That familiar paint job...

Those familiar teeth...

That familiar moon pattern...

Didn't he spray it on himself?

There is a thief!

Oh no...the car was robbed some time ago!

Also a group of humans.

A lot of people.

Of course, the main ones are the ones wearing black clothes... and one of them with a bow and arrow.

The injury on my shoulder was caused by that hairless monkey. I remember him particularly well, but my only regret is that I can't remember his appearance.

After all, humans all seem to look the same...

When he thought of the human with the bow and arrow, the orc leader felt a dull pain in the injury on his shoulder.

Even though he had no sense of pain, he still felt something sharp and threatened.

Is that the hairless monkey here?

But there doesn’t seem to be anyone wearing that kind of black clothes?


Seeing his property reappearing in front of him, the orc leader was as excited as if he had been pumped and took the lead in the charge.

Orcs are tall and strong, with powerful legs.

It may not be as sensitive as humans in terms of detailed movement reflexes, but its size is an advantage when it comes to running in a straight line.

Many players who fled were easily caught up.

"Help, help, help!"

"Don't fucking pull me!"

"I don't care. If I can't live, you can't live either! Don't even play!"

Gu Lan held on to the hilt of the sword with one hand and ran, looking back from time to time to look at the individual players who were gradually falling under the pursuit of the orcs. She felt a little unbearable and said, "Go back and fight!"

Simply escaping will only lead to defeat one by one. The so-called running faster than teammates is actually only useful for those beasts that hunt for the sake of satiation.

Although these orcs are also wild and untamed, their hunting is not as simple as filling their stomachs.

The road back to the city was still far away. After all, it took them nearly a whole day to get here. Such a long pursuit distance was enough for the orcs behind them to eat up everyone.

No one can leave until these orcs are completely defeated!

Ren Fengxing's eyes were a little tangled. He didn't have enough information about the game, so he lost confidence in his judgment.

He had never expected that landmines would be of little use to these orcs! Fortunately, those NPCs still swore that these mines could blow his ancestral graves into the sky.

Maybe it was the thunder that exploded? TM's fragmentation mine might be more effective.

As for now, running away is just a slow death, of course he knows.

But his own people were running at the front, which was the core reason for his hesitation... Even if he died, his own people would be the last to die.

Many times, when things do not turn out to be the worst, few people will truly deal with the worst plans as facts.

Gu Lan's words aggravated the gloom in his heart that he had also considered.

Ren Fengxing, who was running with long strides, suddenly stopped, raised the horn in his hand and stood in the crowd of people running backwards, "Damn it! Stop running away! Turn around and fight!"

No one paid any attention to him.

Individual players don't have that much thought. If one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, they can find an opportunity to break away from the large army and find a random direction. Presumably those orcs will not give up the large army of humans for one or two of them.

The general trend is that there are many people and there are many people, and there is flexibility when there are few people and there are few people.

"These are so stupid!" Ren Fengxing stood there shaking with anger, but fortunately his mind was still clear, "Think about it carefully! If we die, who can keep the mission goal! Even if you run away, It’s just a trip in vain!”

He paused for a moment.

The brain is spinning.

"And these... refugees! If they die, where will you learn skills? What's the difference between running away like this in vain and dying?"

Some players running in front gradually stopped and looked back behind them, trying to see other people's reactions, but found that everyone was like this.

Ren Fengxing noticed this and struck while the iron was hot, "I, Ren Fengxing, leave my words here today - as long as you don't leave now, no matter whether this mission is successful or not, no matter whether we can go back alive, you can find us after we go back." I’ll get a cash! One thousand yuan! Men do things with spit and nail! Even if you don’t know the name of our black hole, you can go out and find out casually. If I go back on my word, you can bully me online at will!”

"Damn it, if you had said that earlier, would I not have done it with you?" Immediately, a player suddenly pulled out a knife, "I just think your guild works like a bitch! I don't want the money, so I'll follow you beat!"

"Who the hell are you looking down on?" A female player with a heroic voice couldn't bear to hear it, "What's wrong with you bitch? You weren't raised by a bitch? Damn, I'm the one who ranks first today, let me show you the strength of bitches. "

"A dead ball is a dead ball. It only lasts three days! I'm done with you!"

With some warriors taking the lead, the rest of the players, even those with their own little thoughts, also stopped.

No matter whether they value the one thousand yuan in cash or the rewards in the game...or they think what Ren Fengxing said makes sense, under the herd mentality, they finally united the front.

So...the rout stopped as soon as it stopped.

Ren Fengxing was a little happy and continued to express his thoughts, "They may not be unscathed. I don't believe that they are all immortal, and their recovery must have their own limits. Please pay attention to the different degrees of injuries on their bodies. We have a chance!"

The varying degrees of recovery among the orcs was ironclad evidence. He had already noticed this, but it was useless to mention it when the players were unwilling to fight back.

Speaking out the clarion call to fight back.

The orc leader in the wild pursuit stopped and squinted his eyes in confusion.

Based on his past experience, once cowardly hairless monkeys like humans begin to lose, there is no possibility of organizing a counterattack.

But right now...

What gave them renewed courage?

Seeing those thin, hairless monkeys attacking back as if they had been beaten to death, the orc leader laughed ferociously, picked up his battle ax and was the first to rush forward.



Resistance will only make them more excited to pursue the fight!

"I still can't beat him..." Ren Fengxing frowned slightly, taking overall control of the situation.

No matter how strong the will is, it is just will, and the hard gap in strength cannot be ignored.

The current players are still too immature compared to those orcs. Before the emergence of more powerful thermal weapons, most players who entered the game not long ago were no match for a single ordinary orc.

Maybe we should pay attention to the cultivation of melee players after we return? Or after reopening?

But no matter what, I will never retreat this time!

It's only three days, so it's not impossible to exchange a group wipeout in the early stage for a strategic adjustment in the general direction.

From the rearview mirror of the car, he saw the players behind him turning back together. Dai Lian, who was walking in front of the car that was not very fast due to its heavy load, gritted his teeth and looked slightly hesitant.

Of course, he knew that something would happen sooner or later if he went down like before. The players would have to be chased and hacked to death one by one. Not to mention that the overloaded car could not run fast enough, and the limitations of the fuel tank also made it impossible for him to drive all the way back to the base.

It might not be the wisest choice for the players to take advantage of the situation and run away alone.


Looking at the bloody players in the crowd, looking at the gorilla fighting fires everywhere... Dai Lian suddenly felt that he was losing his composure.

The directional ball hit hard and the car turned around.

"What are you doing!" the fellow players asked in surprise.

Of course, Dai Lian was not the only one who had the task of stealing the house. As temporary allies, everyone did not trust each other. At the moment, there were four people in the car including Dai Lian.

Thorns, Black Holes, and Scatters each have a representative.

Dai Lian had no time to answer his question, so he just asked: "Can you drive?"

" way." The player sitting in the co-pilot was a little confused.

He had never encountered any car in the game. It was his first time riding in a car today, and he knew how to drive it.

"Then just hold it down and don't move."

After correcting the direction, he found a heavy object and pressed it firmly against the accelerator. Dai Lian took the co-pilot's hand and pressed it on the steering ball, "Hold the direction, don't move!"

After saying that, he unbuckled his seat belt and flipped over from the open main driver's window onto the roof of the car.

"What does he want to do?"

"I do not know……"

The three people in the car looked at each other.

With the strong wind blowing across his face, Dai Lian, who was standing alone on the roof of the car, set up his long bow and drew out the arrow.

The long bow was pressed under him, and the arrow rested softly on it. He looked sharply at the battlefield not far away, looking for the most suitable attack angle from the side.

An... angle where as many orcs as possible form a straight line!

The bow is new.

The arrows are also specially customized.

After you have money, of course you need to update the equipment you use. Not to mention daily consumption, at least there must be a few decisive battle weapons of reliable quality at critical moments.

The skill possessed by Dai Lian is the trick that the trio regards as their final trump card!

Go forward!

A little further!

The fierce wind howled past his ears. The howling sound made it almost impossible for Dai Lian to hear any other sounds, so he naturally filtered out the howling wind and looked for that flash of opportunity with all his heart.

'It's now! ’

Seeing the orc leader actively attacking the area where the gorilla and the beautiful president were, Dai Lian's voice almost traveled through time and space and reached Kuang Xin's ears.

"Gorilla! Back off!"

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