Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 237 Breathing Practice





Yueying guides with all her heart, always paying attention to Bai E's physical performance, she will also adjust the rhythm of her guidance.

The purpose of the breathing method is to adjust a person's physical and mental state to the most suitable state for feeling spiritual energy. If you follow it too deliberately, you will never be able to truly calm down and feel the mysterious and mysterious power of spiritual energy.

Most people may not be exposed to this seemingly idealistic power in their lifetime. Living in a materialistic world, they need to completely break and abandon the "prejudice" in their hearts in order to get a glimpse of the "reality" of the world.

The first time was especially hard.

The reason why humans require that only those so-called "gifted people" whose spiritual energy can easily radiate outwards can access the practice of spiritual energy is because it is easier for such talented people to get started and feel the so-called spiritual power without going too far. Dedicated one-on-one guidance.

This process is extremely laborious and impressively efficient.

Their large population base also allows them this luxury of selection.

Not in this batch? Just change a batch.

Therefore, the method for human beings to practice spiritual energy does not have the process of starting from nothing, but only from nothing to excellence.

At least Yueying has never heard of any secrets in human cultivation methods to guide those without talent to get started.

This is probably why the human psyker agency turns a blind eye to Bai E. An artificial person with no talent and innate prohibitions is a waste to them.

But they elves are different. With a small population, they need to pay attention to every clan member.

Even for tribesmen who do not show strong potential, there will be elders in the tribe who will guide them into the realm of spiritual energy to gain a certain degree of self-protection.

The essence of the Elf Breathing Method is to educate people without discrimination.

[You are paying combat experience to correct your breathing rhythm...]

[Current follow completion: 94.7%]

Feeling Bai E's breathing becoming smoother and gentler, Yueying's lips curled up slightly.

No matter what, this human warrior's understanding is still as good as ever.

Under his own guidance, he was able to get on the right track in a short time. Although it may still take a while before he can feel spiritual energy, he was able to use breathing methods to adjust the state of his spirit and body to enter the ethereal realm. , which is already a huge progress.

In the process of guiding Bai E's breathing, Yueying did not relax her control on her body.

Having practiced Elf Breathing for many years, she has already integrated this special method into her instincts. She is polishing her body and spirit every time she exhales and inhales. She practices spiritual energy all the time. As long as she is still breathing, her power is in every moment. Growing every moment.

The breath poured into her body from her nasal cavity, and was exhaled again after the circulation exchange.

A faint psychic aura is mixed in it. If you have excellent psychic vision, you can vaguely see faint milky white psychic aura in it.



The breath surrounded the two of them.

As a guide, Yueying deliberately used her own rhythm and insights to infect Bai E and lead him to get started.

Milky white psychic energy came out of her mouth and entered Bai E's body.

The breath of spiritual energy circulated between the two of them, briefly connecting all their feelings to a certain extent.

Water and milk blend together endlessly.

In Yueying's "eyes", Bai E "saw" a bright illusory world.

Thousands of stars of different colors hang far away in the sky, and streamers of light fall far in front of you... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, endless stars seem to be hanging on the horizon waiting to be picked.

Among them, a huge cold white "sun" is listed in the middle of the "starry sky"...




[Node record +1, collect more breathing method tips, and you will be completely familiar with this breathing rhythm. 】

Bai E went astray in one breath, suddenly bent over and coughed violently.

Yueying sat cross-legged, frowning slightly at Bai E who suddenly broke out of his state.

It's not Bai E's problem.

It's...a problem with breathing techniques.

The breathing method of their elves is specially designed for elves, and the physiques of humans and elves are obviously somewhat different.

What is a suitable breathing rhythm for an elf may not be so smooth for a human.

The close connection between the spirit and the body is inseparable. Breathing method not only adjusts a relaxed and peaceful mental state, but also can not be ignored for mobilizing certain parts of the body.

Humans don't have the know-how to get started, and the breathing method of elves is not suitable for humans.

It seems that artificial humans are born to be excluded from the realm of spiritual energy. There is no method in the world suitable for them to practice.

However, since Yueying wanted to teach, she would not ignore all of this.

If it didn’t exist in the past, then shouldn’t it exist in the future?

If there was no method suitable for artificial humans in the past, then find a way to transform it yourself.

It’s just that all this takes time…


Yueying's voice sounded steadily, and some twists and turns could not interfere with her decision.

The momentary state of Bai E's body just now and the role that the Elf Breathing Method needed to play at that moment were simultaneously replayed in her mind. How to coordinate the cooperation between the two was the most important point.

Since you want to do something that no one has done before, you naturally need a lot of practice to constantly revise your ideas.

Can it be done? She had no idea.

But for many things, you first need to believe in doing it before you can see the results.

She did not explain these thoughts to Bai E.

Only you have this vision, and only you can make improvements.

After talking to him, he may have some messy self-correction thoughts out of thin air, which is not good.

'I can! ’ Yueying firmly believed.

There are not many paths an elf can find in their life as a matter of faith, but every difficult challenge will be taken seriously by them.

After all, only in the pursuit of "Tao" will the sensitive needs from the body and desires be temporarily suppressed.


Bai E rearranged his posture and sat cross-legged.

He knew what went wrong with him just now, and he also knew why the completion level in the task requirements was "???".

Because the spirit breathing method is not completely applicable to humans.

Just now, his completion rate was close to 100%, but as a result, he was instantly defeated due to the difficulty in breathing in his chest.

The teachings of a character of Yueying's level are generally correct, so the problem can only be the Elf Breathing Method that does not completely match the human body.

Yueying is obviously also trying to solve this problem. Under her intentionally changing guidance rhythm, her completion level is actually changing from time to time, and it is not always approaching 100%.

But... it's too slow.

[Free Creation Mode: You are combining the learned skills and abilities with your own characteristics to try to create a new method that is more suitable for your own physique. Judging from your ability, the current success rate is "extremely small". But you can help you complete this creation by paying a certain price (combat/general experience). (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

The experience required is twice that of simple learning, but it allows you to create something you have not mastered under a certain "prompt function" on the panel.

Of course, even Bai E was not familiar with the Elf Breathing Method itself, so learning and creation needed to be done at the same time.

It’s just 30 experience points per minute, and it’s going to burn up.

But not right now...

If you are not completely familiar with the breathing method itself, how can you talk about creation?

It still takes a while to get familiar with it before you can consider improving it yourself.

Bai E calmed down and was not upset at all because of the broken power just now.

As long as they have hope and a clear direction of effort, many people can persevere.

Yueying, who felt Bai E enter the state almost instantly, nodded secretly.

Not falling into self-doubt because of unexpected events, this kind of mentality is also a great help for spiritual practice.



The soft voice of Yueying's guidance sounded again, and the only sound she made in the hidden corner was her alone.

There were patrolling soldiers walking not far away, but Bai E, whose thoughts only moved slightly, was not affected by the outside world at all.

The patrol also failed to find the two of them.

The aura of Moon Shadow enveloped the space where the two of them were, and unless they were psychics with sharper senses, they would never be discovered by ordinary patrols.

The condition is getting better.

[You are paying combat experience to correct your breathing rhythm...]

[Current follow completion: 85.1%]

The degree of completion is neither high nor low.

Yueying, who had had an experience before, chose to be more conservative. Under her guidance, Bai E's breathing calmed down, and those wonderful powers seemed to pour in from the top of his head along the Tianling Cap, washing the body that had completely let go of his embrace.

If you want to practice spiritual energy, you first need to accept spiritual energy.

From spiritual to physical acceptance.

The power of spirituality requires spiritual treatment, not only the acceptance of spirit and will, but also making the indescribable instincts of the body familiar with the existence of spiritual energy, which is the first step to start practicing.

Resistance... Any slightest resistance will lead to the loss of spiritual power.

Both parties need to be familiar with this process.

The two people's breaths formed a bridge of communion, and the breath they exhaled completely enveloped the small space where the two of them were.

If an outsider could discover this hidden corner, they would be able to see the two spaces gently undulating like water ripples, and a wonderful halo of light emanating from the two spaces themselves, dark, deep, and uncertain.

Ordinary people without psychic abilities would feel dizzy even if they took a quick look at it, making it difficult to keep their gaze.

Of course, Bai E hasn't been able to start formal training yet. This is Yueying using his own way to let him experience the mystery of spiritual energy. The guidance in their elven clan is this harmonious way.

Yueying quietly opened her eyes while being guided. This process actually did not require her full concentration and allowed her to think about more things——

Bai E is not resistant to spiritual energy. From his body to his mind, he allows spiritual energy to pass through very smoothly. The so-called artificial human ban does not seem to show more resistance on his body. He is not at all like a novice for the first time. Such a tough jam.

Maybe it's because he actually encountered demons and experienced psychic powers firsthand?

Regardless, this is good news.

Next, it’s time to continue to touch the limit.

Only by letting Bai E continue to use his body to try and make mistakes, can he tailor a breathing method that is only suitable for him...or similar to a breathing method that can open up the path of cultivation for humans without talent.



[You are paying combat experience to correct your breathing rhythm...]

[Current follow completion: 97.3%]

Progress is again aggressive.

Bai E was very satisfied with Yueying's decision.

She needed trial and error, and she also needed complete information on the Elf Breathing Method.

Only after the panel determines that it has collected enough tips on the Elf Breathing Technique, the success rate of creation will naturally increase...

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