Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 210 Radiant Ceremony

"It's just pure fear, unreasonable fear."

"My hands and feet are cold and my whole body is shaking."

"The heart feels like it's being lifted, and any loud movement will cause the nerves to jump suddenly..."

The feeling was very similar to the one he had when he shared those previous teammates. But that was not what Bai E wanted. He just asked softly again, "What about when I fought that demon? What did you see?"

This was his biggest concern. He wanted to know how much these people had seen.

The situation was urgent at the time and some things had to be done, but now that everything is over, we still have to consider the subsequent effects.

If I have to say it, exorcism essential oil is actually not unexplainable——

For example, I taught someone something casually outside, and the other person gave it to me out of gratitude and explained how to use it.

But why hide it? Do you have any thoughts of your own? If you use what you learned in the military camp to teach ordinary people about whether to violate disciplines, etc... the situation will become chaotic.

If possible, Bai E doesn't want to go to that trouble. After all, even he doesn't know where the players got this thing from...

Hearing Bai E's question, several scouts were obviously startled.

After looking at each other, they softly replied: "No... I didn't see it."

"Didn't see anything."

They didn't get rid of the devil's mind control until the devil was completely expelled in the end. Before that, they had been providing power to the devil in a certain "state of fear", without even noticing what happened.

"I understand." Bai E nodded, "Then you should rest first."

According to the decision-making results discussed by the previous captains, it is possible to set off back to the city early tomorrow morning.

"Recover your strength as soon as possible. I will ask you to help protect these refugees on the road tomorrow."

The scale of more than 400 refugees was too large. Two off-road vehicles were obviously not enough, so they could only accompany the refugees on foot.

And how fast can these refugees go? The longer the journey, the more likely they are to encounter unknown dangers. Their joint team of only thirteen people is obviously stretched thin. It would be great to have a few more experienced scouts spread out among the team to take charge of guarding them. .

The sense of responsibility that was needed slightly aroused the courage in several scouts. After a quiet silence, a few people responded sparsely.


"Yes, sir."


Tiger's voice came from the headset, "We are almost there, where are you?"

"At the core is a large cave. I lit up the flame rod. You should be able to see me as soon as you enter."


It was truly peaceful.

Tiger stepped into the cave that suddenly opened up, and his sight with night vision goggles slowly swept from the near to the distance——

The refugees who had settled down were nestling in the dark and whispering. Some figures who recovered faster and had more enthusiastic personalities were walking among the crowd asking what they were talking about.

It was exactly the same as the underground cave I saw when it was shared by the devil, except that there was no terrifying figure like a devil.

Just as Bai E said, the figure leaning against the corner with two flaming rods behind him was particularly conspicuous in the darkness.

"No problem, Bai E really drove away the devil."

He made an announcement on the voice line, of course... avoiding Bai E's channel.

"Put down your things." Tiger said softly.

The group of people carrying large and small bags gently unloaded the supplies they carried.


Tiger took the lead and lit two flaming rods and stuck them behind his back, and the other warriors followed suit.

Everyone lit up the flame sticks and stuck them behind their backs. The warriors bathed in the glow lined up in two teams, walking vigorously.

They walked through the darkness and through the curious eyes of the refugees.

Finally, he crossed more than half of the cave and came to Bai E who was slumped on the ground.

Captain No. 2 gave the order, "Salute!"

Radiant gift.

The Radiant Legion, to which Blackwater City is nominally affiliated, recognizes the best warriors in the legion as a courtesy.

Although the thirteen legions under the empire have long existed in name only, the cities under each legion still attach great importance to the honors passed down from the ancient legions.

Captain No. 2, who neatly put down his right hand, straightened his body and reported loudly in a report-like tone: "The joint team has arrived at the target location! Twelve people were supposed to be present, but eight were actually present. The remaining four were temporarily kept in the car for safekeeping. Supplies. Please give Chief Bai instructions on the next step!"


Bai E's expression froze, but he found that Dashan, who was following Hu, was winking and making expressions for him.

Bai E smiled helplessly, and controlled his weak voice to give instructions in as firm a tone as possible, "Give them a share of the supplies you brought, so that everyone can eat and drink well and have a good rest... Tomorrow morning, we will Set off."

"Yes, sir!"

The refugees who were attracted by the noise made by the newly arrived soldiers kept paying attention here. After hearing the conversation between each other, the refugees whispered to each other in the dark, "Hey~ What a commander..."

"I just said how can an ordinary soldier have such strength and courage."

"This Blackwater City looks very powerful."

After selectively revealing the information just obtained from Bai E to his companions, the elder and his two young children also leaned aside to take a rest.

Their physical strength, who had been trapped in the Lord of Fear for a long time, was not very good. They were responsible for negotiating with Bai E and handling group chores as soon as order was restored. They also reached the limit of their bodies.

At this time, he just looked at the figure sitting on the ground with reverence.

"Sir, you are so awesome..." The boy sighed softly, then turned to look at the girl next to him, "Killolan, is it true that you said you wanted to go to the military camp before?"

"Well..." The girl's face was as calm as water, and she looked in that direction quietly, "I also want to become a person like an adult."

"Then I'll go with you too..."

"……up to you."

The elder did not speak, but glanced at the refugees in the dark, and then looked at the adult leaning alone in the corner.

His eyes twinkled slightly.

Hu and others carried almost all the supplies carried in the car, which were originally prepared for these refugees.

Considering that these refugees have been living in the wild for a long time, they must be lacking in nutrition, and the journey back to the city is long. In order to prevent them from losing strength on the road, they deliberately put them in the trunk of the joint team's car when they set off. It's stuffed with high-calorie, low-volume dry food.

I ate one of Baier on the way, it was grape flavored, it tasted pretty good...

Even these synthetic foods have their own tastes, and the city has done a pretty good job in this regard.

The "delicious food" that they have never enjoyed before is a more direct stimulation than anything else. Many of the refugees who carefully ate the pieces of dry food in their hands looked at the bright corner of the darkness.

Everything... was brought about by that man.

["Lucky Blow" charge +23. 】


An unexpected surprise.

Bai E, who was sitting and resting, received an unexpected reminder and suddenly remembered his previous guess about the charging mechanism of Lucky Blow.

The upper limit of charging points obtained from the "same kind of" emotion in a "short time" is only 50 points, but different types of emotions seem to be able to break this limit.

Right now...saving them from the devil and "gifting delicious food" are obviously regarded as two different things.

Then can we continue to work hard and find ways to brush more?

It's not easy to get such an opportunity with a good reputation, so you have to take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Bai E started to run the "overlimit drive" to speed up the recovery of physical strength. The No. 3 slogan he had eaten before only recovered slowly, but he kept recovering.

After a while, a man stood up and squatted down in front of the three elders who had walked away. Bai E asked softly, "You guys live outside here. There should be many patients suffering from pain, right?"

The elder raised his head and looked at Bai E in confusion, "Sir... Sir?"

Of course there are injuries, and this was one of the many factors he was originally worried about, but now...

Bai E smiled softly and said, "Let them focus for a moment and I will help them take a look."

Bai E didn't mention any other factors. The help is to be simple, so that these people can have emotional fluctuations from the bottom of their hearts.

emmmm... Gathering power through mood swings?

Such a familiar setting...

Bai E shook his head secretly and sneered, how could it be possible?

"Captain..." After hearing the developing situation in the cave through the headset, some of the soldiers staying in the car looked at their captain, "What are we going to do?"

The voices of Captain No. 2, Tiger and others cheering for that guy echoed in the minds of the soldiers who had expressed doubts before, and they secretly gritted their teeth.

‘Why are you building momentum for him like that! ’

At this moment, when he heard his teammates asking, he immediately shouted decisively: "Sir Bai said to rest, didn't you hear?"


There are about forty or fifty injured. Living in the wild for a long time, it is normal for the body to have major pains and minor ailments. Coupled with the long-term slavery of the devil, these refugees have declined physically and mentally.

After all, the Lord of Fear does not care about these human health problems. These refugees can live day by day, and physical pain is more conducive to the growth of fear.

To be more serious, it can be said that all of the more than 400 refugees are sick, but the current conditions are simple. Only those refugees with injuries that will really affect their ability to move have been selected and gathered together by the elders.

Seeing the expectant eyes in front of him, Bai E said nothing, but just picked up the first aid kit brought by Hu and others and started to use it directly.

[You are trying to perform first aid...]

[You have completed first aid, and the injured person's condition has been stabilized and he is recovering slowly. 】

"Thank you! Thank you!" Looking at the white gauze wrapped around the originally pus-prone wound on her calf, she felt the slightly stinging warmth underneath it, and the dirty woman was moved to tears. , and for a while just thanked him repeatedly.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

"It's okay, it's not serious, but you should rest in the car tomorrow." Bai E smiled at her and turned to the next one.

[You are trying to perform first aid...]

[You have completed first aid...]

"Thank you...thank you."

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

"It might be a little itchy, so be careful not to touch it..."

Bai E has a gentle voice and a kind hand.

Kilolan, who was watching from a distance, had stars in his eyes. For the first time, he felt that there was such a shining person in this world.

"This is my lord..."

So he trotted up and asked clearly, "Sir, can I learn these skills from you?"

Bai E glanced at her and responded with a smile, "Of course there is no problem... However, there are many people, so I can't explain them all to you one by one."

They were setting off early the next morning. In order to ensure the mobility of these refugees, Bai E definitely wanted to complete the treatment of every injured patient as soon as possible.

Treatment can also be considered as an investigation at the same time.

The two off-road vehicles were empty when we returned, so we could choose those refugees who had difficulty moving on their own to rest in the vehicles.

Bai E was not comfortable letting the refugees themselves or other teammates decide, and it could easily cause controversy. Bai E wanted to make his own decision.

"It's okay, it's okay." Kilolan waved his hands repeatedly, "Just promise to let me watch."

After all, she has learned things quickly since she was a child...

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