Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 240 Specific Vehicle Driving

"Come on, come in."

The instructor sat in the simulation cabin and greeted Bai E, "Let me first introduce to you the role that all the templates in the cabin can play in controlling the mecha."

This job should have been done by Benson. It is a long-standing tradition of the pilot reserve to have a veteran lead a new recruit.

He was a reserve member of the last batch of official pilots. It was precisely because he was not qualified to drive a mecha on a frontal battlefield that he managed to survive the last Zerg battlefield.

And now, the previous batch of reserve members have become the reliable main force of today's pilot training camp.

When the main force is unreliable, the instructor can only play in person.

"The only mecha you have access to currently is the Xiaolong I type. More mecha types are generally not used as your regular driving vehicles. Of course, if you have the opportunity to come into contact with the Mechanical Court in the future, then maybe you can I have seen the style of several other mechas, but for now we are only talking about this one.

"The entire internal control module of the Xiaolong I mecha is mainly composed of four major parts, namely movement, action, weapons library... and energy center."

[You are learning "Knowledge - Specific Vehicle (Armed Mecha) Driving", the progress is 1%. 】

"Movement means walking, running, jumping, left, right, forward, backward, etc."

"Movements are the control of small parts, such as the fine manipulation of forearms, upper arms, calves, thighs, back, waist and other parts."

"The weapons arsenal can also be said to be a tactical response strategy in times of war. Currently, our armed mechas have an alloy chain sword, a Vulcan machine gun with a rate of fire of 3,600 per minute, a giant flamethrower, two small missile matrices, and Two small-yield nuclear warheads. Of course, the mecha has reserved assembly slots for some special equipment. If you have any weapons that you particularly like, you can apply to your superiors and assemble them separately or make small modifications. This will wait until you can Let’s talk about it later when we get a chance to control the mecha.”

"As for the energy center, it is rather special. We will talk about it later."

"Such a mecha generally requires the cooperation of two pilots to control it for combat."

To put it bluntly, a mecha is just a large human body, and what the pilot has to do is act as the nerves and blood vessels inside the mecha.

Imagine the precise coordination of the bones and muscles inside the body under all the movements that the human body may use in combat. The existence of the mecha is to carefully break down the countless smooth processes that are completed by instinct on the human body into independent movements. , the pilot in the cockpit transmits commands and power to the corresponding parts at accurate timing, simulating agility and adaptability similar to human action.

"Generally, one person controls the selection of movement modules and weapons arsenal. We call it the 'main division'. The main division is mainly responsible for strategic judgments such as forward and retreat in the general direction and the weapon arsenal targeting the corresponding opponent. Tactical selection is equivalent to the brain of the mecha."

"The ones that individually control the action modules are called 'Fighter Pilots'. In order to be as flexible as possible, similar to the human body, there are a large number of small parts on the mecha that can be controlled individually. The control rights of these parts are all in the 'Fighter Pilots' 'In the hands of one person. The combat operations in response to the enemy in the event of a war are basically completed by the 'Fighter Pilot'."

"As for the energy center mentioned just now...the driving power of different parts needs to be adjusted at all times, and its control is not fixed in the hands of any one pilot."

"Only when two people work together and divide the work, can they perfectly drive a Fierce Dragon I armed mecha. In the hands of a higher-level pilot combination, the performance of the mecha will become more agile and closer to the sensitivity of the human body."

"I heard that your fighting and shooting skills are quite good, right?"

The instructor who was speaking suddenly turned to look at Bai E.

Facing the other party's gaze, Bai E lowered his eyes somewhat "at a loss" and said, "I know... I know a little bit."

"Be confident... I have heard a lot of your legendary deeds." The instructor patted Bai E on the shoulder and continued to explain.

"In fact, there are certain similarities between controlling mechas and the fighting and weapon fighting that you normally use your body to do. Warriors who are good at fighting and fighting with weapons often have amazing performances in controlling mechas.

But there are many differences. For example, if the human body wants to use the most powerful punch, it often needs to pull the fist as far behind as possible to ensure that there is enough distance to exert force. However, a mecha with a built-in power system does not need to do this. As long as the command is given, it can The shortest distance achieves the maximum output under the power limit.

Of course, the orders issued by the pilot also need to be judged in advance to ensure that the various power systems inside the mecha have sufficient time to output power, but the body itself will not be subject to some unnecessary actions that must be performed due to human body limitations. You can feel the difference between them when you actually operate the mecha. "

[You are learning "Knowledge - Specific Vehicle (Armed Mecha) Driving", and the progress is 17%. 】

"Your actual combat ability is very powerful. You may become an excellent 'fighter pilot' in the future."

After saying these words, the instructor's voice paused, as if the introduction ended here.

Bai E finally had time to ask his question, "Isn't it possible that no one can pilot a mecha alone?"

"Haha~" the instructor laughed heartily.

The targeting by others just now may not have caused much change in the mentality of the android warrior, but it may have aroused a bit of arrogance in him.

If no one wants to be in a group with me, then I will be in a group by myself.

But this is impossible.

"Many new pilots who are new to mecha training will have thoughts like yours, but you have to understand that this is impossible. Come on, imagine if you want to make a forward roll now. How do you want to do it?”

An image of himself turning forward flashed through his mind. Bai E looked confused at the layout of various buttons and operating levers in the cockpit, front, rear, left and right.

The instructor didn't force anyone to do anything, his words were just to arouse Bai E's imagination.

While speaking, he also explained and demonstrated, "Come on, let's break this action down bit by bit - first of all, in terms of movement, we need our legs to output power to jump forward, right?"

[You are learning "Knowledge - Specific Vehicle (Armed Mecha) Driving", and the progress is 21%. 】

"Yeah~" Bai E nodded to indicate that he was listening.

"Then our upper body needs to lean forward as much as possible to move the center of gravity forward. You have to know that the mecha's body is not limited by human muscle tissue, but it must follow the actual laws of physics."


"What about the arms? In order to maintain the center of gravity and maintain the combat posture of our entire body after rolling, we must also make corresponding coordinated movements. It is not much different from making a normal rolling movement with your own body. Right Bar?"


"So in this seemingly simple action, how many action instructions do we need to output?"

"Three?" Bai E tilted his head and cooperated with the instructor's explanation.

"No..." the instructor shook his head, "It's nine. If we want to jump with our thighs, we first need to send commands to the energy center to adjust the energy supply level of the legs before we can take off. There are already two. Go up at the same time. Press in front of the body, hold the upper arms and lower arms forward, three commands. After the palms are placed on the ground, the waist drives the legs to turn backwards, increasing the energy supply of the arms. The upper arms and lower arms are straightened to push the body back to the standing combat posture. , four commands. Nine in total. Is it complicated?”

When the human body wants to do something, after having that idea, the body will naturally allocate physical strength and execute it like instinct.

But the mecha is a dead thing, and humans are its brain, nerves, and blood vessels.

Any small decision requires humans to make a decisive command output before it can be fully implemented.

Increase the energy supply without mobilizing the body, and you can only roar in place.

Without mobilizing energy, the body will undoubtedly remain motionless.

[You are learning "Knowledge - Driving Specific Vehicles (Armed Mecha)" with a progress of 23%. 】

"What I'm talking about is the simplest process... Let's be a little more detailed. When our human body turns forward, it is indispensable to bend the knees, right? This is what the human body must do if it wants to exert force."

"Yeah." Bai E nodded.

"But when driving a mecha, the process of 'bending the knees' is actually not a necessary condition for us to achieve the 'forward flip' action, right? Because the body of the mecha does not need to rely on 'bending the knees' to exert force. .”


"But what if we don't enter the command 'kneel'? What do you think it would look like?"

Pictures flashed through Bai E's mind——

The mecha fell straight forward, and then its legs were straightened up and then straightened up by its arms, like a diving scene upside down.

"Do you understand?" The instructor looked at Bai E's eyes that seemed to be in deep thought. "We don't have to perform the 'bend the knee', but that will undoubtedly make our movements wider, take longer, and create greater flaws. If it is In the actual combat of our human body, this one moment is enough to determine life and death.

And you have to understand that everything I said is based on a simple environment without any interference. Just imagine - if you are on the battlefield, after you complete this forward dodge action, you must immediately Decide what kind of weapon to use to counterattack after getting up, where to launch the attack, etc.

Not to mention these complicated action decisions and instantaneous simultaneous or sequential output of commands, even whether the ammunition compartment of the Vulcan machine gun is about to be loaded is an armor-piercing bomb, a shock bomb, or an incendiary bomb, you need to make a choice in the blink of an eye. At that time, do you think you can still handle it? "


It does sound a bit difficult.

"What about more people?" Bai E asked curiously.

"More?" The instructor shook his head, "As I said just now, the execution of a big action requires the cooperation of various execution commands. The cooperation of two people must test their tacit understanding. If more people control it, The left arm goes forward, the right arm goes back, the thighs squat, the calves drive up to jump...can you imagine the chaos?"

Mechas are no different than tanks or airplanes. If you want to pursue flexibility like a human body, you need less "brains" to output commands.

It's too much for one person to handle, and it's even more confusing when there are more people.

Two people are the most reasonable configuration to control a mecha after long-term practice.

"Ouch~" Bai E nodded, keeping it in mind.

[You are learning "Knowledge - Specific Vehicle (Armed Mecha) Driving", the progress is 25%. 】

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