Such as "anatomy".

The so-called "Zerg Purification Extract" can be extracted from the corpses of insects. This thing is the core material for making genetic optimization liquid. The specific production details are not clear yet, but there is definitely no problem in preparing more raw materials.

Now that you have the idea of ​​building a large-scale organization, you must not be choked by others on core resources.

Technical issues may depend on your future opportunities, or on the efforts of the players, but the raw materials belong to whoever gets them.

You can't always rely on your own lucky hits as a source of resources. It's not stable enough and it's too wasteful.

After mastering the method of using technology to extract materials directly from corpses, players can also organize a hunting team to accumulate resources for their own organization.

There was still quite a distance from the place where the anatomy was taught, and the bloody and rancid smell wafting from the air had already filled Baie's nasal cavity.

It's still early and the class hasn't started yet.

There was only one man wearing a leather coat that was so thick with blood that it couldn't be washed off... a butcher?

It seemed that he was preparing the objects to be dissected in class for the incoming students. When he saw Bai E's figure, he looked at him with a slightly evil gaze.

The look in his eyes made Bai E think for a moment that he was thinking about which piece of meat to start cutting on his body...

"I haven't seen you before, and I haven't received any notification that a new student has joined." The other party's tone was cold, and there was blood lingering between his teeth as he spoke.

Bai E asked cautiously, "I heard that anyone who is interested can come and observe?"

Anatomy is different from the "bandaging" that we have learned before. Wrong treatment methods can lead to death.

Therefore, someone must arrange contact before you can join the team of students. The qualifications of a doctor are fixed, and there is no such thing as a guest appearance.

The anatomy is different. Sometimes after a big battle, the opponent's reserve force may be reinforced at any time. At this time, it is a race against time to take away as much useful loot as possible. Even if the method is not so authentic, the quality of the loot obtained will be reduced. If it is defective or even rare, it is still profitable.

Every time the human army goes to war, it costs a huge amount of money. It is difficult to support the consumption of a long-term war without fighting.

Therefore, even if you only learn a little bit, you can still create profits, and the threshold is not high.

And for individual soldiers, if they can clean the battlefield after the war and successfully bring back useful supplies to the military camp, they can obviously gain more military merit. This is a win-win situation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many warriors like to master more skills that can bring benefits to themselves when they are free, and they will participate in many courses that can be audited.

"Okay." The butcher nodded and went about carrying the corpses to the autopsy table.

Insects... orcs... mutants... beasts...

There are countless small-scale establishments in the military camp that go out on missions almost every day, either for exploration or patrol, and those alien species never rest, there is always a chance of encountering the enemy.

Soldiers captured by the enemy were naturally buried in the wild, and the corpses brought back alive or killed by the soldiers could also be converted into human military medals.

On this land, old enemies hunt each other.

Bai E stood quietly aside, waiting for the official students to gather.

He actually wanted to help, but was rejected...

The butcher who was making preparations occasionally glanced at the figure standing to one side.

The other party's attitude of waiting seriously is neither arrogant nor impetuous, which is quite satisfactory, but this kind of waiting is destined to be in vain.

Most of the key points of anatomy are indeed not demanding, but he does not teach people entry-level knowledge points every day.

As the course progresses, there are some more in-depth knowledge points that need to be learned in conjunction with practical exercises. The things I heard in the auditorium have not been verified in practice and are of little use.

Moreover, there is no foundation laid before, and there is no room for imagination. It is a waste of time to listen on the side.

Shaking his head secretly, waiting for the time to expire, regardless of whether all the formal students had arrived, the butcher shouted, "Gather!"

The blood-evil energy all over his body spurted out, and some of the timid people even turned pale under the loud shout.

"In the last class, we talked about what we need to pay attention to when dissecting corpses of different races." The butcher held a boning knife in his hand, rubbing it on the smooth iron, making a harsh sound, and glanced at the person in front of him. The soldiers seemed to be planning who to attack, "This class will begin with actual combat! Of course, for those who are observing..."

The butcher glanced at Bai E. There were two or three other warriors with him. As the course progressed, there were fewer and fewer observers. Those who attended with Bai E were intermittently from the beginning. There is a certain foundation.

Only Bai E... was a completely unfamiliar face.

"...They can cut off as much as they can, even if the cut parts cannot be used, it is not considered a loss. But you!" The butcher's eyes swept across the formal students in front of him indifferently, "Sir, sir, spend time and energy to train you. I want you to be the best you can be. You must not make any mistakes in your operations. The organizations that can be used must not waste a single point, and the organizations that cannot be used must not waste even a cent!"

It's like the toxin glands in an insect's body. Once accidentally punctured during dissection, the toxin-soaked flesh and blood will instantly become irreusable.

Moreover, even if their own will has died, such as bugs and orcs, their powerful vitality still retains a stress response in their bodies even after death. If you do not pay attention to these feedbacks, you will waste your treasure. of trophies.

"Now...let's do it!"

The formal students worked in pairs and came to the dissection table where different corpses were placed one after another.

The butcher was patrolling around, observing each student's performance while casually explaining some basic knowledge points.

"The most essential part of a bug is the tender flesh including its heart. Their essence extract is extracted here. When cutting, be careful not to let their acidic blood contaminate the surface tissue, otherwise the extracted essence will The extract is useless.”

"Don't waste the fungal soup in the orc's chest. This is the most precious part of their body. After processing, it can be used as fertilizer for growing crops. The increase in yield is extremely terrifying."

You can say that you don't care, but you can still say a few words that the audience can understand without wasting time.

[You are studying "Learning - Anatomy", the progress is 1%...]

"The brains of orcs are also the core part for extracting their genes, but we can be a little rougher to save time. Those fungal tissues are not as soft and easy to destroy as they seem."

[You are studying "Learning - Anatomy", the progress is 19%...]

The technique of dissection is not just about cutting pieces of flesh from the corpse, and the cut meat is not just for eating.

Dissection itself requires familiarity with the target structure and what uses the products obtained after dissection can be used. These are all knowledge that need to be learned in "anatomy".

There is even more information than bandaging.

"Some mutants will condense a mutated 'gene seed' in their heart, lungs, brain, etc. These seeds carry their mutated core abilities, but are extremely easy to damage. They must be carefully dissected during dissection. Be extremely careful!”

"During the dissection, you must plan a plan in advance, and have a priority order for the required goals. Don't completely ignore the other parts just because of the core piece of meat, which will lead to a waste of everything in the dissection process. We don't have many resources. We must make full use of every recyclable resource as much as possible.”

Bai E paid full attention, listening to the instructor's explanation. He stretched his head and looked at the operations of the two students who were tiptoeing on the dissecting table in front of him, digging something into the smelly chest cavity.

"Okay" Today, the actual anatomy practice of the formal students did not look very smooth. The butcher was walking around, giving instructions and looking more and more serious.

"No, no! Following the texture of the muscles, if you cut hard like this, not only is it laborious and thankless, but it is also easy to lose control and poke parts that shouldn't be touched!"

[You are studying "Knowledge - Anatomy", the progress is 50%...]

[The learning progress of "Learning - Anatomy" has reached the minimum requirement, and the teaching mode is turned on. 】

[Teaching: You have learned a lot about basic knowledge about anatomy, and the demonstrations of others are now your best teachers. You can pay a certain price (combat experience/general experience) to learn the opponent's performance in operation to complete your understanding of anatomy. Of course, since the target you are watching lacks experience, you will also need to pay additional experience consumption to automatically correct the mistakes. (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

you still need to ask? Let’s learn.

Anyway, Bai E, who has over 10,000 experience stores, doesn't care at all about this little consumption.

[You are paying for combat experience to learn other people’s anatomy experience...]

[You are studying "Learning - Anatomy", the progress is 55%...]

[...Anatomy experience +1. 】

[You are studying "Learning - Anatomy", the progress is 61%...]

[...Anatomy experience +1. 】

Anatomy is a subject that requires a combination of time and knowledge. Bai E wandered around in the crowd, relying on the expertise of the experts, and finally succeeded in mastering anatomy knowledge.

[The current anatomy experience is 0/300. When you reach 300 points, you can master "Level 2 Anatomy". 】

[Dissection (Level 1/4): Familiarity with the target that needs to be dissected allows you to have the ability to extract "difficult and easy" resources from complex bodies with a high probability from now on. 】

Not only cost less than 200 experience points, which is a little more wasteful than adding points directly, but not much.

[It is detected that the character's current combat skills are excellent, and your familiarity with the physical structure of the combat target allows you to launch attacks against them (light firearms, long-range weapons, fighting), etc. There is a "great probability" of basic energy level output +1 and basic damage. Value +1. 】

Is there still a linkage between Turtle and Turtle?

Make a lot of money! Bai E felt slightly happy.

The butcher who was also patrolling the place was standing next to an anatomy table. Looking at the two students who were in the same group but busy, the butcher's voice even had a bit of murderous intent, "How long have you been studying for!" It’s not that I haven’t practiced it before, so why are there still no rules and regulations now!”

The butcher's voice was stern, making the two students tremble.

However, the instructor, who seemed to have a bad temper, did not stop attacking, "It's too difficult for you to learn such delicate work. You should go to the battlefield and pick up a machete to chop people with such rude actions!"

"Yes... I'm sorry, instructor." The natural man who was scolded replied in a low voice.

He just didn't dare go to the frontline battlefield, so he asked his superiors to apply to learn these aerobatic units that didn't need to go to the front line of the battlefield immediately.

Logistics soldiers are also soldiers, they are organized but don’t have to work hard.

The butcher did not stop attacking, "Trash! Even those who are watching can do better than you!"

Another natural soldier who was worried that his "job" would be robbed muttered in a low voice, "I don't believe it..."

"I don't believe it either." A strange voice suddenly sounded not far away, "How about you let me try?"

Minor repairs

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