Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 236 Teaching breathing techniques!

"woke up?"

A deep, deep male voice came from the side.

Bai E struggled to open his heavy eyelids, and the orange sunset broke into his eyes instantly.

The memories before coma came up instantly——

I should be doing psychic stress resistance training.

But it was just the beginning of the afternoon, and's dusk?

How long have you persisted? How long have you been unconscious again?

The mission completion record on the panel gives the answer - I persisted for 35 minutes, and then passed out until now...

The good news is that the task is completed, and the mysterious joy +0.1.

The bad news is that I have been unconscious for too long. Is this thing going to have such serious side effects?

A big hand waved in front of his eyes, and the soldier next door asked enthusiastically: "Hey brother, haven't you recovered yet?"

Bai E blinked and looked at his master along the swaying arms. At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he also saw other warriors who were probably thrown to the ground.

The sleeping position is not very particular.

He wasn't the first to wake up, but he wasn't the last either. "Will you be unconscious for so long during this training?"

The soldier waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Hey, look at me. It's your first time to participate in training, and you performed very well."

How long you have been unconscious is not a sign of strength, but how you perform is.

Not having squinting eyes, crooked mouth, shitting, or peeing all over the place is already the most powerful achievement for a newcomer.

The soldier spoke warmly and looked extremely friendly, "Brother, where were you chosen from? I saw that our big boss personally brought you here. Ordinary people don't get this kind of treatment."

"From the barracks over there."

"I know that from the military camp over there, only the soldiers with the best performance in the original establishment will be directly transferred to the pilot reserve of our armored battalion. This is how we were all selected." The soldier smiled proudly. He said, "I mean the establishment, your original establishment."

"Special Forces."


"Hey? Where do you live?" Another warrior who woke up came over and asked curiously and enthusiastically.

We are all natural persons, and the most important thing about controlling mechas is the close cooperation with each other. We are all brothers.

Isn’t it true that relationships only need to be talked about to become hot?

Bai E was stunned for a moment, "Home?"

Shaking his head, "I don't have a home..."

"How come you are homeless?" Some soldiers didn't believe it.

"My home is in the military camp..."

"I mean outside..."

The man who spoke first pulled the other warriors who later came over to join in the fun and winked at him.

Having no home... is not impossible.

In this era, there are always some orphans who are born without their parents.

They were picked up by the military camp and immediately made the military camp their home.

Poor life experience.

"It's okay, buddy~ From now on, we will be your brothers!" The soldier who spoke first vigorously patted Bai E on the shoulder, "Tomorrow night is our chance to have fun, buddy, I will take you to see my wife! She cooks really good food. have eaten!"

"Oh~ thank you."

"Maybe we'll split into two groups later. Then follow my lead and I'll lead you."


Are you talking about mecha control skills?

Bai E didn't understand anything, so he just nodded in agreement.



"A bunch of nonsense..."


"Let's go! Go eat."


My new "buddy" is a real talker, and he can give advice even after a meal.

Bai E, who finally got rid of him, tried to sneak out of the camp.

I haven't received any feedback on the mission for several days. If I don't continue the daily routine for the players, I feel like there are ants crawling on me.

As their various attributes become higher and higher, the attributes that players receive from mission feedback become less and less impressive, but a little adds up, and the accumulation over time is always considerable.

Not to mention that he has just been injected with genetic optimization fluid, and the upper limit of the three basic attributes has skyrocketed. This does not allow players to train hard for him. When will he practice?

However, a dark, slender figure blocked the path ahead at some point.

Bai E didn't even notice when the other party stood in that position, and his heart skipped a beat and his steps stopped subconsciously.

"Miss Yueying?"

Yueying turned around and lightly opened her thin lips, "Follow me."


Bai E, who followed Yueying through the military camp at night, had some strange expectations in his heart.

Yueying rarely takes the initiative to find herself.

But if you really find him, it usually means that there is good news waiting for you.

Thinking that he still had a "mission" on her, Bai E's heart beat excitedly.

Finally, in a hidden corner, Yueying stopped.

Turning around to look at Bai E, his jade face was raised slightly, and a pair of willow-leaf-like eyes under the hood were shining brightly in the evening.

"I heard your marshal tell you about your deeds..."

Yueying spoke softly, with a tone of sincere admiration.

Although Weslin emphasized her wise command, she was more concerned about what the legendary warrior who created the legend had done.

They faced off against and defeated high-dimensional demons with strength that had never been exposed to psychic energy. This was definitely an explosive record even among their exceptionally talented elves.

"You are really amazing..."

["Lucky Blow" charge +3. 】

[The current task - Yueying's approval, the progress has reached the peak. You have demonstrated your outstanding strength and quality in front of Miss Yueying of the Elf tribe several times and in all aspects, and have been perfectly recognized by Miss Yueying. The mission reward has been opened, please handle it carefully...]

"I just did what I was supposed to do."

"What you should do is precisely what many people find difficult to do." Yueying shook his head gently, "In any case, you have been involved in the incident involving high-dimensional demons, and it will be difficult to avoid it in the future. The original demon can be resurrected and Remember who defeated the existence of their bodies in the material world. If you don’t have the relevant abilities, you may easily be targeted by those cunning demons in the future and fall into the abyss completely.”

She didn't want to see this.

She didn't want to see a human hero fall into a quagmire that he couldn't extricate himself from because of his unfamiliarity with high-dimensional demons... and psychic powers.

It was precisely because of this impulse that she took the initiative to find Bai E.

What humans themselves are unwilling to teach, she will teach.

Do artificial humans have an innate prohibition on dulling thoughts?

But it’s better to do twice the result with half the effort than to do nothing.

She only acts according to her own personal wishes, and does not consider all-round benefits and losses like humans do.

The only thing to note is that there has never been any precedent of humans practicing their Elf Breathing Method.

Although the breathing method focuses on spiritual cultivation, because the body structures of elves and humans are different, the basic "breathing" rhythm may also be different, so the rhythm of mental conditioning may also be different.

There is no way to do this except to take care of him in real time during the actual teaching process and carefully sort it out for him.

"If you also want to have certain countermeasures when you face high-dimensional demons again in the future, I can teach you the method of practicing psychic energy."

Under the dim night, Yueying's eyes were as crystal clear as gems.

[really! ]

Bai E felt excited.

The breathing method that I had been looking forward to had unexpectedly received the final response this night, as if all the good things had happened today.

Suppressing his heart that wanted to beat excitedly, Bai E nodded heavily, "Then I'll trouble Miss Yueying..."

Yueying nodded, somewhat pleased with the diligence and studiousness of this human warrior.

No matter how willing you are to teach, you still need a good student who is dedicated to learning.

Judging from the previous teachings, this human warrior's understanding is quite good, which is rare even among the elves.

I just don't know how it will perform on the breathing method that is completely unfamiliar to him.

"sit down."

Yueying said this, and sat down cross-legged as a demonstration.


This place is secluded and far away from the hustle and bustle without being disturbed by others. It is a quiet place that Yueying has found.

Bai E sat down cross-legged, listening to Yueying's voice with peace of mind.

"Close your eyes..."

"Breathing slows down..."

"Empty your mind..."



[You are learning the elf breathing method...]

[Trigger teaching task—breathing method. 】

[The method of breathing: Psychic energy is innate. People with psionic talents who have never shown external psionic energy can also develop their inner psionic treasures. Powerful psionic energy can distort reality and be omnipotent. Introverted psionic energy can also protect themselves. Maintain your own integrity. Mission requirements: Follow Yueying’s guidance to maintain completion? ? ? % and above to complete "multiple" breathing cycles. Mission completion reward: Skill - Psychic Breathing. 】

[Teaching: Breathing is a completely new field for you. You need to pay a certain price (combat experience/general experience) to follow the other party's guidance to obtain perfect breathing techniques. (Consumption: 10 experience points/min)]

The voice from Yueying continued to ring peacefully in his ears.



Her voice sounded according to a certain strange rhythm. Her voice was smooth and beautiful, like a violin soloing on a moonlit night...

Guide Bai E towards the special artistic conception of peace of mind.

The clear brilliance of the moonlight was hidden in the clouds, and the indifferent glow covered the two people like silver foil.

Starting to maintain a deliberate breathing rhythm was undoubtedly difficult for Bai E to accept. Deliberately following Yueying's rhythm guidance made him feel nervous and unable to enter an ethereal and calm state.

Only with the help of experience did the tension, sometimes suffocating and sometimes bloating, ease slightly.

[You are paying combat experience to correct your breathing rhythm...]

[Current following completion rate: 87.3%]



Yueying's voice didn't waver at all.

Of course she knew that it would be difficult for Bai E to keep up with the pace when he just started learning.

Breathing is an ability that can only be effective if you become familiar with it and become instinctive.

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