
That was the direction they came from, the direction of the wind-eroded cave.

Not long after Bai E's voice sounded, someone in the voice raised a question, "Can you hear the movement behind you on the flanks? Do you think those scouts are not as good as you?"

Bai E frowned slightly, but before he could speak, he heard another voice take over.

"Got it." Captain No. 1's steady voice replied in the headset, and made tactical arrangements, "The teams of Carrigan and the Tigers will move back first and be ready for support, but be careful about where you are in the direction. The possible attack cannot be ruled out as a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain."



Then Captain No. 1 continued to ask in the voice, "Scout, have you noticed any movement behind you?"

The five scouts behind the scenes exchanged glances with each other, extremely unsure of their own judgment.

They did not hear any movement. After all, the wind in this wilderness buried a lot of things. Their lack of concentration may be another reason.

But the officer who created a miracle and drove away the demon seemed to be sure that there was "someone" behind him...

"Speak!" Captain No. 1's voice was a bit harsh.

After being forcibly ordered by a stern voice, several scouts hesitated for a moment and decided to report truthfully according to their own judgment, "We have not detected the target at the moment..."


Another scout concentrated his attention after receiving the reminder and felt as if he heard something unexpected.

"It seems...there is indeed some movement, like a car."

"Eight cars." Bai E said in a deep voice.

"You again..."

"Harold! Shut up!"


Captain No. 1’s voice was calm, “Leave two people in front, others lean back and get ready for battle!”

Except for the two off-road vehicles driving ahead and the two soldiers from Team 1, almost all the remaining soldiers were leaning towards the back of the team.

The team still kept moving forward, but the soldiers in the radio channel were all heartbroken.

As the opponent got closer, almost all the scouts heard the increasingly clear roar from behind.

The five scouts held the guns tightly in their arms and looked nervously in the direction behind them.

Is there an unexpected presence approaching?

Is it a human? Or some enemy?

Of course, even if they are both human beings, they may not necessarily be good.

The so-called "warlords" wandering in the wilderness like to capture some humans to use as soldiers or slaves.

In short, this is an extremely chaotic era.

"Boom, boom, boom~"

Under the trembling roar of the oldest diesel tractor, eight tattered cars that looked like they were about to fall apart at any moment gradually appeared in the eyes of the soldiers near the rear.

"There are really eight..." A soldier's eyes narrowed and he unconsciously glanced in the direction of his teammates.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

Bai E didn't say anything anymore, but stared with heavy eyes at the green figure crowded on the eight cars.

A bunch of green muscular men are crowded in a relatively petite car, and there is always a thrilling feeling that they can crush the car at any time.

There are different sizes and shapes, but even the thinnest one among them is far larger than the most majestic human in the team.

Large expanses of green muscles were exposed, and many places were painted with graffiti patterns of unknown meaning.

Only a few individuals wore helmets of different styles with colorful paint on their heads crookedly on their heads.

Round helmets, visors, horned helmets... there are many different styles, including the weapons in their hands.

If those knives or firearms that are full of imagination, creativity, and have countless teeth, spikes, and even small motors can be called weapons.

【? ? ? (Orcs) (???) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: certain (spore colony * 2000, combat experience 1500 points); high probability (mastery: combat specialization level + 1, no more than 5 Level, Mastery: Heavy Weapon Specialization Level +1, no more than level 5); Possible (Trait: Photosynthesis)]


This was Bai E's first time seeing the orc race up close.

"It's an orc!"


The tone of the scout who sounded on the channel was obviously panicked.

These are the most elusive and warlike things.

They are warlike and crazy, and do not know what fear is.

The most important thing is that the other party has more people than them!

Human beings have always stayed away from their strategies, but they didn't expect that they would happen to run into these things while escorting this refugee team.

"Look at the main colors of the paint, they are also divided into many clans." There seems to be an "expert" who is familiar with the orcs in the No. 1 team. He has not completely reached the back of the team and gives remote control commands in the voice.

"Their bodies are red and white, and their firearms are basically painted red."

"Where's the car?"

"It's yellow...golden."

"Are there any conspicuous marks, marks or anything like that?"

"There seems to be...a tooth on the car's painting?"

"Not bad luck..." The member of Team 1 breathed a sigh of relief in his voice, "They should be the orcs of the Fuyue Clan. I have dealt with them, and this is the only clan among the orcs that may be able to communicate normally. Don't attack. , I’m on my way.”

"Are you sure?" Captain No. 1 asked softly on the channel.

"should be no problem……"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The car, which was about to fall apart but seemed to be completely fine, dragged its tattered iron shell and carried a group of orcs that looked much heavier than itself. It made a loud noise and rumbled closer, and carried it in the distance. The scout with his gun on alert slowly stopped not far away.

The green-skinned orcs jumped out of the car one after another, and the car, which already looked like it was about to fall apart, made an unpleasant squeaking sound.

The sound of haha ​​never stopped, and some smaller orc pets also jumped out of the car excitedly along with their owners. Their small bodies were almost only composed of heads, and their short legs were all around the orcs. It was running around like a child, and at the same time it made a purring sound like a puppy.


These are also grown from the ground like orcs, but they may not be fully developed, and instead of becoming orcs, they become orc pets.

Scientific name - Doug.

Doug's big and light body scurried around the orc's feet. Occasionally, when he saw a thick enough ankle, he suddenly opened his wide mouth and bit it down.


The bitten orc jumped three feet high on the spot, but only attracted ruthless ridicule from the dog owner.


"It's so noisy!"

An orc couldn't stand these little things and stepped on them.


The orc pet that was still alive and kicking just now was suddenly crushed into pieces.

After two breaths, it bounced up like jelly and started running around again.

Bai E's eyebrows raised slightly...

Chaotic, noisy, and ungrateful.

This is the first impression these orcs give.

The painting style is different from normal creatures...

The "orc expert" who quickly rushed to the team No. 1 at the back of the team immediately took the initiative to greet him, laughed in an exaggerated tone and approached the opponent, "Hey! Boys! Why are you here?"

One of the orcs, holding a huge pistol in his left hand and a rusty serrated machete half a man's length in his right hand, took two steps forward, causing the refugee walking at the back of the team to shrink back. .

He pointed the machete in his hand at the refugee team from a distance, and said with a loud mouth that was as big as the earth and the sky, "We have taken a liking to these slaves of yours."

The orc expert's expression froze, "You don't eat humans."

"We like their teeth."

"Want them all?"

"Of course I want them all."

The orc expert looked ugly and said, "I have to ask my commander."

"Go on, go on..." The orc waved his hands impatiently, muttering to himself with his wide mouth, but the voice was loud enough that the front row of refugees could faintly hear it.

"You humans are troublesome. You have to ask this and that when deciding something... unlike us, who only listen to me... Phew!"


In the midst of the chaotic excitement, the leading orc turned to lower his voice and ordered his boys, "As long as they agree, we will do it!"

The god of the beastmen is above——

Brother Ax is violent and cunning, Brother Knife is cunning and violent.

It's a pity that he is more willing to follow Brother Dao's footsteps.

As long as humans agree, it means they are afraid.

Being afraid means they can't beat their own boys.

Moreover, after the other party made the decision to agree, he must have thought that the matter could end peacefully and that there was no warning.

If I don't take action, can I still live up to Brother Dao's guidance?



The orcs were busy minding their own business. The orc expert turned around and quickly explained to everyone in the channel: "They want the teeth of these refugees. The teeth are equivalent to the black water coins in the eyes of the orcs... They are interested in this It’s money.”

Captain No. 1 had already withdrawn from the front of the team and was not far away. He could also rely on his own ears to hear what the orc said. At this moment, he just frowned and asked.

"If he wants it, will he give it to him?"

He doesn't know what his team members know.

At this moment, I just asked the team members to explain the reasons to the other two teams who may not be familiar with the orcs.

"They won't give up what they like. The Fuyue clan can indeed communicate, but they usually buy and sell by force."

Captain No. 2 interjected: "Does that mean we only have two choices?"

Fight, or sell your teeth?

"Anyway, they are the teeth of the refugees. One more thing is worse than one less thing. They just asked us to take them back alive." Harold's voice sounded on the channel again.

Captain No. 1 glanced at him and said nothing.

Many times, you can ask your subordinates to say things that are not convenient for you to say.

All he has to do is scold his subordinates when something is inappropriate.

"There are more of them than us. We may not necessarily have an advantage in a fight. Moreover, we don't know if these refugees will flee in all directions or even die or injure most of them. It is indeed difficult to have a direct conflict." Some members of Team No. 2 echoed softly.

Anyway, I just want my teeth, not my life.

Not to mention that what they want is the teeth of refugees.

Refugees... understand everything.


"We are also protecting them."

Seeing that this proposal was approved by many soldiers, Captain No. 1 slowly asked everyone in the voice: "What do you think?"



"No comment."

The voices in the voice almost fell apart.

"Okay, then it's settled." Captain No. 1 made the decision directly.

The orc expert turned around and shouted directly: "Hey! Boys, our commander said that he has agreed to your trade request."

When the leader of the orcs heard this decision, a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on the green-faced fanged face, but it was fleeting.

"Who agreed?" Hu was still exchanging opinions with his teammates, weighing the pros and cons.

But they soon discovered that this decision seemed to directly bypass their team. The minority obeyed the majority, and the other two teams made the decision directly for everyone.

Glancing at Bai E again, whose face was gloomy as water, Hu blurted out suddenly without even thinking.


Everyone and the orcs looked at the tiger who made the noise.

Without waiting for the humans to make an internal decision, the impatient voices of the orcs rang out urgently, "You humans are troublesome. You don't rely on your fists to choose the boss, you rely on your mouth. After you are selected, half of them will listen and the other half won't. If you ask us to choose the boss, When the time comes, we should have a fight, and whoever wins will listen to whoever wins."

As he spoke, the orc boss raised the giant pistol in his hand and suddenly pulled the trigger in the direction of the orc expert.


The ear-piercing explosion echoed under the sky for a long time. The orc expert who was startled by the sound subconsciously shrank his neck, only to realize that the bullet did not hit him.

The orc expert was shocked and angry for a moment, looking at the orc with eyes full of anger, "What do you mean!"

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