One minute……

Two minutes...

In a state of emptiness and selflessness, time passes without leaving any trace.

Bai E didn't even bother to pay attention to how many points of experience he had consumed.

Since returning from the devil's lair last time, my experience reserves have been overwhelming, and I don't care about small expenses at all.

Not surprisingly, after once again approaching 100% completion, the breathing method suitable for the elf's physique made Bai E feel that suffocating feeling.

"Cough cough cough!"

[Node record +1, collect more breathing method tips, and you will be completely familiar with this breathing rhythm. 】

"..." Looking at the back of Bai E who was bending over and coughing, Yueying moved his mouth and was trying to form words to comfort him.

She wanted to say that all this was normal, that this was what beginners were like, so don't be discouraged and think it was your problem.

However, while she was thinking about what to say, Bai E had already sat upright again.

"Come again!"

The voice was firm and unwavering.

The rhetoric he had just prepared seemed useless to him...


Yueying nodded, "Okay."


[Node record +1...]


[Node record +1...]

As Yueying's firepower was fully activated, Bai E's body couldn't bear the high-pressure rhythm and the frequency of his power-breaking attacks became faster and faster.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

[Node record +1...]

Listening to Bai E's voice again that sounded like he was coughing out his lungs, Yueying frowned in distress.

"Otherwise, this would be the end of the day, right?"

Breathing methods that always exceed the limits of the human body will also invisibly damage his body. Once or twice is not a big deal, but right now...

Too much is not enough.

She never expected to be able to teach a human android warrior the elf breathing method at once. This unprecedented thing was very challenging, and she also reserved a lot of patience and was not in a hurry.

"I'm okay."

Bai E took a breath and insisted in a hoarse voice.

The breathing method that was beyond the acceptable range of the human body certainly caused a lot of damage to his body. With his now sharper sense of touch, he seemed to be able to feel the screams of various organs in his body under high pressure.

However, the rapid recovery feat, which has been unlocked to 89%, is also rapidly repairing the body when it is damaged, and the progress is even +1 to 90%.

have nothing to say.

Some of everyone's talents and expertise can directly affect frontal combat capabilities, while others can shine in logistical rescue, and his quick recovery can support him in long-term and stressful training.

Yueying looked at Bai E's side face with a little worry, but gently agreed, "...Okay."

Willpower is also a very important factor that affects psychic practice. Besides, their human medical skills are pretty good. Even if their training goes awry, it will be a big deal and they will be sent directly to the medical department in the military camp. It is not a big problem.

On the contrary, it is even more rare to be able to endure the pain in the body without letting the distress signal sent by the body affect the breathing method and temper the state of mind. It is already not weaker than the level of their own hormones and emotions that the elves have.

Self-restraint is a prerequisite for practicing breathing methods for their elves, but it is not necessary for human bodies that are not particularly sensitive. Moreover, practicing that thing is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the process is very difficult. There is no need to teach it.

In her opinion, there are not many humans who can do this without self-restraint.


[Node record +1...]

[Node record +1...]

The Elf Breathing Method requires countless key nodes from the body to the soul. Fortunately, after a night of experience, Bai E finally saw that the probability of determining the free creative mode has changed from extremely small to medium.

Tomorrow... when you continue to practice tomorrow, you can try a two-pronged approach, turn on the learning and creative modes at the same time, and develop a breathing method that is truly suitable for your own body!

As for today? Specification is no longer possible.

He could clearly feel that the membranes of his internal organs were broken in many places, not to mention the bleeding on the inner wall, and there was a dull pain in his chest, as if his ribs were broken.

The beating, contraction and expansion of the heart and lungs also began to slow down, and the blood flow became a little weak.

It seemed serious, but with his current physique, the combination of regenerative blood and rapid recovery, it wouldn't be a big problem if he slept for a day and a night.

However, in order to recover as quickly as possible, Bai E patted his butt and went straight to the injured medical room as if nothing was wrong.

Looking at Bai E's retreating back, Yueying shook her head silently.

You have to do your best to do things, even if you endure inhuman pain.

This tenacious will is probably the foundation for the many miracles he has accomplished along the way.

The weak have many excuses, but the strong are always surprisingly similar.

The person on duty is the diligent Masati.

"Doctor, see a doctor."

"I'm just a nurse..." Masati, who was doing something with her head down, responded subconsciously. She suddenly stopped when she heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw Bai E, "You... why are you here?"

"see a doctor."

It's better to let the doctors in the military camp take care of it than to use your own physical strength to support yourself. If you don't use such good medical conditions, then you are still a human being?

"You..." Masati looked Bai E up and down, hesitating.

It is rare that people who come to this place come here by themselves...

Generally speaking, being able to walk over on your own means that there is nothing serious wrong with you.

So he couldn’t be looking for an excuse to come to see me on purpose...

The girl's thoughts were flying wildly, but she still took Bai E to the doctor's consulting room with a serious and responsible attitude.

Looking at the film, the doctor looked at Bai E in shock.

"How can you still stand?"

"..." Bai E looked at the white bed in the consulting room and walked over obediently, "Do you want me to lie down?"

"You, you... your internal organs are almost failing, do you know?" The doctor stood up with a serious look on his face, "How did it develop like this?"




["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

"You people, you just don't regard your body as your body." The doctor with hair loss on his head pressed down on Bai'e's upper body and said as he did so, "Lie down and don't move. Masati, go get me some Powerful resuscitation powder is coming. Don’t worry, there is no disease that we can’t cure.”

"Oh~" Bai E responded, and then warned, "Use the most effective life-saving needle, that one is stronger."

"The average person can't bear it..." The doctor was stunned and explained.

"..." Bai E looked into his eyes and said sincerely, "I am not an ordinary person."

"No..." The doctor ignored Bai E's answer and just held on to the three remaining stubborn hairs on his head. "How do you know there is an extremely effective life-saving injection?"

"...I also know a little bit about medical skills."



The two looked at each other.

"You kid..."

Looking at Bai E's back after getting the injection, he turned around and walked away from the bed, the doctor scratched the two remaining stubborn hairs on his head in confusion, his face full of doubts, "Where did this kid come from? There's nothing wrong with him playing like this. What?"

"The dean named him before and wanted to accept him as his disciple." Masati, who knew the inside story, looked at the retreating figure with admiration.

"Oh... ah?" The doctor grabbed his last tenacious hair and fell into deep thought.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

In the early morning, Bai E got up from bed refreshed.

Seeing Hu, You and others still in the same tent were in a good mood.

After all, we are all comrades who sleep together every night after coming to this world. I am really lucky not to be transferred from this special team...

"You haven't seen anyone in the past two days? What have you been busy with?" Dashan, who was wearing clothes, asked casually.

Bai E casually replied: "I was transferred to the armored battalion to train with them."



The four people looked over almost at the same time, their eyes full of confusion——

What's going on, little brother?

Does it mean you can go to the Armored Battalion just by going there?

None of the android warriors who went there had a successful life.

It is nothing to die on the battlefield, but it is a worthy death to die with honor.

But in the armored battalion's atmosphere of putting natural people first all day long, being stabbed by soft nails from time to time is more painful than stabbing someone with a knife.

"Didn't I tell you not to go to the armored camp before?" Song Ying said with a sigh.

Bai E blinked, sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at him innocently, "Sir's order..."

"Then you can also make a suggestion. With your military exploits, there won't be room for negotiation."

Although the guys don't know how much Bai E's specific military achievements are, and they don't know how the superior officials evaluate him, but apart from anything else, based on what they know about the achievements of two actions together, there is definitely room for maneuver.

"That's right... You can talk to the commander and transfer him back. That's not a place you can stay."

Not only is it a waste of time, but it also makes life uncomfortable.

Only You discovered the blind spot, "You were transferred to the Armored Battalion, why are you still sleeping here?"

"Sir said I can retain the special team establishment..."


Song Ying was a little puzzled. When could the armored battalion's organization coexist so harmoniously with the normal organization?

Isn’t that place famous for its dictatorship?

"You just need to participate in the necessary training of the armored battalion."


Hu couldn't understand at all. How could people who entered the armored battalion still have such freedom?

Could it be that all the androids who went in before were farting?

"Except for operating mechas and psychic stress resistance training, I don't need to go there at other times."


? ? ?


Psychic stress training?

Dashan swallowed hard, "What exactly are you responsible for in the armored battalion?"

"Pilot Reserve..."



"As a natural person..."

Bai E had never thought of hiding this kind of thing from the companions he got along with every day. He couldn't keep any secrets in his heart, as that would drive people crazy.




Dashan spoke out the thoughts of his teammates.

They knew that Bai E's contribution might be great, but they didn't expect that it would be so great that even the armored battalion, which was well-known in the entire military camp, would compromise.

"Do it well..."

Song Ying came over and patted Bai E on the shoulder, "Don't expose yourself."

"We should go to training too." Looking at the team members who were in a state of surprise, Hu reminded in a deep voice.

He knew Bai'e would take off soon, but he didn't expect it to take off so quickly.

As a freshman, he seems to have left everyone far behind, but since he is a teammate, he cannot be held back every time.

It’s time for them to fight hard!

"By the way..." Hu, who opened the door curtain, turned to the left and said, "Since you still retain the establishment of our special team, I guess you are also on the list for the joint mission in the next few days. The target should have been discovered not long ago. The Zerg's new type of 'sandworm' can dig into the ground. I just want to say hello to you, please pay attention to yourself and don't forget what preparations you should make."

"Sandworms?" Those new bugs we encountered on our last trip to the site where the Internet's root servers are located?

Sure enough, other people in the military are not just freeloaders. Have they already formulated a battle plan?

Bai E nodded, "Okay, I understand."

As for now... today is the first lesson of formal training on mecha control.

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