"How come you have such a great person in your team?" Captain No. 2 looked at the figure who was treating the refugees with all his heart, his eyes full of admiration.

Hu shook his head, "I just got it..."

In fact, they were not very satisfied when they heard that a new-born recruit had been assigned. Only Song Ying found a way to accept the new-born artificial man.

However, in the subsequent trainings and battles, this newly born recruit undoubtedly shocked the attention of every witness.

He will continue to infect everyone who walks with him.

"It's still going on..." Yuzu's eyes were slightly lost in thought, "Is he tired too?"

My group only slightly resisted the psychological pressure of the fear demon, but even now the body has only recovered part of its mobility. After carrying the supplies and distributing them, I was panting from exhaustion.

But what about him facing the devil?

Even so, he was still treating the pain and calming the emotions of the refugees.

No matter who he treats, he is so gentle and tolerant.

A... born leader?

Recalling those brief passionate words again, Yuzu felt a rare feeling of fever and redness on her face.

If I can carry out missions under his leadership in the future... it must be a great thing, right?

Bai E speeded up.

There are so many injured waiting for treatment. These suffering refugees themselves are the best emotional extractors. Almost every one of them will provide 1 point of charge, which is much more sincere than those big soldiers who let themselves maintain their firearms. .

Beside him, the girl's eyes were covered with a layer of faint gray light, staring intently at Bai E's every move.

Through the actions of phenomena, the underlying principles behind them seem to be naturally grasped by her.


Kilolan suddenly said, "Sir... can you also give me a first aid kit? I also want to help them..."

"..." Bai E was stunned and turned back to look at the girl.

There seemed to be traces of knowledge still flowing in those crystal clear eyes.

Did she learn it?

Or do you have a certain foundation before?

Could this be a player? But there are no interactive prompts?

Bai E was suspicious, so he waved to Hu and others in the distance, and at the same time said in the headset: "Bring me another first aid kit."


After Kilolan also started to treat the refugees, Baie unconsciously spared some energy to pay attention to her actions——

She really does.

Moreover, everything he did was reflected in his own shadow, and his efficiency was not much slower than his own.

It may be a bit unfamiliar at first, but after a simple familiarity, the efficiency improves quickly.



For the first time, Bai E felt a heavy sense of oppression from these indigenous NPCs.

The talents of the aborigines are indeed unreasonable.

With the help of Kilolan, the progress has been accelerated a lot, and of course many injuries have been relieved.


The charge was still rising, and those seriously injured patients who had affected their ability to move were no longer enough. Bai E looked at more refugees in the distance.

The short-term upper limit for the same emotion is 50 points. We haven't reached 50 points yet, so we can't stop.

"Kilder..." This was the name of the homeless elder. "If there are any problems with other people, I will show them to them."

Gilder really couldn't bear the fact that his companions were suffering from illness, but when he thought about the adults' hard work, he even drove away the demon of slavery for them. Even though he was already so tired, he still had to worry about this, which made his eyes water. Moist, "Sir, you have done enough for us."

["Lucky Blow" charge +5. 】

"Yes, sir, please rest... we are fine."

"It will be over once you bear with it. We have to travel tomorrow. Sir, please go and have a rest." Those ordinary refugees who also had some problems but had not received treatment for the time being expressed their opinions not far away.

"It's okay. I can just rest for a while. The ability to quickly recover and maintain sustained combat is also an ability that our soldiers must master."

Bai E smiled as harmlessly as possible and waved his hand, insisting on his opinion.

Don’t miss any opportunity to collect recharging points!


Gilder hesitantly agreed and selected personnel for Baie again.

He basically knew the various injuries among his companions. Some of them, although they did not affect their ability to move, were definitely serious.


[You have completed first aid...]

No more...

[The third one does not increase the recharge value...]

Is it because they are ungrateful? No, it's because it's already 50 points, and the 5 points provided by Kilder don't count.

I can tell the difference quite clearly...

It's 196 points.

Bai E let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's getting late." Hu walked over, looked at the mechanical watch on his wrist, and reminded Bai E.

"Sir, please go and rest. I can help everyone." Kilolan, who had obtained Bai E's "True Inheritance", also turned around not far away and looked at Bai E gently.

"Okay." Bai E also knew the importance.

Rest is always the best way to recuperate your body.

I will set off early tomorrow morning, and there may be more things on the road that I need to be careful about, and my body really needs rest to recover from the real fatigue.

He could still hold on for the sake of recharging, but now that it's gone, he can't hold on to some extent.

"I'm going to bed……"

It's good to be young, just fall asleep.

[Feedback from the commission, your reflexes +0.1, long-range weapon proficiency experience +28, light weapons proficiency experience +26, combat proficiency experience +29, technology - basic electrical manufacturing and processing experience +149. 】

A certain uneasiness like being spied on lingered in his heart, and Bai E, who had already received sufficient rest, woke up from his sweet sleep in an instant.

The eyes that open vigilantly are like two bright stars in the night.

There was peace in the cave, and the strong wind whistling overhead seemed to be just an accompaniment that allowed people to immerse themselves in dreamland. The refugees' breathing was smooth, and it was rare for them to have a peaceful night.

There are no enemies and no demons returning.

The elder Gilder was sitting not far from Bai E, looking at Bai E with his old eyes hesitantly.

After the impulse when he was saved calmed down, his past life experiences covered his reason.

Wherever there are people, there will be fights.

Can they, the refugees who were rescued, really start a new and beautiful life as the officer said?

Not very realistic.

Resources are the most realistic topic in the world.

If they don’t have any special skills, how can they allocate the survival resources that everyone needs in this era?

Is the so-called Blackwater City really a legendary utopian world? If such a world existed, it would probably already be overcrowded.

He didn't tell anyone about this worry, he just kept it in his heart.

The companions who were driven out of the town together had just escaped from the control of the devil. If they were allowed to fall into fear of the future, the terrifying devil might be summoned again.

Will a second savior appear by then? Or will he be rescued again by the adult in front of him?

There are not so many gifts in this world, but since the Lord said that at that time...does it mean that he has the ability to ensure that he can bring a new life to everyone?

He didn't know what kind of system Blackwater City had. Kilder only knew that in the original state town, the strong men had their own private armed forces and retainers.

The concept of city is too empty, and Kilder prefers to implement his future hopes into specific individuals.

"what happened?"

After waking up, Bai E took the initiative to ask the elder softly.

"Your Excellency, please come with me." Gilder gritted his teeth and made up his mind, approached Bai E and said in a low voice.

"..." Bai E glanced around the dark place, where everyone was resting.

Whether it's teammates or the refugees.

No one sees this side...

"Yes." Bai E nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

Following Gilder, the two came to the crypt passage where they could hardly disturb other people who were resting.

"Can we talk now?" Bai E looked at Gilder who turned around and asked calmly.

"Sir, sir..." Gilder wrung his hands and paused for a while before speaking out his personal thoughts in a difficult tone, "I wonder, sir, if you... have your own... power?"

Gilder observed the face of the adult in front of him as carefully as possible. Having lived in darkness for a long time, he seemed to have a certain amount of dark vision and could see a little bit of the scene in the darkness.

"Huh?" Bai E paused slightly, "Why would you ask that?"

Now that he decided to speak, Gilder told the truth, "I...I don't know what kind of system the Blackwater City you come from has, but in our place the strong have their own power. I think...follow the main body of the city. , maybe it’s better to follow your command, sir.”

I would rather have a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

Although the chicken head may not even be considered as following Bai E, the chicken neck, chicken body, chicken heart, and chicken lungs are also good...

He has never seen such a hero in Zhouzhen. Following such a figure, he will not worry about being abandoned without any reason one day.

Not to mention that long-term wandering has broken everyone's spine. If you don't learn to bow your head and adapt, you won't be able to survive in this world.

"..." There was slight silence.

Bai E was a little hesitant.

He never expected that the other party would say such words.

Follow your own development?

After deceiving the players and the desperate rat-rats, do you still want to accept such a large group of refugees?

Will it be too eye-catching?

Putting aside whether you can afford it or not, just this amount might be labeled as a rebel.

He still doesn't know what the city's plans are for this group of refugees, nor does he know whether the city will allow large-scale private groups to exist. It is definitely inappropriate to accept this group of refugees in his own capacity.

At least for now.

"Don't worry, sir. Maybe we don't have any special abilities, but we can definitely guarantee our absolute loyalty. Most of the more than four hundred people are men. They can fight for you after training and holding weapons! Old man, I don't have much ability, but after living like this With many years of experience, I should still be able to help you manage some internal affairs issues of your team."

While Bai E was thinking silently, Kilde took the initiative to fight for himself and others.

There is no love without reason in the world. No matter how pure a relationship is, it ultimately requires interests and values.

Facing Gilder's expectant gaze, Bai E said in a deep voice.

"You are the ones named by the commander to be taken back. I am not suitable to take over directly."

Bai E's words were ambiguous and not a complete rejection. Who knows what will happen in the future?

My main mission requires that the reputation level of the force be raised to level 2. The last time the players wiped out a black street force, it only improved slightly. Maybe there is a rigid requirement for the number of people among the remaining requirements?

Not sure, but we can't help but consider this possibility.

Gilder's eyes lit up when he heard this, "That's it..."

The lack of direct rejection means that the adults may really have their own power.

Is it just because of the rules...

But in an instant, the wisdom brought by experiencing countless events over the years made him think of a workaround, "Otherwise, your superiors don't know the specific number of our people, right?"

Not to mention that there may always be people left behind on the long road...

"It shouldn't be a problem to lose one or two people. Let me, the old man, join behind you first. They... will see if there is any improvement?"

Bai E's eyes flashed slightly.

It seems that my place is indeed lacking a warehouse manager...

To a certain extent, the 5 charging points that the elder provided for himself can be regarded as another form of "loyalty".

Maybe it really works.

But it still needs to be considered again.

Bai E turned around and walked towards the cave, "We'll talk about it when we get back."

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