Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 222 Are they all geniuses?

The distant and cold sun in winter blooms with just the right brilliance in the sky.

The black iron wall of the city gradually emerged at the end of the field of vision, and there were not many twists and turns along the way.


When they saw the city from a distance, the refugees became visibly excited, and their bodies that were originally lifeless and like zombies suddenly regained some vitality from the depths.

For most of them...or all of them, they spent the first half of their lives in a wilderness oasis called Jinshuizhou Town.

What does the city look like?

They had only heard about it in some circulating pamphlets and rumors.

It turns out that it is so big...

The steel city wall was taller than the tallest thing they had ever seen, and seemed to be built straight into the sky.

The humans hiding inside must be living a happy life, without having to worry every day about whether they will wake up the next day.

So...are they going to live in a city like this next?

Look close, walk far away.

The refugees' physical strength had been drained to the point where they were almost dry. If they hadn't really seen the city, they would have fallen to the ground.

The last stretch of the journey took them almost to dusk.

Instead of going to the military camp, he came to a place outside the city where Bai E had never been.

The simple buildings were built almost against the city walls and looked a bit decayed. There was also a gathering place outside the city in the distance, but it was not a black street.

This is closer to other gates of the city.

"Send them to hand over."

Captain No. 1 obviously knows the process. The city has its own set of standard procedures for treating newly joined refugees.

The person responsible for the response had a serious face. It could be that he was taciturn like a soldier, or he was extremely tired and numb. He just stood on the roadside and stared at the endless gray-black team with his twin fish eyes.

The smell of the refugees made him frown slightly impatiently, "So many?"

"Four hundred and five." Captain No. 1 replied.

In the encounter with the orcs, the refugees were still somewhat unlucky and were hit by the orcs' inaccurate marksmanship.

"Oh~" The receptionist nodded, "Let them line up and wait here, and go in one by one."

"Come on, line up and go with this gentleman."

Under the guidance of Captain No. 1, the soldiers of the joint team worked together to maintain order at the scene.

"Everyone is waiting in line here. Don't panic. This is the last checkpoint before entering the city. There are some necessary checks."

"You will follow the instructions of the adults later and do whatever they ask you to do. Do you understand?"

Along the way, the soldiers were quite familiar with these refugees, and they greeted them one last time.

After all, what happens next has nothing to do with them.

Bai E stood on the side of the road, watching the refugees pass by one by one. Everyone looked at him gratefully, and even if they didn't speak, they would smile and nod as respectfully as possible.

He smiled throughout the whole process, trying his best to comfort them about their confusion about the unknown, "It's okay, just follow them."

Until Murphy and Killolan walked past, Killolan looked at Bai E firmly and said, "I will go find you, sir."

Bai E still chuckled, "You can figure it out yourself."

Everyone has his own choice and he has no right to interfere.

It wasn't until Dashan turned to leave after watching the team being handed over and settled that he approached Bai E and asked strangely: "Why didn't I see the old man among the refugees?"

"..." The smile on Bai E's lips paused for a moment before he shook his head, "Didn't they report him missing last night?"

"Oh~ I remember I saw him last night."

Dashan rubbed the back of his head and said in a regretful tone, "Did he get hooked by a spider during the chaos? What a pity."

When the old man was around, these refugees were managed quite well by him.

There is some ability.

Bai E pursed his lips and said nothing more.

He just ran two steps and caught up with Captain No. 1's team walking in front.

"Well... hello, captain."

"Bai E..." Captain No. 1 was startled, and his tone became much softer, "What's the matter?"

Bai E glanced back, "What are they waiting for in line?"

"Physical examination." Captain No. 1 explained patiently, "All new refugees entering the city need a physical examination."

It is necessary to check whether there are any highly harmful infectious diseases, whether the physical fitness can still persist in manual labor for at least ten years, whether the mental state is normal and can obey the control... and so on.

A city is not a charity. Doesn't it mean that it can stand tall in this gloomy world because of everyone's spontaneous solidarity and cooperation?

No! The more times like this, the more you rely on urban rules that take the interests of gains and losses into consideration to the extreme.

Everything that is useful to the city will get its due function.

Everything that is of no use to the city should be discarded without regard.

As for whether life itself will find a way out...that depends on each person's own destiny.

Bai E frowned secretly and looked back.

Then he asked: "How will they be arranged after the physical examination?"

"Arrangement?" Captain No. 1 looked at Bai E strangely, "Those who are in good health will go to work in the city, and those who are in poor health..."

He gestured to the gathering place not far away with his eyes, "They are waiting there."

The greatest gift of the city to the refugees is to allow them a breathing space under the shelter of the city.

Although this space is also filled with jungle-style barbarism where the weak and the strong prey on the weak.

Bai E frowned deeply and remained silent.

After successfully completing the mission and returning to the city, Captain No. 1 looked obviously very happy. At this time, he even put his arm around Bai E's shoulders and said, "Brother, don't worry too much about them. You are committing suicide for your promise." Responsibility? There is no need. At that time, this was your only chance to defeat that demon, and they would only be grateful for your rescue. Not every sentence needs to be completely implemented, and many expedients are just expedient. We understand you and they will understand you.”


Seeing that Bai E still didn't speak, Captain No. 1 smiled and patted Bai E's shoulder one last time, "Okay, don't think about it so much. Go back to the camp and resume your duties. I'll treat you to a drink at the bar on the black street tonight. Get drunk. After the show, I will forget all about it tomorrow.”

"Let's go! Go back to camp!"

"Captain is treating you to a treat. You won't come home until you're drunk!"

The soldiers who had once again walked away from the gate of hell and even returned from completing the mission perfectly were a little excited.

Aside from fighting, they all have the normal lives they want.

In the midst of the commotion, Hu stepped forward and hugged Bai E's shoulders, and whispered: "Look at it, you are just a recruit, you can't do so much."

Yeah... you can't do that much.

Bai E pursed his lips and looked back for the last time at the refugees who were waiting for their fate to be judged.

"Eh?" The staff member of the physical examination looked at the flashing red instrument screen in front of him, and his originally listless face suddenly became excited, "Ling...Ling...Ling...Psionic energy!"

There are psychic fluctuations!

This refugee may have a talent for stimulating psychic powers!

"Quick, quick, quick! Inform the Lord! There is a psychic talent among these refugees!"

"What! Psychic talent!" Another staff member next to him also became energetic instantly. Every time a psionic talent could be detected among the refugees, it was no different from a holiday for them.

After stretching his head to take a closer look at the instrument screen in front of the staff member who first discovered this, the latter rushed out directly, "I'm going to inform you!"

The instruments used for physical examination of refugees can only check some very basic things, such as whether the body is in the "category" of health, whether there are any obvious infectious diseases, etc. The monitoring of psychic energy only stays at the "fluctuation" level.

After all, they are just refugees. I took the opportunity to do a test with the attitude of having a date or not.

It is precisely because of this roughness that the instrument is often prone to misjudgment, or it is normal to have a little talent but difficulty in stimulating it, so a truly professional adult is needed to "diagnose" it.

This kind of instrument is not just one. Sometimes there are many refugees, so checking them one by one would be too inefficient.

The staff in front of the other four instruments were a little dumbfounded when they heard the two staff working on the same machine here.

One of them also looked at the red light on the instrument in front of him with confusion on his face, "I seem to have found one too."

This seemed to cause a chain reaction, and the staff monitoring the other three instruments all asked questions, "I am doing this too..."

"Me too..."

"The instrument is broken?"

If there were so many psychically gifted people among a group of refugees at the same time, either the executive officers of the Arbitration Institute came to joke with them collectively, or the equipment was broken.

There is no other third possibility.

"Hurry, hurry! Chase him back! Maybe the instrument is broken! Don't disturb the adults!"

"Who is that! You go to the side and wait first. Come! Next, you come and try too."

In line with the experimental method of controlling variables, some staff asked the refugees who were undergoing physical examination to step aside first.

"Oh~" The refugees, who didn't understand why the adults in these cities were yelling, shrank aside in confusion and responded humbly.

The results came out quickly - "Didi didi~"


"Test a few more..."

"Didi didi~"


All red!

"Madabai is so happy! The machines are all broken!"

"Who was fucked?"

A voice suddenly sounded from outside the door, and a man as thin as a monkey walked in with a smile.

As soon as they saw the person coming, all the staff became nervous instantly.

"grown ups……"


The thin monkey's eyes quickly scanned the faces of the refugees in the room one by one, trying to use his own eyes to determine who was the destined child.

Finally, it landed on a boy in his twenties who looked the most handsome. He smiled at the staff and asked, "Is he that boy?"

"Hmm~" The staff member who was asked just shook his head nervously, not daring to tell the truth for a while.

"Oh?" Thin Monkey's eyes fell on the second candidate target again, "Then it must be him."

I look so handsome, how could someone with the same psychic talent as me look ugly?

"Hmm~" The staff member shook his head again.


The skinny monkey looked a little unhappy and looked at the third candidate target, "It can't be him."

"grown ups……"

A staff member in the corner raised his hand tremblingly, "It's all..."

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