Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 249 Template Differences

[Skill - Gun Fighting (Requirement: Mastering Light Firearms Specialization Level 4), Price - Basic Guidance: 100 points of force contribution. 】

[Skill - Absolute Defense (Requirement: Master Level 4 of Fighting Specialization), Price - Basic Guidance: 100 points of force contribution. 】

[Skill - Powerful Shooting (requirement: mastering long-range weapon specialization level 4), price - basic guidance: 100 points of force contribution. 】

[Specialty - Over-limit Drive (requirement: Advanced Physical Training 3.0), Price - Basic Guidance: 200 power contribution points. 】

[Specialty - Blind Fighting, Price - Basic Guidance: 80 points of power contribution. 】

[Unlock the redemption items of the current level "three times" at will to unlock the selection of redemption items for the next level, so stay tuned...]

Bai E also threw in almost all the things he had mastered...except for a few that looked like supermodels and those with special uses.

For example, Weapon Master, Instant Kill of Hundreds of Heads, Extremely Effective Pain Relief, Raging Rage, etc... After the third layer is finished, what should I put on the fourth layer?

The only real super model in the third level is the Overlimit Drive. There must be a truly good thing at the bottom of the box in the first level to give players a little dawn excitement.

When loading goods into the power store through the panel, Bai E was able to figure out a lot of characteristics about the players.

After all, the interactive process between "players" and "NPCs" always has to be judged by invisible laws and can only be passed with permission. Some of my sexy ideas have been rejected a lot.

Rejection or approval, implicitly represents the answer.

For example, most traits are "born" in a sense and cannot be taught, so they are not allowed to be added to the power store.

Only skills and expertise that can be mastered through acquired training are allowed to be added.

Another example is that players cannot choose to self-awaken skill trees. They can only master it by learning from NPCs. Is this the biggest difference between them and themselves?

Kuang Xin's eyes turned red when he saw clearly what was available for exchange on the third floor of the power store.


Skills skills skills!

Specialization is the foundation, and skills are the core of creating miracles.

Not to mention the specialty that costs 200 points of power contribution... This price is outstanding, and the value must be extraordinary. If you can master this specialty, you will definitely take off!

"Sir, we still have to discuss this."

"Okay, you go ahead." Bai E asked the players to discuss it themselves.

The main theme is tolerance and indulgence.

Players cannot control them too strictly, as long as they can provide benefits and follow their tempers, these cute little things are actually easy to control.

The more Bai E is like this, the more players pay attention to it.

There is no harm without contrast.

Compared with the situation like my own, what kind of rotten fish are those so-called war gang bosses outside? Perhaps as the adult himself said, he can accept the consequences of all other people's choices, so he can accept everything and tolerate everything.

This is a symbol of strength and magnanimity.

The three of them bowed their waists slightly, and subconsciously lowered their posture under this leader-like aura and respectfully stepped aside to discuss in a low voice.

"...This is what is available for exchange in the third-floor store."

Kuang Xin recounted all the exchange items in the third-floor store, including their exchange prices, intact.

The power store is bound to individuals, and each person unlocks a different store level due to the different things they have redeemed. Gong Yan and Dai Lian who are less than that level cannot view high-level store content.

Only through this trust between players can game content information be exchanged.

"Hey! What a skill!" Dai Lian's eyes lit up immediately.

He also guessed that his organization had a deep foundation and that things that could not be obtained outside would be available at home. He thought about the man who had mastered his specialization to level 4 and traveled all over the world looking for a "mentor" to learn skills. He was shot dead in the end. Players, they can't help but feel a sense of superiority that makes their scalp numb.

Learn skills? Is it that difficult?

Skill trees for combat specialization, skill trees for long-range weapons specialization, skill trees for light firearms specialization...

Oops, there are so many choices, which one is better to learn?

Dai Lian looked at his current configuration - light firearms specialization level 3, long-range weapon specialization level 3, fighting...level 0.

However, even if they are both level 3 specializations, the level experience of the long-range weapons specialization is slightly better than that of the light firearms specialization.

But "gun fighting" is very cool when you hear it.

But the team also has Kuang Xin, a melee gorilla, at the front. I have to say that this guy dares to fight hard. When we occasionally do tasks that require combat together, it feels really safe to have him at the front.

Therefore, we need to make a choice between the shooting technology with both melee capabilities and the violent output of long-range killing with one arrow...

Reason still defeated the heart of being cool.

"Let me learn the master's guidance of long-range weapons, conventional vehicle driving, and the powerful blow behind..." Dai Lian whispered his plan to Gong Yan and Kuang Xin.

He didn't learn any of the second-floor shops, and he had to learn at least two to unlock the third floor.

The most needed thing in the second-floor store is definitely "regular vehicle driving". They have decided to rent a car as an aid to carry out the prize pool task, so the ability to drive a car skillfully is essential.

The second is long-range weapon specialization. I have already studied the guidance of the previous famous teacher. If I study the guidance of the master again, I only need to make up the difference of 50 contribution points. This setting is quite user-friendly, and it can be regarded as increasing the advantage in my strong point.

Later, they will learn a powerful blow as the trump card for the three of them on this mission! Perfect!

By the way, plans and arrangements were also made for Kuang Xin.

"Then Kuang Xin, please keep your contribution for the time being. I think the over-limit drive is the most suitable for you, but your contribution is not enough for the time being..."

"Hmm...I think so too." Kuang Xin nodded, and then they both looked at Gong Yan.

"What about you Yanzi?"

"I..." Gong Yan flipped her hair and smiled gently, "I'll just learn to restrain myself. The rest... I'll use it to rent a car. After all, I don't know how many days I'll be out this time."

There is no need to rent three cars when three people go on a mission together, which means that one person will always have to suffer and use his own resources to satisfy everyone, so why can't it be you...


Kuang Xin and Dai Lian were silent for a while.

She is so sensible...

The three people who had made their decision turned back to Bai E and said, "Sir, we have also thought about it."

"Well..." Bai E looked at them with an encouraging smile.

"I want to learn the use of long-range weapons and the ability to pilot conventional vehicles."

You have to eat the food one bite at a time. If Dai Lian directly reports to the store on the third floor before finishing the second floor, he doesn't know whether he will directly burn the NPC's CPU.

"I want to learn the secret of self-restraint." As a person with psychic abilities, learning to protect yourself first is the most important thing when you step into the door of psychic abilities.

"Okay." Bai E agreed.

experience! experience!

Bai E, who is slightly free, has a lot of time, and has enough patience to teach players the abilities they need one by one...

[The "teaching" is over. Through the feedback of the "teaching", you have gained a total of 520 combat experience points and 1380 general experience points. 】

The teaching for Gong Yan and Dai Lian ended perfectly.

[Have learned "Level 4 Long Range Weapon Specialization" and simultaneously obtained potential repair points*1. 】

[Range Weapon Specialization (Level 4): Shooting accuracy +14%, rate of fire +9%, range +400 meters, arc strike (special) +8%, scattering level (special) +2. 】

[It is detected that the character currently has long-range weapon specialization (level 4), the advanced skill tree slot is unlocked, and the current skill tree slot is 0/1. (After that, each time you increase your specialization level by 1 level, you will get a blank slot simultaneously)]

[Tip: You cannot learn combat skills without a teacher. You can only unlock the corresponding skills after successfully "learning" by finding a character with relevant abilities and paying: latent training points*2. 】

So difficult...

It is so difficult to learn the special attributes of the Grandmaster level...

You can't learn it at all!

I have learned the specialization level to level 4, but the probability of learning that special attribute is still extremely small.

When did I become a nigger?

Dai Lian felt a little frustrated, but there was nothing he could do.

The prerequisite for learning skills is that you need at least level 4 specialization ability. If you don’t level up the long-range weapon to level 4, you won’t be able to learn skills. If you had known better, you might as well have added points directly...

But in other words, the contribution of payment will not disappear. If you can't learn it now, you can still learn it in the future if you have the opportunity. And if you want to unlock the three-level store, you have to choose two to learn on the second floor. If you don't choose this, what should you choose?

I can only comfort myself in this way...

Comfort is comfort, but complaining is also necessary. After all, our adults seem to be easy to talk to. "Sir... your new teaching skills are so difficult."

Dai Lian was holding his face, and Bai E explained with a smile, "I just saw that it is indeed difficult to learn this skill with your current physical level, but it is not completely impossible. Skills can make up for physical strength to a certain extent. Weaknesses."


‘You think we are all like you? ’ Dai Lian was unable to complain.

Some NPC's talents are completely unreasonable. Players work hard to survive, and NPC has an epiphany on the spot. There is no comparison.

"Huh~" But no matter what, I always got the direction that I need to work hard from the adults - physical fitness.

Archers also need physical fitness. Do I have to redeem Advanced Physical Training 3.0 later?

After gathering his mood, Dai Lian's reason guided his actions, "Sir, I also want to learn more advanced bow and arrow skills."

"More advanced bow and arrow skills?" Bai E pondered slightly.

The player is willing to play, and he doesn't mind playing a real game with the other person.

"I have an extraordinary skill in the bow and arrow system - a powerful strike, how about it?"

‘This is what you want! ’

Dai Lian nodded suddenly, "Thank you, sir!"

["Teaching" is over. Through the feedback of "Teaching", you have gained a total of 780 general experience points. 】

"In addition, sir... we also need to rent a car for our daily activities."

"Just talk to Gilder about the warehouse." Without any doubts about the employment, Bai E directly handed over this power to the old man Gilder.

In fact, even the trophy cars from the orcs were obtained through secret discussions between the two of them.

This kind of shabby military camp cobbled together by the orcs is not worth it. When approaching the city, they can find an excuse to break down and other soldiers will naturally not bother to care.

The refugee team is huge, and it is not difficult to find one or two people who know skills such as car repair.

After the soldiers left, the refugees who had lied about their numbers and left the brigade secretly repaired the car and drove it away. Now it has become an asset of "Dawn".

"Oh~" Hearing Bai E's answer, Dai Lian nodded in agreement.

Seeing Gong Yan's reminding eyes, Kuang Xin, who had been waiting by the side, suddenly stepped forward and asked, "By the way, sir, are we still accepting people in our organization?"

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