Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 241 Fortunately, I am more skilled

"Next, let me introduce to you the functions of these buttons and levers... This is to control the forward and backward movement of the left and right legs. This is..."

[You are learning "Knowledge - Specific Vehicle (Armed Mecha) Driving", the progress is 50%. 】

[The learning progress of "Learning - Specific Vehicle (Armed Mecha) Driving" has met the requirements, and the "Knowledge Point - Basic Actions of Mecha Control" under the knowledge has been opened. 】

[Current unlocking requirement: General experience*1000. Mastering the current knowledge point is the prerequisite for the next stage of "Knowledge Point - Advanced Mecha Control Actions". 】

"You have just started participating in pilot training. It will be great if you memorize all the functions of these buttons and levers as soon as possible. Of course, I will position you as a 'fighter pilot' for the time being. You can only remember the 'actions' first. Related module functions are also available. I will also give you an operation manual here. You can read it at your leisure when you go back, but remember... don't lose it. Although this thing is not very important, it is It’s also a city secret.”

"Well..." Bai E nodded, holding the booklet, "When can we start formal training?"

The instructor was stunned, "Have you remembered the respective functions of these operating modules?"

Bai E blinked, "It's almost done."

[Payment: 1,000 general experience points. 】

[Knowledge point acquired - basic movements of mecha control. 】

[Basic mecha control actions: From now on, you can control all mechanically operated mechas to perform all regular actions with "medium" complexity. 】

The instructor raised his eyebrows in disbelief, "Have you also memorized the main engineer's operating module?"



The instructor narrowed his eyes and stared at Bai E's eyes, "Are you sure?"

"How about... try it?" Bai E's tone was cautious.

The instructor fell silent and said nothing.

This is a talent specially promoted by Chief Hamilton. Maybe he really has two skills.

But others have to memorize it for at least a few days, how can you remember it like this?

I want to see how talented you are!

"Okay!" The instructor suddenly broke the silence, "I will cooperate with you."

Driving a mecha is said to require the utmost tacit understanding between two pilots to control it perfectly, but in fact, if one party can fully tolerate and understand the other, the effect will not be bad.

If a person feels that all the feelings he feels when piloting a mecha are unimaginably smooth, it may not necessarily be because of the coordination between the two, but it may also be because of the understanding his partner has mastered and overwhelmed him in all aspects.

Now, let you feel the thoughtfulness from the instructor.

"You serve as the host master first."

In the basic training of mechas, the main pilot is always the one taking the lead, while the fighter pilot is more responsible for the coordination and follow-up of the limbs, arms and other parts.

In terms of difficulty, there is no doubt that the fighter pilots need to put more thought into cooperating with the actions of the main engine pilots.

The main engine engineer must plan an action plan to deal with the training objectives.

Training also has various goals.

After confirming the start of the training challenge, the challenge screen shot from the real scene slowly appeared on the screen of the simulation cabin in front of the two people from dark to bright——

In the glass window surrounded by gray and black steel structures, a huge tree lying on the ground appeared in front of you.

Cross over!

It is a very simple action, but if it is placed on a mechanically operated mecha, it needs to be divided into several separate actions and executed one by one.

For novice pilots, even just one step can often make them confused.

How to plan a set of smooth movements also requires them to think for a long time.

This is normal……

The instructor relaxed his posture and waited calmly, knowing that it would not be so fast...

...Why did he take action directly? !

The mecha status on the screen of the simulation cabin showed that he directly used his right leg...

The horrified instructor immediately sat upright, his hands following the push rod, and the mecha's arms spread out to maintain balance.


The mechanical structure made the sound of various gears meshing, and the giant tree that was an obstacle on the screen of the simulation cabin had already fallen behind.

Have... come here?

Are you here now?

Although it is indeed not difficult as the first level in basic training, how can you, a pilot who is new to mecha control, get through it like this?

Looking at the giant tree that had fallen behind him, the instructor fell into deep thought——

Is this really your first time?

Bai E didn't stop.

The picture on the screen of the simulation cabin is not just one paragraph. The challenge targets come one after another, so naturally they cannot stop.

The mecha strides forward, and the real-life window in front of it and the shots in all directions in the cabin are all simulating the process of advancement.

Even if the instructor, who has fairly good basic skills, falls into a state of shock, it will not affect his subconscious follow-up operations.

Jump, jump, climb, climb...

Challenge goals are executed one by one.

Incredibly smooth.

The content of basic training for novices is something that instructors are tired of playing. Even if you let go of your brain and use your body's own muscle memory, you can complete it.

So the instructor really let go of his brain...

His attention was completely focused on Bai E, who was in the control position next to him.

Too stable.

Although he was only performing basic movements one by one, he did it very seriously and to a standard enough.

What's more important is that the movements are smooth. The mecha's progress on the screen of the simulation cabin is steadily moving forward, and it keeps moving forward.

Many fighters who have trained for a month or two have to stop and think about how to pass the next level when facing these basic training levels - complex functional putters and complex action analysis often require It takes a lot of energy.

And he... seemed to have written the ability to control mechas into his instincts.

Is this really the first time I've been exposed to mecha control?

It’s incredible!

Hmm...why is he frowning?

Are you finally feeling the difficult level?

The instructor who suddenly caught a glimpse of the change in expression on Bai E's face was shocked.

too slow……

Bai E frowned lightly.

The difficulty of basic training is really quite basic, teaching people how to run, how to jump, how to climb, how to turn... It's like the alien alien species taking over the human body for the first time is toddling.

This had to remind Bai E of the many fool-like novice tutorials he encountered when playing games in the past.

Even if many more talented players are exposed to a certain game for the first time, the things taught in the novice tutorials are meaningless to them.

It's like an old lady's foot wrap, smelly and long.

But I'm not allowed to skip it... I'm so sleepy from training.

Then speed up...

Bai E gently pushed with his right hand——

The energy supply is increased to level 3.

His legs moved faster, and the images on the screen of the simulation cabin began to quickly approach his eyeballs.

"Hey, hey, hey?"

The instructor followed the operation subconsciously, swinging the mecha's arms to balance its center of gravity, "What are you going to do?"

No one has yet performed the operation with more than one power output gear in novice basic training.

It's too fast, you can't stand it!

A dilapidated city wall half as high as the body was right in front of us, and the accelerating mecha was about to hit it.

The instructor, who has no choice but to make the decision, can only watch the simulated machine crashing forward... flew up.

The mecha's legs flew sideways into the air, and the instructor, who was belatedly aware, quickly controlled his arms to support the top of the ruined city wall.

The simulated dilapidated city wall showed a realistic texture and collapsed instantly under the huge force of the mecha. Fortunately, only this short-term support was enough to determine that the entire mecha successfully crossed half of the collapsed city wall.

On the screen position where only the instructor can see it, the mecha crossing screen shown from the spectator's perspective is replayed from multiple angles in front of the eyes.

Looking at the scene of crossing the city wall gracefully in the picture, the instructor felt a little proud.

'Fortunately, I'm more skilled. ’

Even with Bai E's sudden thoughts and actions, he was able to react in time and make timely remedies.

Who can do this double-arm support hurdle so perfectly?


Why is the screen in my peripheral vision still advancing rapidly?

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