Before seeing his teammates, Bai E didn't dare to explode directly. After all, the pursuit and interception from the spider craze didn't know when it would end. Until the most critical critical moment, he tried his best to deal with it with conventional combat power.

But now his teammates have arrived to support him, so there is no need to hold back any longer.

Bai E, who had inserted the sword back across his waist, tightly held Murphy's left hand on the ground with his left hand and pulled him up.

Then he warned Murphy: "Hold Kilolan with your other hand, she is your life, don't let go no matter what, do you understand?"

"She was my life." Murphy said through gritted teeth.

He was extremely remorseful for his failure at the critical moment, and his eyes were red at the moment.

[Gun fighting skills, activate. 】

Bai E picked up Murphy with one hand and strung him up with Kilolan.

When he leads the way, the spider craze behind him can no longer keep up with him.

The claws of the spiders that rushed towards them almost at the same time were ferocious and strange, but they were all cut off with one strike.

The roar of machine guns instantly opened the way, and countless spear-like claws waving on both sides "welcome".

Spiders have so many claws, each claw is almost like a sharp spear.

There were too many people coming along the road, and it was difficult for Bai E to clear them all in an instant. As long as a spider's claws inserted into the bodies of the two children in the chaos, it would probably cause unacceptable injuries to them.

Fortunately, those spiders are not too big and cannot attack higher than their position in the air.

So... after spotting the largest spider in the army that was blocking the way of retreat, Bai E pulled the two of them and killed it.

As he approached, Bai E jumped lightly, and the left hand holding the two children behind him also swung upwards. The two children, who were relatively light in size, were carried away by this huge force.

Bai E stepped on the round back of the medium-sized spider with one foot, and the machine gun in his hand exploded and opened fire, sweeping out an open space farther away in an instant.

Not right in front of you.

The encirclement formed by the spider army is too thick, and just breaking through the blockade on the first floor is not of much use.

It is necessary to have far-sightedness and further judgment.

Route planning completed.

Bai E needs to take them... over the roof and over the wall.

The collapsed ruins on both sides of the road became an opportunity for the three of them to escape.

The human chain was spinning in the air. Under the inertia, Bai E could only protect the two children by swinging it in a big circle.

The hands of the three of them were clasped together, and the spinning feeling made the two children's minds go blank. They had never experienced anything like this in their lives.

When he reached his lowest point, it felt like the claws of those monsters were brushing against his scalp, but it was always just an illusion.

And when they were swinging towards the highest point, they could clearly feel that Bai E was slowing down and firmly controlling the rhythm of the circle, so that they would not let go completely due to excessive centrifugal force.

At this moment, their only thought was to concentrate all their strength on their hands.



Be sure to grab each other’s palms!

The dust of the ruins under the metal boots almost shattered with one step, and the walls that had been corroded to the core had long since turned into fragile powder. The step where almost all the power was concentrated on the feet easily destroyed the last remnant of the ruins.

Bai E couldn't stay for a moment.

The collapsed wall smashed out a gray-yellow dust dragon behind him, bowing its head and lowering its eyebrows, piously sending its owner away.

Pay attention to your steps, control your rhythm, and be careful of the attacks of spiders that are ejected.


Thick spider silk patterns were sprayed out by the occasional elite spider, with the intention of trapping the three people and controlling their movements.

This soft attack method made people feel even more difficult to deal with, and Bai E could only try his best to avoid it.

So the choice of route becomes more tortuous and changeable.

Under the moonlit night, the three people dancing in the sky looked like elves under the moon.

At a certain moment, even the blurry halo of light high in the sky became the backdrop for the three of them. The supporting soldiers watching this scene were holding the machine guns in their arms with dull expressions on their faces.


"It's... outrageous."

How much unbridled imagination, precise judgment, and execution are required to accomplish this miracle?

If it were any of the warriors present, the most they could do was to ensure that they could escape from the spider army.

With two burdens...


Until the metal boots fell lightly in front of him.

Bai E, who was the first to bend forward on one knee and land on the ground, threw away the machine gun, and perfectly caught the two children who were thrown out by him at the last moment with one hand.

Murphy and Kilolan, who were safely in their arms, were obviously in shock, and they didn't wake up from the sluggish state where their minds went blank for a while.

Roaring gunshots rang in my ears—the teammates who came to support took over the battle, and a row of gunmen blocked the swarm of spiders who wanted to pursue them.

The two children shuddered and came to their senses after blinking.

"So... so exciting."

Murphy was trembling all over, and his mind began to slowly replay the brief breakout process just now.

There was no reaction from the consciousness at that time, but when he opened his eyes, everything he saw was faithfully recorded in his mind.

Bai E's movements were slowed down bit by bit in his mind, so that even after he was let go, he still looked like he was standing there stupidly.

Kilolan woke up faster and straightened out the shabby clothes he was wearing. He took a small step forward and left Bai E's arms. A casual blush flashed across his face.

"My lord... I have caused you trouble."


Seeing that the two children were safe and sound, Bai E also breathed a sigh of relief.

A row of soldiers stood behind them and glanced with guns drawn, retreating step by step. Captain No. 1, who was nearby, turned his head and reminded: "If nothing happens, retreat first. There are too many and we can't stop them."

"Okay." Bai E nodded and looked at the two children again, "Can you run?"

"Yeah!" Kilolan nodded in agreement and pulled Murphy, who seemed to be still in a daze, "Let's go, don't cause any more trouble to the adults."

The image of the gray ruins in front of him zoomed in sharply, and the movement accompanied by the sound's ending suddenly squeezed into his eyeballs. Murphy shuddered, and the flickering light and shadow in his eyes disappeared instantly, "Oh~ let's go!"

There were too many spiders in the army, and as the battle progressed, more and more figures quietly crawled out from every corner of the ruins.

In particular, more and more larger spiders are crawling out of the shadows underground. The compound eyes on the sides of their bodies are so densely packed that it makes people feel numb.

"Let's go! We can't stay in this place anymore."

Captain No. 1 fired in an orderly manner with one hand, and at the same time opened the voice channel to inform Captain No. 2 who was staying behind, "Notify all refugees to retreat in an orderly manner and continue to return to the city!"

It is not impossible to walk at night. After all, there are not many regular dangers on this road, no more than the road to the server ruins.

Moreover, Bai E has been exploring for more than an hour. Although the refugees who have gotten a little rest will be a little tired, they are not completely unable to walk.

Captain No. 2’s steady voice sounded, “This is Carrigan, the message has been received.”

The soldiers who stayed behind immediately mobilized after receiving the order, "Get up, get up, and keep on going."

"Let's go! Return to the city as soon as possible and settle down early."

"Our companions have discovered the enemy. It is no longer safe here, but it is still far away. Don't worry. Just evacuate in an orderly manner."

"Da da da da da!"

The orange flames from a dozen machine guns were extremely conspicuous in the night.

At this moment, they were already some distance away from the ruins of the ruins, but those gray-white spiders were still chasing after them.

Even the body structure of mutated spiders is far less difficult than insects with chitin armor. Human bullets can easily tear apart their defenses wherever they hit them.

Those round bodies exploded everywhere like water bags under the blast of bullets.

The sharp claws lying flat on the ground still twitched unwillingly on the ground.

The machine guns in the soldiers' hands were already burning hot, and the bullet casings that jumped out covered their retreat path.

"They are still chasing!" Captain No. 2 frowned slightly, his expression a little solemn.

All the way back from the neighborhood 5 kilometers away, the soldiers were almost out of ammunition.

Of course, bullets can be replenished on off-road vehicles, but what’s even more troublesome are firearms.

Overheating of the gun barrel is a fatal problem.

However, even though the refugee team of more than 400 people tried their best not to cause trouble to them, it was impossible for the bloated team to evacuate as quickly as the soldiers.

The retreating group is behind them, and in front of them... is the spider army that still refuses to let everyone go.

[Continuously successfully completed precise strikes against numerous moving targets, gaining +21 light firearms proficiency experience. 】(There is a small probability of awakening special attributes.)

Bai E hung the extremely hot machine gun back on his waist and took off the bow and arrow with his left hand.

It is difficult to maintain a high level of mobility reserves at all times by eating normal water. In the past, he would only eat No. 3 when he was about to face a battle to replenish his mobility reserves.

Moreover, in the recent many battles, the No. 3 slogan has been consumed very quickly. There is only one supply of this thing every day. Even if you add the one that Carlos gave himself before the last battle on the Zerg battlefield, there is not much left after using it today.

And now, even if he doesn't eat "No. 3 Slogan" anymore, the solar energy replenishment after driving away the orcs during the day has also filled up the mobility reserve in Bai E's body.

Including the No. 3 slogan that can be eaten temporarily, it means that he can now have two bursts of mobility reserves in a prepared battle.

The transformation from one tube of blue to two tubes of blue will undoubtedly greatly enhance his long-lasting combat ability and explosive ability.

The ability to maintain a full reserve of mobility during rest without relying on "Law No. 3" is particularly valuable to Bai E today.

Restoring the full mobility reserve also plays a crucial role at this moment.

When the firearms in the hands of the soldiers could no longer delay time, the last three arrows could still clear three 500-meter-long safe distances for everyone.

Bai E stood up, bent his bow and nocked an arrow.

The night breeze gently blew the broken hair on his forehead, and Bai E's eyes were as sharp as his arrows.



A strong wind swept past, and the remaining white air blew lonely everywhere, then slowly disappeared into nothingness after a moment.

"call out!"

Another arrow!

"call out!"

The last arrow!

The three arrows penetrated all the obstacles in the way, not to mention the spiders that came one after another. They even penetrated all the way into the ruins, burying the last glory of the ruins.

The sky is filled with smoke and dust.

The front is clear.

Bai E slowly retracted his bow and looked across the 500-meter space, staring at the spider's compound eyes that suddenly encountered a terrifying attack and finally stopped.

In the dark spherical eyes, the fear of the unknown finally curbed their bloodthirsty desire for the first time.

Bai E waved back with one hand, "You go first."

If you dare to catch up again... you still have three more arrows.

Looking at the back of that not-so-strong figure, the eyes of the soldiers behind him were filled with extreme amazement.

No matter how many times I watch it, this shocking shot is hard to comprehend.

["Lucky Blow" charge +11. 】

Countless compound eyes stared at the watchful Bai E from a distance. The being deep underground in the ruins seemed to have finally realized that these flesh and blood were not something it could get its hands on.

The first spider slowly retreated into the shadows...

Looking at the gray-white figures gradually disappearing into the darkness, Bai E narrowed his eyes.

I guess the rats in the underground are no longer enough for the players to play with, right?

[Version update: Double monthly pass is available for a limited time]

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