Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 214 Fungal Organisms

The orc boss raised his pistol and laughed exaggeratedly, "What you humans can't decide, we will decide for you."

"Boys! waaaaaaaaagh!"


The orcs were like a group of reckless men with no brains or plans. One moment they looked like they were planning to make a deal, and the next moment they were charging forward with machetes.

Shouting "waaaaagh", they seemed to be inspired and blessed by the power of the gods, and they moved quickly and swarmed forward.



The pistols that were about the same size as human machine guns held by the orcs were the first to roar violently.

Open to the sky...

Regardless of whether the accuracy is accurate or not, just ask whether the sound is loud.

This is the combat aesthetic of the orcs.

Big means good, loud means strong!


Even the pet dogs of the orcs started charging in this fanatical and militant atmosphere, looking at their small bodies with a bloodthirsty and crazy fighting spirit.

The sudden outbreak of the orcs was not unexpected by the human warriors. The ones here were all elite special forces.

Maybe they didn't perform well against enemies like demons who were good at playing with the spiritual level, but when it came to fighting with live ammunition, they were not afraid of any opponent.

Almost as soon as Tiger shouted those words, some soldiers realized that things might change. They immediately raised their riot shields and rushed toward the back of the team.

Originally not sure about fighting, but also to prevent sudden attacks from other directions, the soldiers except the scouts hung on the flanks either far or near.

Now that the war is confirmed, the steps of the human warriors are as fast as the wind.

"I'll settle the score with you after the fight!"

A soldier named Harold held up a thick black explosion-proof shield and rushed to the rear front line immediately.

The tiger and others who were named ignored him. Pulling the chain sword in his hand, Hu also rushed towards the orc with charging steps.

The orcs' long-range combat capabilities are not strong. The firearms in their hands look bluffing, but in fact they are basically inaccurate. Most of the orcs hold a pistol just to hear the sound of the gun, and then get close and hit it directly with the gun.

Only a small number of them like to use guns for sneak attacks. These orcs are also called black gun boys by humans.

However, with the addition of their powerful bodies, the close combat capabilities of these orc boys are far superior to ordinary human warriors.

Dashan and Yuzu also started up, even faster than Tora.

Facing the orcs, there is no strategy at all.

This is not an official legion-scale battle.

There is no long-range artillery support, no heavy fire blockade.

Just a face-to-face encounter and that's it.


The sound of the safety opening rang in his ears, and Song Ying's machine gun was already aimed at the charging group of orcs.

"Da da da da da!"

Gunshots sounded almost simultaneously from all directions. The sudden arrival of the orcs undoubtedly put the ordinary refugees into a state of brain shutdown. The firing of the human soldiers immediately stimulated the ordinary refugees at the end of the team.

Captain No. 1 held a black sword in his hand and shouted at Tiger from a distance with a cold face: "Let your people maintain order, don't let them run around!"

It's not any special consideration.

It’s not just that the members of Team No. 1 and Team 2 are senior. Their average individual combat effectiveness is stronger than Hu and others. At this time, they just do what everyone should do.

The fleeing refugees are more troublesome than these orcs.


"You and Dashan, you two maintain order and let them move forward."

The two men who were halfway through the charge turned around with unwilling expressions. On the battlefield, there were military orders.


Bai E also pulled the safety of the machine gun and took action angrily.

The tongue of fire at the muzzle was clearly visible even in the daytime, and the raging metal storm poured into the charging orcs from various directions.

Eat hard!

However, the expressions of these guys after being shot are even more exaggerated than bugs.

Insects rely on their natural chitinous carapace to defend against bullets. Areas without carapace protection will still be easily penetrated by bullets and cause serious injuries.

After all, bugs also have various important organs such as nerve conduction and digestion and breathing in their bodies, but orcs are different.

These things are essentially plants, spores.

They don't even need to eat, but they don't eat completely.

Eating is enjoyment and luxury for them, but they are still plants in nature and can live well by relying on photosynthesis.

Their bodies do not have the heart, stomach, organs or immune system as important components in normal biological knowledge. Instead, they only have a cavity and stomach containing fungal soup. Those fungal soup... can bear the burden of normal humans, etc. All functions performed by all organs in a living organism.

At the same time, they can also be transformed into any structure needed by the body when needed, just like... omnipotent stem cells?

This also means that these things do not have the numerous weaknesses of ordinary human bodies.

Even the head... the head is of course important. They don't need society or education. Every orc who emerges from the ground can directly absorb enough memories for fighting and war from the memory of symbiosis with fungi in the brain. Knowledge.

But even if their heads are chopped off, they will not die.

The fallen head was casually grafted onto another orc's body, and it wouldn't take long for them to be alive and kicking again.

The only way to completely defeat this creature is to crush every inch of their body and remember... burn with fire.

Crushing the bodies of these orcs without burning them in fire is just helping them farm the land——

Every piece of body tissue that is shattered will undoubtedly grow back into a lively orc, or some underdeveloped snots, goblins and dougs.

Only fire can completely destroy an orc.

Fire is the enemy of all life in the world.

Unfortunately, even the first step of crushing their bodies seemed very difficult.

The orcs charging towards the bullets were visibly dodging as much as possible, but the marksmanship of the human warriors was not comparable to that of the orcs.

The raging storm of bullets hit the green bodies, and green blood flowers visible to the naked eye jumped up in handfuls. The orcs rushing at the front were riddled with holes, and some of the tissues on the edges were even completely smashed. Hanging on the nearby flesh, revealing the... green bones underneath.

For any normal human being, such horrific injuries would undoubtedly enter the realm of death.

But this is an orc.

Their body tissues are filled with a large number of sponge-like fungal structures, which have a good defensive effect against the impact of various external forces.

What's more important is the bones that serve as the core pillars of their bodies. Their bones are similar to bird bones, very hard, and filled with a spongy fungal substance that can absorb and digest a large amount of kinetic energy impact, so that they can easily withstand it. Ultra-high-strength collisions and blows without breaking or deforming bones.

It seemed that their flesh and skin had been beaten to pieces, but the bones that were the main pillars had not been destroyed on a large scale, so they were still far from death.

The most important thing is that these creatures who are purely yearning for war have no concept of pain at all. Since they have no vital organs in their bodies, they do not need pain feedback to protect themselves.

No pain, feverish enthusiasm for fighting.

This information was all fed back from the panel information shortly after the white bullet hit their bodies——

【? ? ? (Orc) (???): HP 183/210; defense 14; mobility 83%; trait: fungal creature...]

"Fuck! You can't be beaten to death!"

Many soldiers present were facing enemy orcs head-on for the first time. Even though they had learned about how difficult these guys were in the military camp, they still felt unbelievable when they actually faced them.

It is fast, powerful, not afraid of death, and difficult to be killed.

The key is there are too many.

Orcs are such unreasonable people.

"The only way is to cut off their limbs and heads! Then burn them with fire!" The orc expert's voice echoed fiercely in everyone's ears.

Like the bugs, these savage creatures look big but are extremely fast.

Even withstanding the storm of human bullets, he still got close at an extremely fast speed.

In this kind of face-to-face encounter, firearms are far more useful than cutting with a knife.


Tiger's chainsword collided with an orc's machete.

The rusty blade is uneven, like a rusty blade that has been corroded in a damp ground for several months. However, in the hands of an orc, it can compete with a large sword made by humans using the best steel. Without falling behind.

It looked a little small in the hands of the orcs, but when they got closer and struck it, they realized that the machetes were half a person long.

Including those ridiculous-looking saw teeth, they have become terrifying decorations that can easily cut through skin and flesh.


Getting close, the exaggerated pistol held by an orc suddenly opened fire.

No! It's more of a hand cannon than a pistol.

When the trigger was pulled, an astonishing flame instantly exploded from the barrel of the gun, and the fiery flame storm instantly enveloped a large space.

Including himself, as well as the human warriors who are opponents.

Explosive bombs...

But the bullet version is smaller and closer to the face.

I don’t know how the artillery shells originally used on tanks were used in pistols by these things.

"Waaaaagh!" In the orange flames, you can still hear the shouts of excitement and madness.


"Boom! Click~" The strange-shaped weapon jammed was not surprising at all, but the next moment the jammed pistol was suddenly smashed out by the orc holding it.

It suddenly hit... in the direction of the refugees.

With the strength of the orcs, any unsuspecting warrior would have to vomit blood if he was hit hard, let alone the unsuspecting refugees.

Bai E, who reacted in advance, raised his gun and fired, successfully intercepting the pistol that was thrown as a stone in mid-air, causing it to deviate from the direction.

"The situation is not optimistic."

Captain No. 1 held a big sword and fought against three or five orcs at the same time, while speaking to the others in the headset.

"The two cars in front are coming back too!"

Each off-road vehicle has a heavy machine gun, which may be of some help.

The number of these orcs... is simply too many.

Bai E squinted his eyes and flicked the compound bow. With the sound of the machine popping up, the bow instantly unfolded.

He wasn't going to use the gun.

Teammates have proven that firearms have limited lethality against these things, and even if they use skills, they may not be able to achieve very good results.

After all, gun fighting also has a certain survivability, but it is not very satisfactory in terms of pure offensive ability.

In comparison, "Powerful Strike", which is purely an output skill, is more lethal.

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