In the familiar secret corner, Moon Shadow is waiting as promised.

To do something, you have to persist.

Teaching an artificial person created by humans to use the spirit breathing method is unprecedented, and the current resistance is completely deserved.

"Sit down." Yueying's voice was light and soft.

Just hearing it feels like a spring of fresh water is growing in your heart, making you instantly refreshed.

"Yes." Bai E sat cross-legged obediently.

Yueying closed her eyes and felt Bai E's slightly disordered breath coming all the way. She calmly gave instructions on the process, "Be still and calm down. No need to answer."


Bai E calmed down and breathed.

Yueying's voice has a calming effect on people's minds, and it easily calms down the chaotic thoughts that were originally flying wildly.

The atmosphere was peaceful for a moment, and the stars cast a gentle and tranquil silver veil...

Gradually, all his mind was slowly focused on his body and soul.

He could feel his breathing, and every breath of air he swallowed was like a lively elf, traveling around the body, exchanging impurities that were no longer useful to the body.

He could feel his pulse, his strong heart pumping out waves of surging heat, and his blood was like a great river, rushing freely in the wide and tough "river bed".

The strong breath of life is constantly overflowing outwards. His increasingly powerful physical fitness, previous genetic optimization, and many physical-related traits have gradually made his life move towards the extraordinary level step by step.

Muscles, fascia, skin, nerves...

Countless structures are like a network woven by stars in the sky, and those bright nodes seem to be shining with light.

Those...are flashes of psychic energy.

Psychic energy is everywhere, but for some people it is a breeze that comes and goes without a trace.

For some people, it is nutrition that penetrates deep into the bone marrow. They can be driven by their own will at any time and exert unimaginable power.

Converge your thoughts and detect the existence of psychic energy.

This is the entry-level requirement for spiritual practice.

Feeling that the stray thoughts of the human warrior next to him were almost completely restrained, and his entire soul was focused on himself, focusing on his "inward vision", Yueying spoke again -

"Let your thoughts go and relax your body..."



[You are paying combat experience to correct your breathing rhythm...]

[Current follow completion: 91.3%]

【…98.5%. 】

【…99.9%. 】

"Cough cough cough cough!"

A tearing feeling that was far beyond what the human body could bear filled Bai E's chest. The body that had just been repaired yesterday once again suffered a load that it should not bear under a practice method that was completely unsuitable for humans.

[Node record +1, collect more breathing method tips, and you will be completely familiar with this breathing rhythm. 】

Yueying's bright eyes stared at the figure bending over and coughing next to her. Under the intimate connection established during the guidance, some kind of magical spiritual effect allowed her to also feel the pain that happened to the warrior.

It is precisely because of understanding that I feel more empathetic.

The perseverance of this human warrior is undoubtedly admirable... regardless of race or status.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

Bai E wiped some saliva that unconsciously flowed from the corner of his mouth, sat up straight again, "Come again!"

[Node record +1...]

[Node record +1...]

A familiar scene happened again.

Once again...and again...and again...

"Cough, cough, cough!" The heart-rending cough was accompanied by a thick murmur that was uncontrollable for a long time, and Yueying was already a little unbearable.

"How about... we call it a day?"

She knew that human medical technology was pretty good, but that wasn't how it worked.

Physical pain will inevitably bring about a mental blow, and forcing yourself to practice will only achieve half the result with twice the result.

Practicing breathing techniques is bound to be a long-term process, and she is ready to work towards guiding Bai E as a long-term goal.

After all, even she herself can only sum up experience and make modifications little by little through trying again and again.

Use the stupidest exhaustive method to try little by little, and the rest depends on Bai E's own perseverance.


Bai E didn't intend for it to end like this.

For him, every day is important, and every day is a race against time.

If you don't work hard today, you may have to fight for life or death tomorrow when an order comes from above. It's always dangerous if you don't have enough strength to stand by.

Although his strength is getting stronger, he is still vulnerable to this world.

Every time you have more power, you will naturally have more confidence to survive in this world.

And as I master more and more skills that require burning spiritual energy, always relying on the body's own "mobility reserve" is not a long-term solution. The only way is to master spiritual energy... you must master spiritual energy!

This is the real qualitative change!

What's more, if I can't complete the practice of breathing method even though I have devoted myself to experience-assisted practice, then who else in this world can complete it?

"I'm fine...cough cough cough cough!" Bai E struggled to say, completely ignoring the bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth and the feeling of his chest being torn apart.

Self-restraint suppresses pain, and the military's medical conditions are his greatest confidence. His dedicated trauma recovery can also allow his talents and expertise to rush towards the final progress.

[Your body is repairing the injury quickly, the injury repair progress is 33%, and the quick recovery (not unlocked) unlocking progress is 93%. 】

Damn it for me!

[Node record +1...]

[Node record +1...]

"Cough cough cough cough!"

"You..." Yueying wanted to persuade.

Bai E gritted his teeth and said, "Wait until I come back!"

After saying that, he stood up and ran. His weak chest did not affect his short-term activities at all.

After trying again and again, Bai E could clearly feel that Yueying was trying to modify the breathing method tips that were more suitable for human physiques, but the results were still limited.

But the data collected seems to be enough for its own panel...

[Free Creation Mode: ...The current success rate is "medium". But you can help you complete this creation by paying a certain price (combat/general experience). (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

Medium... not particularly high, but definitely a huge improvement compared to "very small"!

Must try!

Trying it tonight!

If you don’t try it, you won’t be able to sleep well!

When I came to the infirmary, the familiar little nurse Masati was still on duty diligently.

Bai E is familiar with the road, "Doctor."


The familiar braised egg doctor saw the familiar face, and his fingers pointing at Bai E trembled slightly, "Again?"

Bai E nodded expressionlessly, "Needle."

Luo Dan touched his shiny bald head and sighed helplessly, "Go and get it."


Bai E shouted to his back: "Increase the dose!"

Masati turned around and asked for instructions, "?"

Luodan waved his hand, "Take it."

With one injection, the patient becomes vigorous and vigorous.

Looking at the back of the figure whose aura became more majestic again, Dr. Luodan looked at him with pity and sighed, "Hey!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..." Another little nurse rushed in hurriedly.

"Don't panic, don't panic, speak slowly." Luodan casually opened the lid of the teacup in his hand and took a sip.

The little nurse had no time to elaborate, so she involuntarily stepped aside, and several figures who looked like they were covered in blood and with a weak aura followed closely behind her.

Seeing the situation of the visitor, Lu Dan shook the tea cup in his hand and hot water splashed out. He ignored the burning sensation in his hands and stood up suddenly, "Are we fighting again?"

"No, no..." The leader's tiger breath was weak, but he showed his big white teeth and waved his hands: "Training... just training."



Luodan's eyes wandered, looking in the direction of the figure who had disappeared for a while, then looking back in front of him, blinking dully.


Isn't it popular among the soldiers in the military camp to practice this way now?

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