he may not be able to deal with it if he fully exerts all his current power.

However, he wants to make sure that his plan is absolutely successful!

Bai E, who looked miserable, smiled softly, the corners of his mouth gradually widened, and his smile gradually became crazy.

"Since just now, I have never taken the initiative to attack you..."

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