The task of guarding the black streets is only a new qualification for issuing tasks after the force's reputation level is increased. The original qualifications for tasks are still there, and Bai E needs to design new tasks for them.

for example……

Clean up dangerous sources around the black streets.

There are not only four major disasters in this world: Zergs, orcs, demons, and omnics. In this era of chaos in machines, souls, and genes, not only humans are affected, but also various native species in nature. Under the intrusion of various pheromones, they have become elusive.

The beasts in nature are undergoing mutations all the time. One day they may be confused newborn beasts, and the next they will transform into indescribable monsters covered in blood and covered with spiked tentacles.

Only the city walls can completely isolate the madness of those wild beasts. Bodies can be seen from time to time around the black streets and even farther away - both human and beast.

No one did it before, because there is no benefit in doing this kind of thing, and those things are unpredictable. As long as it doesn't happen to them, those who have the strength will not care about it, and those who have no strength will give it to them.

Now, finding these dangerous creatures and clearing them can be regarded as a combat mission for players.

"The wolves that I asked you to clean up in the Black Forest before were just a training exercise when your strength was just beginning. Now that you are capable of dealing with more crises, I think you should also shoulder more responsibilities. Of course, the contradictions within human beings need to be taken seriously. , external threats are happening all the time.”

[The commission description is automatically generated...]

[Side Mission - Eliminate Threats (Combat-type Commission): Humans living outside the city are always threatened by the wild environment. As your strength has grown, you can already try to actively track the traces of many dangerous sources and try to eliminate them.

Task requirements: Clean up dangerous sources 0/3~5 (adjustable).

Mission rewards: 50~200 general experience points (adjustable), item rewards (undetermined). 】

(Note: Allow "auto-complete"; "Permissions" and "Expenses" will be deducted and locked after confirming the release delegation.)

[Do you want to publish the current commission? 】

As he spoke, Bai E looked at Kuang Xin again, "What about you? How does it feel to fight in the arena? Is there any hope of continued progress?"

Kuang Xin's eyes lit up, "Yes!"

It’s so great!

In that place, he can completely let himself go and do whatever he wants. The crazier he is, the more excited he can make others, just like he is back home.

Now, whenever you are around the city, if you don't go to the arena for a few fights at night, it's like having lice on your body.

My hands are itchy and eager to fight!

"Okay." Bai E nodded. If the player can make progress, it means he can make progress. Perfect!

"Then you continue to improve your strength in that arena, and at the same time you have to be more careful. I always feel that something is not right about that place."

Looking back carefully now, the killing intent shown by the Blood God's opponent in that deadly battle was too sudden, and the Blood God's outburst was also a bit weird.

The demonic blessing ability he later showed in the Cave of Fear and the Lord of Fear's abilities did not seem to have the same origin, and his behavior at that time was also very strange, not like being controlled by the Lord of Fear at all.

Maybe... the demon that blessed him was not the Lord of Fear.

On the contrary, the atmosphere of the arena is somewhat similar to the abilities he displayed.

Kuang Xin's mission continues.

The other is resource-based tasks——

"The residents of those black streets have been in chaos for so long that they may have forgotten how to live a normal life."

Breeding? Livestock? Planting? manual? trade?

It’s not that no one has tried to do this before. It’s just that those who do things will be robbed and starve to death, while those who don’t do things will benefit from life.

Now starting over, they may not know what to do, and efficiency is also an issue.

"You need to set an example for them."

[The commission description is automatically generated...]

[Side mission - Necessary for survival (resource-based commission): Find tamable beasts for the black street, find suitable land for cultivation and planting, and try to carry out cooperative production.

Mission requirements: Improve production means to obtain supplies needed for survival.

Mission reward: Technology point*1, item reward (undetermined). 】

(Note: There is a physical submission link. The current commission cannot be "automatically completed" and needs to be "accepted and completed". If it is detected that there is a "spokesperson" for the increase in power level, the "spokesperson" can be entrusted for acceptance; after confirming the release of the commission, "authority" and "expenditure" will be deducted from the lock.)

[Do you want to publish the current commission? 】

Quite smart...


"Gilder, please pay more attention to what they are doing. You should have experience in this area and can give them some pointers if necessary."

"Okay, sir!" Gilder nodded with conviction.

Your Majesty's arrangements are in an orderly manner, and if you are so concerned about the newly-taken underworld, then if the people you brought out from the oasis do not have a satisfactory life in the future, your Majesty will naturally not let anyone down.

To surrender to the adults wholeheartedly may be the most correct decision I have ever made in my life.

["Lucky Blow" charge +3. 】

"in addition……"

Bai E's tone was light, and he glanced at Xu Ruoguang, who was standing behind everyone and looked out of place. He had not joined the organization and had not accepted a quota for his own personal mission, which made him look a little pitiful.

"You must improve your strength as soon as possible. The future is still far away. After all, developing around the city is not our only way out."

Maybe my mission is to control at least 51% of the real power in Blackwater City, but how long will it take for a small soldier like me to slowly rise up the ranks?

And they are all forces within the city. Even if they are temporarily commanded by themselves, the power given by others can be taken back at any time. Only when you master the power that truly belongs to you can your voice be heard by everyone at the critical moment.

Ever since he established his goal, Bai E's way of thinking has changed.

"I discovered a ruins in the wild. The foundation is still there, and the functions can be put into use again with a little repair. When your strength has developed to a similar level, we can start organizing development. In this era, too many people live in too many places. It’s difficult, we must build a warm enough home for everyone..."

"Yes! Sir!"

Xu Ruoguang's lips trembled and he was the first to respond loudly.

It’s so good! love it!

The good thing is this bite!

This caused several other players to look at him strangely - this guy has done a lot of acting, right?

"If there's no problem, you can go do your work first."

Bai E's intention to drive people away was obvious, so Dai Lian responded proactively: "Yes, sir!"

After the players left, Bai E looked at Gilder and said, "You will have to take more care of the underworld problem later on. I just set a tone yesterday. Have you considered the specific management details?"

Gilder was cautious and quite humble, "I have thought about it a bit, but I don't know if there is anything missing. Can you help me take a look?"




Establish black street residents' own patrol guards, carry out cooperative small handicraft production workshops, and organize everyone to learn production capabilities.

Gilder, who was born in the wilderness, can be said to be full of group survival skills. Not only does he have excellent organizational skills, he is also outstanding in his ability to create various materials needed for life.

A grasp of practical management.

After listening to Kilde's explanation of his thoughts, Bai E nodded with satisfaction, "You have considered it very carefully. If there are practical problems, you will make adjustments later. Let's do this for now... just be careful."

In the past, Wallis could almost be said to be the leader of the underworld forces. Although this "leader" was very valuable and even unrecognized, he was definitely the largest one.

There are many men who follow him. Even if they have to obey Bai E due to external factors, the nature of these people has not changed - they bully the weak, bully the weak and shy away from the strong, idle and lazy.

For these people, Kilde chose the lowest level to let them bear more cool labor, while the underworld law enforcement team belonging to Dawn is composed of ordinary people who were oppressed in the past.

Gilder's starting point is good, but when implementing it, one must be careful about the rebellious spirit of those who are used to being domineering.

Evil thoughts are most likely to attract the attention of high-dimensional demons. When forcing them to work, we must also pay attention to the ideological education of their souls.

"I understand, sir..."

"I believe you." Bai E looked directly into his eyes, full of sincerity, "But if there are any inconvenient things during management, you can let them do it, and protect yourselves. The underworld is just a pilot, you are the ones who core."

As he spoke, Bai E raised his head and pointed in the direction of the entrance to the crypt.

If something happens to the players, they are not afraid of death, let alone offending others.

To manage well, means are necessary.

"Let's do this for now. If anything happens, please communicate with me immediately. If it's not convenient for you to come back often, let Fernandi take the lead. If there are no unexpected situations, I will come here every day at noon."

"Yes! Sir."

"By the way, I have a mission tomorrow. I'm not sure how long I'll be there for. If you encounter something you can't solve, delay it as much as possible."

After everything was arranged, Bai E left with satisfaction.


There was no scheduled training program in the afternoon, and psychic stress resistance training only occurred once every other day. However, considering the goal of the mission, Bai E wanted to learn some abilities that might be useful.

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