Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 253 Psychic breathing method!

When Bai E left briefly, Yueying's clear eyes looked at the direction he left in trance, guiding her breathing. Of course Yueying could be distracted and think, but undoubtedly her thinking would be clearer only in her free time.

Even now that the guidance has just ended, the inspiration is even greater.

When guiding Bai E's body, she was even clearer about all the information it fed back than Bai E himself. At this moment, the countless feedback and breathing characteristics coming from Bai E's body were like two human bodies on different layers. The picture was clearly outlined in her mind...

"came back."

Bai E said hello from a distance.

Yueying blinked and glanced at Bai E's body. His breath was still turbulent, but fortunately there was no loss of energy and energy after being injured, so he nodded lightly and said, "Well..."


Bai'e's interest was high, and his creation probability had increased to a large level. At least he wouldn't waste his experience so much.


As he spoke, Bai E sat down cross-legged. The energy and blood that had just been stirred up by running quickly calmed down instantly under the control of self-restraint. A little sweat cooled down, and the whole person instantly entered a state of emptiness.

"..." Yueying opened her mouth and was about to speak to help, but closed it again in vain.

How many times have you trained? Since he can control his body and mind so quickly, he is worthy of being the human genius he has chosen!

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】



[You are paying combat experience to correct your breathing rhythm...]

[Current follow completion: 94.7%]

‘How to change it? ’

Seeing Bai E quickly enter the state again, Yueying felt a little distressed. For the first time in his life, he felt that his understanding was limited, and he could not overcome even this small difficulty.

If my sister were here...

[You are paying combat experience to assist your creative attempts... (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

Bai E started the free creative mode without hesitation.

A two-pronged approach!

He had just harvested more than 7,000 experience points from players, which gave him the confidence to spend lavishly.

Time passes bit by bit under the evening starlight, and the changes in the rhythm of the breath become gentler and gentler under the time.

"..." Yueying frowned slightly.

She could feel that Bai E was becoming more and more...disobedient?

Occasionally, his reaction to the words he guided would be a beat or two faster or slower, and his response gradually became out of control.

The change is not obvious, but it should be quite fatal in a practice like breathing method where no mistakes can be made.

It's either more harmful or useless.

Logically speaking, judging from Bai E's previous performance, these low-level mistakes should not have occurred.

Is it because you have practiced for too long in a short period of time and lost the ability to control your body? Or...have your own ideas?


Because when it comes to guiding Qi, there are some sensory similarities between the two.

She can also feel Bai E's current state to a certain extent...

It's getting better and better.

The lightness and gentle changes of breathing are constant, but they are as smooth and elegant as the instinct of natural breathing.

Those deliberately staggered rhythms contributed to a more condensed and strong aura.

Was this Bai E's subconscious modification of the Elf Breathing Method after he felt that the Elf Breathing Method was not suitable for his human physique?


This was the first time she felt in Bai E that she was truly inferior to others.

["Lucky Blow" charge +3. 】

Yueying silently closed her mouth, choosing to trust Bai E's intuition.

"Don't stop." Bai E still had his eyes closed, but he spoke quietly.

I am not completely in control of my own creation, and I still need to make general adjustments according to the rhythm of Yueying's guidance.

He was still not very familiar with the state that the Elf Breathing Method required to adjust the body and spirit to.

This seems to be a dynamic method. If there is no one to guide you, even with the power of the system, it will be difficult for you to learn it easily.

"Hmm~" The voice responded softly, and Yueying's voice sounded peacefully again, "Huh~"



He coughed twice, and his rhythm broke slightly.

[Current follow completion: 83.2%]

Bai E wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and the two of them remained silent in tacit agreement, only to close their eyes and re-enter the state at the next moment.

The transformation hasn't been smooth sailing either.

As we continue to learn and create with experience, the chances of success are also decreasing, and we are getting closer to the final goal——

[Free Creation Mode:...The current success rate is "high"...]

The stars are shining brightly, shining silently on the world.

[You are paying combat experience to assist your creative attempts... (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

[Free Creation Mode:...The current success rate is "extremely high"...]

The bonfire was extinguished and the soldiers were sleepy and tired.

The voices fell silent and the night fell into slumber.

The night is deep and the world is quiet.

Only the gentle breathing left gradually seemed to become the only sound in the world——

Half past one in the morning...

The stars are beautiful.

Behind Bai E, the stretching military camp facilities were laid out silently in the darkness. Under the cold pale moonlight, the thin shadows of clouds covered the tent curtains.

Bai E's mind seemed to have escaped from his body, crossing the tent, crossing the lighthouse, crossing the range of the military camp, and drifting into the invisible distance...

The granite city wall was half-hidden in the darkness. He had never looked at the majestic and magnificent wall of life up close and in complete detail, but for some unknown reason at the moment, it appeared quite clearly in his dark mind. Show its color and outline.

Even deeper...deeper...

Go deep into it and explore every molecule that makes up its structure.

The feeling was quite vague, yet extremely certain.

Pictures and images that are like seeing them with your own eyes erupt from the cracks of light. The clearest of them comes from the dim street lamp that lights up the night behind the city wall.

He could feel the way the light spread.

Bai E realized that his impression of those lights had received his own most fervent response.

Not only could he see the light, he could follow its path as far away as possible.

You can clearly see the countless light-years that it has traveled tirelessly towards the end of the world day and night since it was excited by some wonderful electrical reaction.

It's not just the city wall in the distance... On the tower no more than 500 meters away from him, whether it's the incandescent lamp that shoots out the beam of light, or the silent and ferocious fort, they all carry clear images of their origins towards his mind. .

From stone, from trees, from steel...from the fusion of stars from ancient times.

Bai E closed his eyes tightly and kept his body upright.

Let your consciousness flow and follow the scattered light.

Everything that the light passes through clearly presents their true origin and composition in his mind, and Bai E quietly indulges his will in it...

The mountains and peaks are eternal, and the breeze blows through the forests and lakes, causing ripples and inaudible choruses.

The world is changing, things are changing.

Bai E's consciousness traces its origins, travels through the endless corridors of time and space, and returns to the point where the world was first formed——

The silvery white land at night is vast and quiet, and the stars are twinkling overhead.

Starlight from countless light-years away travels through time and space, filling the entire sky.

The plain falling from the sky spreads under the arcing horizon on the other side, intertwining into a wonderful canopy of time and space.

His consciousness continued to rise, and even the clouds could not block Bai E's "sight".

He saw the main star of Scorpio shining with conspicuous red light, forming a graceful curve with a dozen other stars. The scorpion's tail was immersed in the Milky Way and merged into the embrace of the stars.

However, this corner of the stars is far less spectacular than the vast, smoke-like Andromeda Spiral Nebula. Countless ancient planets slowly circle around the massive black hole at its center, and their time echoes are almost as old as the universe itself.

Bai E only felt that the starlight in the sky shrank sharply into his eyes, and the song of time sung by thousands of galaxies intertwined and overlapped in his mind.

His consciousness suddenly shifted, and Orion, hanging high in the southern sky, suddenly burst into view.

Sandwiched between the red bright star Orion 1 and the white bright star Orion 2, the three stars in Orion caught Baie's attention immediately. He subconsciously followed the three stars to the south and east to find Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. . Due east of Orion, there is another bright star, Canis Minor. The faint Milky Way passes through the large triangle formed by Orion, Sirius and Canis Minor.

This seemingly endless cosmic river transformed into a torrent of time and space, spreading to everything beyond Bai's vision, filling the earth and sky, and embracing all things in the world.

The river moves forward slowly and solemnly, never turning back.

Its source is infinite and its end is unreachable.

The long river of time flows "around", and the strong attraction easily makes Bai E devote himself to it uncontrollably.

The gentle river water supports Bai E's "body", floating in the boundless waves.

In this moment... or in eternity...

Bai E is connected to the "truth" of the universe.

Like a spark flashing across the darkness, like lightning tearing apart the night sky, the burst of light... once briefly illuminated a dark corner of the universe.

[You are trying to transform the skill - Elf Breathing Method, and the current transformation progress is 100%. 】

[You have completely completed the transformation of the skill - Elf Breathing Method, and completed a complete breathing method cycle exercise. Reward: Skill - Psychic Breathing, has been issued. 】

[You have perfectly completed a breathing cycle exercise, and the upper limit of your spiritual power is +1. 】

Bai E opened his eyes...

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