With a goal in mind, the originally nihilistic thought of competing for the qualification for the only mission became a more practical pursuit.

There can only be one lucky person for the task, but the skill can be learned by many people.

"Answer them!" Ren Fengxing held a loudspeaker and gave an order.

He needs to let the indigenous people know who is in charge of these players.

Those indigenous people have shown their strength and efforts, and the rest may be their players' choice.

It has been a while since he entered this game, but some ideas from previous games still affect his game ideas to a certain extent.

Many game plots happen just waiting for the players to arrive.

The different choices made by players at the fork will also affect the development of all subsequent tasks or plot processes.

Maybe the ordinary humans in this wild settlement are the special plot triggered by players like myself.

And every special plot point in a place like this may hide a limited benefit——

treasure? Skill? Task chain?

Who knows?

The higher the invisible performance score, the more likely it is to obtain it.

Unexpectedly, there is such a hidden plot hidden in the process of this prize pool task? What a surprise.

Ren Fengxing restrained his excitement and jumped down from the big rock.

Since you have decided to gain favor, you naturally have to show off.

He stretched out his hand to the side, "Give me a squirt!"

The lethality of the trolls is not enough to pose a fatal threat to the orcs, but the kinetic energy impact of the bullets can still affect the orcs to a certain extent.

The main thing is that the sound is loud.

After rushing away from the dozen orcs who were intercepting them, there was no obstacle to the rendezvous between the player and the aborigines.

However, the chasing orcs did not stop. Xu Ruoguang's outburst may look too handsome to the players, but to the orcs, it is just flashy.

Unless they can be used continuously to kill them to pieces, the wounds made by the long sword are not worth mentioning to them.

The orcs whose wrists were cut off by the long sword only reacted to the fact that their hands were broken after a moment of sluggishness.

The command of the will is transmitted by the fungus, and the "universal" ingredients in the fungus soup bubbling in the chest instantly begin to be transported to the wound along the "blood vessels" in the body.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the broken palms re-grew new granulations... and continued to squirm and grow until they became complete hands again.

Ren Fengxing, who caught a glimpse of all this in confusion, couldn't help but yelled, "Fuck!"

These orcs are too fucking outrageous!

It's hard to imagine how people in this world can survive in this world where monsters are rampant.


The spray gun in his hand fired brazenly, and shot away a slightly thin orc.

Ren Fengxing, who put down his trolling, met Xu Ruoguang, who was being held in the arms of other aborigines, and smiled gently at this handsome boy. His voice sounded firm and steady, "Don't worry, You are already safe."

Without looking back, he waved his hand to the younger brother behind him and ordered: "Take them to a safe area in the rear, and leave the rest to us."

so easy.

A group of players who were proficient in melee combat, such as Kuang Xin and Gu Lan, stood behind the retreating aborigines and built a wall of protection from the players for these unlucky ordinary people.



Two jets of hot white gas spurted out from the nostrils of the orc leader. Looking at the humans gathered together, the brutal killing intent was ready to move.

Want to escape?

Today, no one can escape!

The more crowded the stage, the more opportunities he has to show his bravery.

Lifting the giant ax full of blood in his hand, the orc leader looked up to the sky and roared, "waaaaaagh!"

A total of forty or fifty orcs also spread their arms and looked up to the sky, shouting, "waaaaagh!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Every step taken by the charging orc leader was extremely heavy, and the ground shook.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Seeing all the aborigines retreating to the rear, the battle line between the players and the orcs was almost drawn just right. Ren Fengxing raised his horn to direct the audience.

The players who turned around and ran away had no bottom line, and their undisciplined escape made this retreat feel like a real rout, rather than a purposeful invitation to the enemy.

Even those with a certain degree of tactical acumen would probably have a hard time seeing through the players' true acting skills, let alone these orcs who have more muscles than brains and only want to fight.

"Waaaagh!" The roar from behind frightened the players running at the end.

"Don't bite my butt!" A big hand picked up the back of his collar and threw him away with a huge force before he could react.

Ren Fengxing, who immediately retreated to a safe area after issuing the order, stood on a stone and watched nervously and silently as the "prey" was caught.

"It's almost... almost..."

There were still a few players in the back who were not completely out of the danger zone, but if they dragged the main force of the orcs, they would leave the most powerful central explosion area.

There are also some orcs who have not completely entered the core explosion zone, but the few remaining defeated soldiers after the explosion are no match for the remaining 60 or 70 players present.

This battle is settled!

Ren Fengxing held the remote control tightly and pressed the red button suddenly!



A series of slight electronic trigger sounds sounded simultaneously underground, and a faint red light suddenly appeared in the darkness, trying to break through the obstruction of the earth and see the light of day again.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The rapid warning sounded almost within a second, and the next moment...

The raging fire filled everyone's sight...

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The explosions in the minefield where more than a dozen landmines were laid were heard in succession, but they sounded almost simultaneously.

The scorching firelight was like an incandescent lamp, almost blinding the eyes of every player watching at that moment.

The raging heat wave followed the loud noise of the explosion and blew in the face.

Players or aboriginals who were not prepared to stabilize their center of gravity staggered under the heat wave, feeling extremely panicked.

Even if it is a game, even if it does not lead to real death, this kind of loud noise is always frightening.


Ren Fengxing, who was fully prepared, took off his sunglasses and squinted at the core explosion area where the fire gradually dissipated.

The largest orc leader is in the center area, and being able to blow him up directly is undoubtedly the most beneficial news for them.

The dark shadows gradually became clear under the flickering firelight. The orc leader, whose body was charred by the explosion, slumpedly let go of his right hand holding the giant axe, and the heavy steel ax suddenly fell to the ground.

He stretched his hands to his chest, and the charred shell was peeled off from the flesh and blood like hard clothes.


The same cry now carries a bit of sadness.



With crisp sounds, many orc bodies recovered from the smoke and fire at the center of the explosion.

They followed suit, taking off the charred "shell" like their own bosses, revealing the fungal tissue underneath that seemed to be a mixture of muscles and blood vessels inside the creature.

The bloody and cruel scene made many players with less hard-hearted hearts tremble with fear, and they felt as if their skin had been peeled off...

Fortunately it was green, otherwise it would not have passed the trial.

Except for a few unlucky ones whose bodies were directly shattered by the shock wave of the explosion, there were almost no deaths in this group of orcs.

"They... aren't dead yet?"

Everyone was still full of hope for the retreat just now. After all, everyone knew that they had a trump card.

But now, all the cards are out, and the opponent is still alive and well.

The feeling of powerlessness in the short-term battle against the orcs suddenly flooded into their hearts, and many players already thought of quitting.

"Hasn't it succeeded yet?"

"The mission didn't say that we must kill these orcs. Just get the things and go..."

The players are divided into two groups.

Killing the orcs is to vent the player's desire to fight, but seizing the "human creations" on the other side is their real purpose.

I just don’t know...if I succeeded.

"Didn't anyone tell you that to deal with us, you have to chop them into pieces and then burn them?"

The orc leader's right hand, which was bloody and made of fungal structures, once again grasped the giant ax stuck in the ground. The heat rolling on the ax handle did not make him feel any discomfort, but instead aroused the violent desire to vent in his heart.

Get hurt, vent.

A close fight.

This is what the orcs love most!

Even if the means are not so evenly matched...


"Da da da da da da!"

A sound like a tractor slowly approached from a distance. Dai Lian, who rolled down the window, poked his head out of it and looked at everyone with strange eyes, "Why are you all standing there? Run!"

On the roof of the car, there is a large irregular silver-white metal object.

That is the goal of all players who have accepted the prize pool task!


"Run away!"

The things have been obtained, and the rest depends on each person's ability.

The player's alliance only has to rely on their own abilities to transport the mission target back before they get the thing.

If you can't deal with foreigners, why don't you have some means to deal with your own people?

Only the orc leader looked strangely at the small car that was dragging a large piece of stuff and moving a little slowly.

'That car... looks familiar? ’

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