Recruit people?

Kuang Xin's sudden question made Bai E's heart skip a beat.

receive! Definitely take it!

I still have a quota to publish tasks every day, but I am always busy with chores recently and have no time to find reliable player targets.

Bai'e didn't plan to change places. The only quota of tasks he had every day couldn't be given to an unreliable player or randomly distributed every day. It must be for the same player to train regularly.

Use authority to cultivate others and use feedback to improve yourself. This is the best choice for you.

Of course, the target must be carefully selected and be deeply bound to oneself like the three guys in front of him.

Being able to bind by joining an organization is considered the best option.

So he raised the corner of his mouth and asked softly: "Do you still have friends?"

"Not really friends..." Kuang Xin scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "We just met when we were... playing together."

When Bai E is away, everyone occasionally does other tasks and meets other players.

That’s when the difference became apparent.

With the many abilities taught by Bai E, their strength is much higher than those players who have no one to teach them, who don't even know the relevant game information and only know how to practice their specialization level.

The difference between a level 2 and level 3 specialization ability may not be very big, but the difference between whether there are special attribute bonuses is huge.

This world is like this. Both those who are taught and those who are not taught can survive, but it is difficult to form a system only by relying on the fragmentary things obtained by one's own hard work. Among the three players at the same stage, whether they are exploring the game content or themselves, It can be said that the strength is far ahead.

Obviously excellent abilities will naturally arouse inquiries from other players. Of course, the three people who uphold the mysteries of adults will not take the initiative to expose them, but when other players ask about joining, they don't mind asking for help.

As the organization grows, they, as veterans, will have a sense of accomplishment and practical benefits in supporting newcomers.

Bai E narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "How many are there?"

It's not a good thing if there are too many people. If you don't have enough tasks, you can't treat everyone equally.

Moreover, there are many people and there are many eyes. Creatures like players are not easy to control. If someone goes out and messes around under the name of a new small power like his, he will not be the unlucky one who is involved in the end?

When players do not act as beings beyond the understanding of the natives of this world, their actions will cause the most real feedback.

Kuang Xin hesitated, but still replied truthfully: "Well... there are a few. About ten or so?"

I meet a lot of individual players, and almost all of them will casually ask, how many of them are sincere... I can't say.

They are players themselves and know the virtues of people like themselves best.

Seeing Kuang Xin's reaction, Bai E roughly guessed what was going on.

When there is a real conflict of interest, the players can fight each other out of their wits; but when there is no conflict of interest, they are all brothers when they meet.

This kind of relationship should be just a casual relationship, not a friend brought by their real network.

That means... it's hard to control.

Bai E pretended to think for a moment, but in fact he had already made a plan in his heart.

After a slight hesitation, Bai E looked at the other party with gentle and sincere eyes, "It depends on you. If you are a friend you truly trust and have the same interests, I don't mind more people joining us. But if You also feel that your understanding is not deep enough, so our organization is not suitable for exposure to the sun at this stage. You can consider this yourself, and I am willing to trust your judgment. Of course...even if you trust them, the newcomers who have just joined need to Walk the same path again."

In other words, start as a temporary member.

And whether temporary members can become regular members and have access to core "secrets" without their own consent in the end?

Let the players feel their trust, but the final decision-making power is always firmly in their own hands. Bai E feels that his decision should not be a big problem.

Before Kuang Xin wanted to speak, Bai E added again to prevent his words from getting stuck, "...and if you also feel that the newcomers still need to be inspected, you can temporarily accept them as non-staff members of the organization in your own name. , I give you this right."

[Tip: Your status in the "Dawn" organization has been improved. You are currently an "elite member" and have the following rights:

1. Lead an action team of no more than five non-staff members.

2. Have the right to propose the regularization of action team members. (1/1 per week)

Third, all your actions will be regarded as the same whole, and rewards and punishments will be shared.

Four, to be determined...]


The three players who suddenly received the prompt trembled and looked at Bai E together.

Bai'e looked at his eyes, nose and heart, silently, and his face was dull.

Just a last minute idea.

The player's words reminded him that if he wanted to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory, he had to recruit more troops.

If you decide to develop your power, expansion will happen sooner or later.

If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance.

However, the growth rate of one's own authority to issue tasks is limited, and it is difficult to take care of multiple players at the same time. Instead of making them feel equal in status while being treated differently by themselves, it is better to directly establish levels based on status.

The core players who can directly issue tasks are the elite members of the organization and have the right to lead the team for the organization.

At the same time, all behaviors in this team are honor and disgrace. For their own benefit, the elite members who recruit people will surely strengthen their control over the members of their own group.

Instead of doing it yourself, it's better to put this responsibility on the players.

Even for situations that may arise in the future when the organization grows, which I have not yet foreseen, I will give you the final right to explain, and I will add more at any time if I think of anything!


The three players looked at their boss blankly for a while, and finally looked at each other blankly.


that power……

It was the first time that they got the real power recognized by this system in the game, which made them a little hesitant for a while.

They... seem to have really unknowingly become the core backbone of a game world organization?

It turns out that all their actions in the game can really affect the development of the world in real time?

It turns out that they really have the power to change the world in the game?

"Gitui~" Kuang Xin simply exclaimed.

Dai Lian was breathing rapidly, fresh developments and challenges were waiting for him ahead.

Gong Yan's eyes flashed and she remained silent.

"Well, if the organization wants to develop and grow, it cannot be separated from everyone's efforts." Bai E broke the silence with a smile and said to the three players: "Do you have any plans for the next time? I asked you before How is the cleared rat colony doing now?”

Naturally, daily tasks still need to be released, but before sending the tasks, you can also ask them if they have any plans of their own.

If so, wouldn't it be a way to win over them by following their wishes and letting them do one job and earn two rewards?

After all, it’s very tiring to find targets for them all day long, okay?

Anyway, what I want when I issue a task to them is just various attribute feedback from the task feedback. What they want to do specifically... has little to do with me, it's just a free ride.

Speaking of this, Dai Lian, as the brains of the team, came up to take over Kuang Xin's position, "Sir, we may also need to take a long trip in the next few days."

"Huh?" Bai E stared at him with a smile, "Can you tell me where you are going?"

"Of course. As I said last time, your military camp's attack on the insect nest resulted in a retreat. Some materials that were not taken away were left behind on the territory of the insect nest. The military camp has been thinking of ways to recover them. And recently we have I heard that some supplies were plundered by a group of wandering orcs, and they were trying to figure out how to hack human technology from them. We wondered if we could do our best to recapture the supplies that were plundered by the orcs! Even if it cannot be recovered, We must not let the alien races find a way to deal with us humans!"

Dai Lian is eloquent and full of emotion.

Having been in this game for a long time and having been in contact with adults for a while, he is familiar with the adults' personalities and game routines and perfectly controls his emotions when speaking, ensuring that he is as sincere as possible.

This kind of real role-playing is also quite enjoyable.

There was even a hint of regret at the end.

"I may not be able to carry out your orders in the next few days..."

"Just right!" Bai E clapped his hands excitedly.


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